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Description | You've learned the ancient art of handcoding… at least a little. You can pick apart even the simplest Novos code and reconstruct the pieces into useful scripts, which is more than you can say for most of the students at Metroplex U. |
Effects | Allows you to decompile Novos code into Code Snippets |
Viewing the Class Files in the Open Computer Lab, five times or so.
Select the code you'd like to pick apart and how many of them you'd like to go over.
<list of Novos-enabled data and programs> Extract
After extracting:
You carefully extract some code:
You extracted: 1-2* snippets of code
And, first time only:
These could actually be pretty useful! You think you could make some scripts:You've learned a new quest recipe: Crash Script - Write four Snippets of Code into a Crash Script
You've learned a new quest recipe: Filtering Script - Create a Filtering Script from four Snippets of Code
You've learned a new quest recipe: Command Script - Write four Snippets of Code into a Command Script
You've learned a new quest recipe: Search Script - Combine four Snippets of Code into a Search Script
And, the first time you extract code from Spectrum Transmission Functions:
Hmmmm, you should be able to recreate this if you need to.
You've learned a new quest recipe: Spectrum Transmission Functions - Create Spectrum Transmission Functions from six Snippets of Code
* I've gotten 1-2 from extracting networking functions. Needs spading if other programs give different amounts of snippets.