Halloween 2010
October 3rd? (Could have been as early as the 1st, perhaps)
The Happy Art Student began to talk about the upcoming event when asked about Halloween.
October 4th
- A rally occurred on The Quad
- Various people related to the university had things to say about the upcoming Halloween celebrations:
- Andrea the Grad Student
- Dave, the Horrible Poet
- Dr. Myers
- The Happy Art Student
- The Insulting Punk
- Professor Evans
- The Student Selling Books
- Rachel from Channel 2 News interviewed an administrator about the university's announcement.
October 9th
- A nervous frat boy showed up in the VIP Room
October 10th
- Halloween Candy Drive showed up on the Quad
- University Bookstore starts selling fundraising buckets
- the Halloween Server can be accessed through the Open Computer Lab, allowing enterprising hackers to cheat their way onto the list of fundraisers
- Each night, whoever is at the top of the fundraiser list is awarded an Emerald Gift ticket and a fundraising ribbon, and their score (# of buckets sold or hacked) is reset. Everyone else's scores carry over to the next day.
October 24th
- Ecliptic Books shows up in the VIP Room
- Everyone received this message from Emily:
From: Halloween Committee (System)
Sent: 2010-10-24 16:10:24
It's come to the committee's attention that a collection of tickets from last year's Halloween party were released earlier today. Only tickets labeled 'Emerald Gift Ticket' are valid for this year's party. Thank you for your understanding.Happy Halloween!
Emily Davers
Committee Chair
October 25th
- basement-ballroom-2010 zone opens up
- Guard Heading Home starts heading home from the Waterfront
- A Counter-Party Plan is formulated in the VIP Room
- Halloween Crates appear on The Quad
- An Apathetic Argument breaks out in the Happy Hour about Halloween plans
October 26th
- With the stage set up, some encounters in the basement-ballroom-2010 have changed, including a portal that you can see or even fight if you are Etheric.
October 31st
Emerald Gift Party
& Happy Hour Halloween
The Happy Hour has a permanent (?) DJ now!
page revision: 28, last edited: 18 Oct 2012 03:20