Halloween Ticket


Image ticket.jpg
Description This ticket has a stylized pumpkin on the front. The text on the back advertises the school Halloween party being held in the dorm west of the Quad. This ticket should get you in.

Apparently they're also looking for volunteers to help setup for the week in advance. Sounds like it'll be quite the party.

Or, at some point after Halloween
This ticket has a stylized pumpkin on the front. The text on the back advertises a party, but it's already long completed.

Ah well, sounds like it would have been a good time.
Type Usable
Use You tear the paper to shreds, making some fine paper mache.
Effects Gain paper mache


Talk to the Insulting Punk about Halloween.


Gets you into Halloween Setup 2009.

Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg Unknown
GoldCoins.jpg .02 Curiosities
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