Halloween Costumes

Every Halloween so far, an NPC organizer has rewarded people for showing up in costume to the Halloween Party with a caramel apple. For the full encounter text see:

Some costumes may not require the full outfit; only confirmed combinations have been listed, along with likely parenthetical alternatives.

Note: In 2013, there was additional text (or different text?) found but not recorded along the lines of "can't go wrong with fake blood". Likely conditional: Dripping with Gore or Fake Blood. This may only apply to the Doctor outfit or be an addition to any outfit.

Costume Components Text
Achromaton achromatic mask
achromatic blade (or achromatic rifle?)
achromatic vest
achromatic slacks
2011: She looks you over, wide eyed. "Wow. That's just amazing. The light is just… wow, it's like the light can talk to you."
2012, 2013: She looks you over, wide eyed. "Wow. That's just amazing. That's perfect for the museum here, like you're saying something about the very concept of color."
Bum knit cap
garbage sticker
dirty old trenchcoat
smelly old pants
2011: She looks over your outfit, smiling sadly. "Reminding everyone of the injustice in the system. I suppose you're braver than I."
or She looks over your outfit, a quizzical smile on her face. "I suppose that wasn't too hard to pick up on the way here from Southside… the council used to do a soup kitchen there, you know. It was years ago now, before I got here, but the gang violence got to be too much."
2012: She looks over your outfit, smiling sadly. "Well, I'll give you this… it's classier than the guy in the hobo costume."
or She chuckles a little at your costume. "So many classic costumes just seem to be in poor taste at the moment… Sorry for being maudlin, have some candy. Eat it in good health."
2013: She looks over your outfit, smiling sadly. "Well, I'll give you this… it's classier than the guy in the hobo costume."
or She chuckles a little at your costume. "Maybe this makes me a terrible person, but we've got a dozen people here with zombie costumes and a dozen people with corpse costumes. I cannot tell the difference, but here's some candy." (possible bug)
Containment Suit heavy containment helmet or infested containment helmet (or containment helmet?)
heavy containment top or infested containment top (or containment suit top?)
heavy containment pants or infested containment pants (or containment suit pants?)
2010, 2011, 2013: She looks you over, frowning a little. "Good costume. I'm just glad it's not the real thing again."
2012: She looks you over, frowning a little. "Good costume but maybe not the best timing for it. I hope everyone's alright."
Construction Worker Midgard cap or Midgard hardhat
battered hammer (or the Hammer's sledge or polysteel support or steel length?)
safety vest
comfy jeans or work pants
(Untested: electrical kit might count towards this)
2013: She looks you over, smiling. "Can't go wrong with the classics. And who doesn't love building things?"
Doctor reinforced surgical mask or surgeon's mask
scrubs top
scrubs bottoms
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: She looks you over and nods. "Doctor. Simple, but effective."
Midgard Security security visor
Midgard Mk9
Midgard riot shield
light armored vest
basic scope
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: She looks over your outfit, frowning slightly. "Great costume, really spot on. Just… try to stay away from the punks, okay. They're still looking for excuses to break things."
Mummy mummy mask
torso wrappings
wrapping pants
2009, 2010, 2011: She looks you over, smiling. "Can't go wrong with the classics, right." She gestures down towards her own costume with her free hand.
2012, 2013: She looks you over, smiling. "Can't go wrong with the classics, right. Just don't chase me down if I steal your chocolatey booty… treasure, whatever they call it when mummies have it."
Punk punk jacket
punk pants
Industrial Mohawk
2010, 2011: Her eyes narrow a bit as she locates the nearest group of punks, turning so they can hear her. "Wow. Great costume. I'm glad there's one day a year when we can all dress up like idiots."
2012, 2013: "Welcome to the part… Oh, that's a costume isn't it. Well played."
Ratty Suit ratty top hat
ratty suit coat or filthy duster or stained bandages
ratty suit pants
2010, 2011, 2012: Her eyes narrow as she surveys your outfit. "Hobo? Slags survivor? Mole person? I dunno, but it's a neat look."
Sea King buried crown
shark tooth blade
shark hide vest (or shark hide jacket?)
shark hide pants
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: She looks over your costume. "Lots of costumes I don't recognize this year, but great work. Love the sword!"
Third Eye lieutenant's shades or slick shades
hunter sidearm
Third Eye shirt
hunter focus
2010: She looks you over and claps. "Third Eye! Well done and relevant!"
Valentine Killer shining glasses
psychopath's knife
old scalpel
immaculate suit coat
pressed slacks
strange watch
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013: She looks over your outfit with obvious admiration. "Wow. I'm just glad it's Halloween. That's spot on Valentine Killer. Incredible."
Vampire vampire cape 2010, 2011: She flashes you a quick smile, fangs glittering in the dim light. "Love the cape. We must shop at the same place." (3 xp will instead of apple)
Vigilante Vigilante's mask
toy Vigilante pistol (or repaired Vigilante pistol or show Vigilante pistol?)
2011: She looks over your costume with a broad grin. "Oh, Arthur, you finally made… wait, sorry, I mistook you for someone else. Great costume, though."
Wolfman wolfman mask (distorted wolfman mask+wolfskin belt did not work when tested in 2011) 2010: She looks you over, frowns slightly, and sighs. "Poor Chuck, I thought he might decide to make something of himself after that."

You get the feeling that she was probably talking to herself more than you as she wanders back into the crowd. (3 xp perception instead of apple)
2011: She looks you over, frowns slightly, and sighs. "Poor Chuck, I hope he's alright."

You get the feeling that she was probably talking to herself more than you as she wanders back into the crowd. (3 xp perception instead of apple))
2012, 2013: She looks you over and smiles. "Love the costume!"

Failed Costumes

The following were not recognized as costumes:
Outfit Last tested year Notes
offensive shirt 2010 might work as part of punk costume?
pimp hat 2010
zombie shirt+zombie pants+ancient saber 2010 Zombie
bloody shirt+bloody pants 2010 try with Fake Blood or Dripping with Gore?
vintage 2010 probably refers to vintage suit coat+vintage suit pants+noir retro hat/investigator's hat
black stone 2010 probably refers to black stone vest+black stone pants(+black stone knuckles?)
black silver 2010 probably refers to black silver visor+blackened vest+any black silver weapon
navigator 2010 probably refers to navigator's glasses+navigator's penknife+ancient sextant
rebreather mask+speargun+wetsuit top+wetsuit pants+kid's flippers 2011 Scuba Diver
twitch visor, memory sidearm, expanded handheld, biofeedback vest, mimetic pants, blazing PDA 2011 Hacker
ghoulish crown, hooked chain, bloody shirt, bloody pants, first aid kit 2011 Ghoul
the best helmet, imaginary spear, inspiring horn 2011 Emerald Meditator
regal crown, fused blade, fused breastplate, fused plates 2011 Knight… King… Thing
hustler's cue, hustler's coat 2011 Pool Hustler
new fishing pole, Extreme tackle box 2011 Angler
STAFF shirt 2011 Staff member
fake skull mask/crude skull mask, scraped bone, skeletal hand, bone gang jacket 2011 Skeleton
Emerald gift party hat, green treat bucket, crafted candy bowl 2011 Emerald Gift Enthusiast
wreath of laurels, drowning flame, sheet toga, Halloween ribbon 2011 Herald
scaled vest+scaled pants/sheet of scales 2011 Godzilla
crocodile pants, crocodile shield, crocodile hide jacket 2011 Crocodile Man
smoking talons, trophy talons 2011 Specter
dashing hat, ancient saber/gauzy parasol, vintage suit coat, vintage suit pants, fine gold monocle 2011 Victorian Aristocrat
sailing cap, sailing shirt, sailing pants, ancient sextant, sailor's charm, ancient rifle/inlaid saber 2012 Sailor
owl's mask+feathered cloak+jagged hawk talon+raven's eyes 2012 Birdsuit
scuffed mining helmet, mining pick, mining shirt, mining pants 2013 Miner
nurse cap, faux aid kit 2013 Nurse (test with scrubs)
twisted glasses, torn anarchy shirt 2013 Zombie Student
festival mask, eternal sparkler, festival doll, magical princess dress 2013 Magical Princess
Although some outfits became costumes in subsequent years:
Costume Year it became a costume
Achromaton 2011
Bum 2011
Midgard Worker 2013
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