Guarded Trees



Encounter Conditions

Only during Christmas 2010

Initial Text

A strangely festive scene unfolds at the entrance to one dock, where dozens of security personnel stand among a thicket of plastic Christmas trees, their boughs heavy with snow. It's hard to imagine what about the trees demands so much security, unless they come with amazing presents.

Summary of Choices

  1. Ask for a tree - Get laughed at
  2. Demand a tree - Fight 3 guards
  3. Pick off a guard - something happens
  4. Leave them - something happens

Choice Text and Results

Ask for a tree

You head up to the guards and politely ask for a tree.

They have a hearty laugh at your expense. Jerks.

Or, if you are active in gang warfare and your gang has control of the Waterfront

The guard looks at you like you've sprouted another head. "You want a… tree?"

He snaps out of his confusion after a momentary pause. "Of course! Of course! Let me go get it!"

True to his word, he comes back a moment later with a tree.

You found: fake christmas tree

Demand a tree

You tell them in no uncertain terms that they'll be giving you a tree. They disagree with surprising vigor.

Either they really hate Christmas or they're more afraid of their bosses than they are of you.

Fight 3 Dock Security

After killing ~14 guards, encounter text changes to:

You tell them in no uncertain terms that they'll be giving you a tree. They disagree quite vigorously, although they seem to be catching on to why their coworkers have all gone missing.

(Fight 5 Dock Security)

After killing ~28 guards, encounter text changes to:

He nods, his face fixed in an expression of terror. "Of course! Of course! Sorry for giving you problems. Here, take one!"

True to his word, he fetches a tree for you.

You found: fake christmas tree

On unknown condition (see discussion for details) text changes to:

The guard looks at you like you've sprouted another head. "You want a… tree?"

He snaps out of his confusion after a momentary pause. "Of course! Of course! Let me go get it!"

True to his word, he comes back a moment later with a tree.

You found: fake christmas tree

Pick off a guard

You wait until a security guard goes on one of their innumerable breaks. From there, it's easy to catch him alone.

(Fight Dock Security)

Leave them

You decide it's not worth tangling with them now. Maybe somebody else will get you a tree for Christmas.

See Walk Away

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