
Encounter Conditions
Passing maze (I thought my way through 3 times and got the noncombat hole another 2-3?
Initial Text
Winding your way to the end of the maze, you find a grand staircase leading up to the Hall of Sculptures. Or, more relevantly right now, the Halloween party.
A few students trail up the stairs as you watch.
Or, if Etheric:
Winding your way to the end of the maze, you find a grand staircase leading up to the Hall of Sculptures. Or, more relevantly right now, the Halloween party.
A few students trail up the stairs as you watch. Strange sounds drift back down to replace them… music and the rustle of bodies, of course, but also creaking stone and whispers in a language you do not recognize.
Summary of Choices
- Peek up - gain 3 XP Perception, and if etheric: gain castor capsule
- Head upstairs - go to the Hall of Sculptures
- Stay down here - walk away
Choice Text and Results
Peek up
You creep halfway up the stairs and peek over the edge. The students partying seem to be having a good time, although you expected more of them somehow.
The decorations seem to be in order and refreshments are set out. Looks… like a Halloween party, really.
You've earned 3 XP in Perception
Or, if Etheric:
You creep halfway up the stairs and peek over the edge. The students partying seem to be having a good time, but it's hard to understand how.
Can't they see the statues moving? You duck back behind the stairs before any of them can attack you.
As you make your way back down, a young man in a bloody costume hands you an oblong pill. "Too early for the shakes, gotta clear your stomach… er, head… actually, I guess they both work."
You found: Castor capsule
You've earned 3 XP in Perception
Head upstairs
You make your way to the party upstairs. A memorial to the fallen of the Orbital Wars greets you… which is a little out of keeping with the party around you, but the rest of the level is covered in spooky decorations.
(Sets location to Hall of Sculptures)
Stay down here
Yeah, there's no point going up stairs when there's so much cool stuff down here.