Halloween 2020 Rewards
Condition Message Rewards
Always A security guard with dark rings under his eyes sighs as you approach. "I hope it was a hell of a party," he grumbles and heads deeper into the parking garage.
For helping with the setup "They left this for you." You found: x sugar bones
For ??? "This too. No idea what that's about, figured you'd know." You found: decorated punk jacket
For ??? "This too. No idea what that's about, figured you'd know." You found: commemorative bone
Also for helping with the setup? "And a delivery in your name. Apparently I take your mail now." You found: x flasks of Halloween
For significantly helping make the party etheric? (Along with flasks of Halloween above) You found: gaudy eye ring
For significantly killing Third Eye members at the party? (Along with flasks of Halloween above) You found: orange hilt blade
For significantly helping ??? (Along with flasks of Halloween above) You found: haunted PDA
For ??? "Somebody dropped this off for you the morning after. Don't ask me how they got your size." You found: honorary punk pants
For saving a student at Party Gone Wrong? "Somebody you escorted out left this. I don't think they ever wore it, but you can give it back if you find them." You found: oppressive skull mask
For donating ? "And that Yvonne girl wanted you to have this ribbon and, I guess, a piece of a costume you left?" You found: reaper robes

You found: cybernetic fundraising ribbon
Always? "People were also apparently too busy fighting to eat all the candy, so help yourself." You found: x of candy corn, peanut butter candy, candy eyeball, candy bone, skullbreaker
You found: candy ribcage


You've earned the following 2020 Titles: <see below>
(Reigning Titles are available until someone new takes the title)

Condition Title
Significant work toward funding Funder of Halloween
Most help to make the party etheric? Fire of Halloween
??? Hand of Halloween
??? Bones of Halloween
??? Student of Halloween
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