Hel's suspicions


After helping Hel, talk to her about what to do next and about her approach.


Finding the Place where they take the bums

Method 1: Getting Snatched
Method 2: Trail the Kidnappers

In either case, after you have found the Buried Lab you can select "Sneak into the lab" from the "Metros" tab while in Southside if you leave and want to return.

Find some proof of who is behind this.

Adventure in the Buried Lab until you find and use 7 of Southside lab documentation and/or Southside lab footage to implicate Midgard Special Projects. This will give you the option to ask Hel "Take a look at these records" or "Take a look at this recording".

Before the Omega Order

Downloading Southside lab footage

Pickpocketing Southside lab notes (low alert only)

After the Omega Order
  • Find the Southside Lab Office encounter. If you have a MSPSSP key, choose "Open the desk". Otherwise, choose "Search the corpse" to get a key and look for this encounter again.


Quest Log

Starting quest

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. You haven't found anything certain, but Hel thinks it'll help if you blend in with the drug-addled bums in the park.

After finding Buried Lab

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. You've verified a lab hidden in the access tunnels off the Metros station.

After getting Southside lab notes and/or Southside lab footage?

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. You've found some files down in their lab hidden in the access tunnels off the Metros station.

Although there's definitely something strange going on, you don't seem to have enough pieces of the puzzle yet. Some more of those records might fill in the details, however.

After using at least 7 of Southside lab notes and/or Southside lab footage but before checking in with Hel

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. You've found some records she should be very interested in.

Finished quest

You've discovered Midgard's experiments on the residents of Southside.


Historical changes made to the quest

Are these result still gettable? After getting Southside lab documentation?

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. You've gathered files explaining the operations, which should answer Hel's questions and more.

After triggering the Omega Order

Hel has asked you to investigate Southside itself for possible Midgard operations. Well, you must have been getting close to something because they fried the place.

Maybe there's something interesting in the wreckage.


Subquest of the survivors.

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