Ghoul Elixir


Image FilledtestTube25.jpg
Description If you showed this vial to someone of a scientific mindset, they'd probably say it could be almost anything… maybe that they needed to run some tests. Holding the vial makes it pretty obvious to you, though. There's something hungry inside of it, waiting and dreaming for someone to let it into their body.
Type Drug
Requires 8 Base Will, 4 Body
Use You drink the disgusting fluid. It tastes like rotten meat and marrow from a freshly cracked bone.

(and after effects list:)

It isn't until later that you wonder how it reminded you of marrow.
Multi You chug the contents of the vials, not pausing to taste it too closely.

Even the hints you get remind you of rotten meat and marrow from a freshly cracked bone.

It isn't until later that you wonder how it reminded you of marrow.
Effects Gain 35 energy of Etheric (or other Sight effect)
Gain 35 energy of Burning Vision
(Gain an additional 7 energy of both effects per point of Eclipse Duration)
You learned a new technique: Ghoul Bite
You learned a new technique: Call to Feast
(NOTE: It looks like you learn at least 5 techniques, more with bonus Eclipse Duration)


Infuse some Ghoul Protein with Sparkling Eclipse
Ghoul Protein Sparkling Eclipse
= Ghoul Elixir


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toolbox.jpg This item cannot be salvaged.
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