Encounter Conditions
scuffed mining helmet
While underground?
After entering the mine entrance
Initial Text
The tunnels twist and turn until the light of your headlamp reveals a shape of misty tendrils wearing a matching lamp. Huh.
It ignores you, inspecting the walls instead.
Summary of Choices
- Grab it -
- Approach it slowly -
- Watch patiently -
- Leave it be - walk away?
Choice Text and Results
Grab it
You leap forward to grab the ghostly figure, but it blows through your body as if you're not even there. After a few more attempts, all you've managed is chilling yourself to the bone.
You've gained 10 energy of Spectral Curse
You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes
Approach it slowly
You slowly approach the figure, step by step, until you're standing right behind it. After a few tense seconds, it howls with a voice like stones grinding together and whips around to face you, bringing its pick down towards you in the same motion.
(Fight a Spectral Miner)
Watch patiently
You find a comfortable section of rock and watch as the miner chips away at the wall. Strangely, the chips seem to disappear the moment they hit the ground.
Eventually even your patience eventually wears out, but it was pretty relaxing while it lasted.
You regain 10-20 hit points!
You've earned 4 XP in Will
Or, with a mining pick, mining shirt, and mining pants equipped:
You find a comfortable section of rock and watch as the miner chips away at the wall. Strangely, the chips seem to disappear the moment they hit the ground.
After a seemingly endless wait, he turns towards you, fire in his eyes. He grinds away at you with a voice like granite.
"Get back to work. Drones don't rest and neither can we if we want to beat them. Get moving or get replaced!"
You regain 12-20 hit points!
You've earned 4 XP in Will
Leave it be
Yeah, there's crazy and then there's "imagining there are ghosts mining under Metroplex" crazy. It's probably best to just pretend you didn't see anything.
Kicks you out of the mine.
See Walk Away