Happy Hour Halloween

Intro Text

(doesn't take energy)


The Happy Hour is seriously hopping. The dance floor is packed, as opposed to its usual sparse population, the gangers that normally hang out here are nowhere to be scene, and lots of people are wearing strange costumes.

It's a shame it'll be back to normal after Halloween, it's kind of nice this way.

Combat Encounters

Opponent Text Notes
Trash Golem You make your way across the dance floor, between the walls of people, finding yourself towards the back of the hall. As you reorient yourself, something lashes out at you from the shadows. Only if Etheric

Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Nfisted Appreciation Gain 1-2 Metros Special Only if you advertised the counter-party
Merry Togasmas Gain sheet toga or candy and a Metros light
Party, Party Gain 20 energy of Party Lights; 4 XP in Reflexes
Trick or Treclipse Gain sugary Eclipse Only if Etheric

Choice Encounters

Bartending to Bad Taste

  1. Get a beer
  2. Get a whiskey
  3. Get an over/under
  4. Leave it


  1. Listen
  2. Observe
  3. Wander off

Party on the Dancefloor

  1. Join the dance - something happens
  2. Observe them - something happens
  3. Pick some pockets - something happens
  4. Start a brawl - this section can just be copied from the location page
  5. Back out - something happens
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