Halloween Hall


This is in the Oldtown area, available only on October 31, 2016.

This area counts as indoors?


Folks don't seem to mind you curling up in a corner. It seems like they might have been expecting more drunks.

You regain 36 hit points!

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

Opponent Encounter Text Notes
As you go through the maze, a nearby wall bursts open, revealing a vast skeleton rushing towards you. Its roar leaves you transfixed as your conscious mind tries desperately to come up with an appropriate response to being attacked by a zombie dinosaur.

Probably running. Yeah, running sounds good, especially with as small as these tunnels are.

You've gained 20 duration of Primeval Terror.

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Candy Ambush Gain various candy With treat bucket equipped
coffee.jpg Sudden Terror Gain 20 energy Primeval Terror
coffee.jpg? Zombie Help Gain candy, advance maze exploration Helping the Lost Zombie
Less Raven Gate 'Official' finding of raven gate? After taking ravens?

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Web Covered Walls

  1. Find a way - gain 2 XP or 5 XP Perception, add to maze exploration
  2. Burn through - with 1 Fire Power - gain 4 XP Will, lose 1 refined petrol
  3. Look for candy - gain 3? of candy eyeball, candy corn, peanut butter candy
  4. Check the webs - gain decorative webbing

Lost Zombie

  1. Try to help - gain 2 XP Perception, add maze exploration, or after finding the party, 4 XP Will
  2. Split up - gain 2 XP Perception, add maze exploration
  3. Attack her - fight <undocumented zombie girl>
  4. Warn her away (after Crowd Gasping for Air) - help save partiers
  5. Find your way - gain 2 XP Perception, add maze exploration

Maze Lantern

  1. Bask in the glow - gain 50 Halloween Spirit, 5 XP Will
  2. Steal it - gain university jack o' lantern
  3. Smash it - fight The Pumpkin King and two Flock of Ravens
  4. Leave it - walk away

Blazing Maze

  1. Rush through - take 5? damage, add maze exploration
  2. Put it out - take 19? damage, reduce fires
  3. Add refined petrol (with refined petrol) - lose 1 refined petrol, increase fires
  4. Back away - walk away

Maze Explorer's Rations

  1. Take a few - gain 15 Halloween Spirit, gain 5 of: pumpkin lollipop, candy corn, mellow pumpkin
  2. Take the bowl - gain Oldtown candy bowl
  3. Distribute some - gain 8 XP Will, unlocks Candy Ambush for others
  4. Turn down candy - walk away

Raven Gate

  1. Walk on through - gain 50 Halloween Spirit
  2. Grab a Raven - gain animatronic raven, unlock Less Raven Gate after enough tries
  3. Turn back - walk away

Dance Party Encounters - After finding your way through the Raven Gate. Additionally, Lost Zombie, and ??? continue to occur.

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

Opponent Encounter Text Notes
The music continues to push in on you, surrounding you and raising you up like water. Through the invisible, perhaps imaginary water, a twisted form scuttles towards you.

You've gained 1 duration of Mysterious Waters.
One of the dancers wanders towards you slowly, as though she's pushing through knee-deep water. As she gets closer, the air grows thick with music and she lunges towards you.

You've gained 1 duration of Mysterious Waters.
After Crowd Gasping for Air
You can see a mass of ravens swirling above the partygoers. As though they see you making eye contact, they swirl down towards you in one croaking mass. _ After Less Raven Gate? After Crowd Gasping for Air

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Sober? Pirate Jess 2016 Various, more with costumes Before Crowd Gasping for Air
Sober? Eerie Ocean Music 50 duration of Ocean Voice Before Crowd Gasping for Air
Sober? Halloween Crowd One time?
Sober? Crowd Gasping for Air One time, after Halloween Crowd encounter?

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Dirty Punch

  1. Drink it - gain 5 Sugar Rush, or 5 of each Etheric, No Pain, Earthy Buzz
  2. Take it - gain black Halloween punch
  3. Mingle - gain 3 XP Will
  4. Leave it - walk away

Cocooned Partygoer

  1. Pull it down - gain 1 Webbed, fight Lurking Spider
  2. Cut it down - with a sword weapon, save a student
  3. Burn it! (with Fire Power) - with refined petrol, lose 1 refined petrol, kill student, gain 4 XP Will
  4. Leave it - walk away

Waves of Music

  1. Isolate one - gain 1 Mysterious Waters, fight drowned partier
  2. Rage through - gain 1 Mysterious Waters, fight 2 drowned partiers
  3. Check for flotsam - gain earthy punch bowl or 2-3 candy
  4. Push away - walk away
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