Hiding Pool Shark



Encounter Conditions

After failing to catch the Fleeing Pool Shark

Initial Text

You see the pool shark you've been chasing across the Quad, running between two cliques of students. You've got him pretty spooked. At this rate, he's bound to run out of steam eventually.

He must have noticed you, because he's circling around to hide behind the students.

Summary of Choices

  1. Pick up the chase - gain 3 XP in Strength, or go to Captured Pool Shark
  2. Leave him be - Walk Away

Choice Text and Results

Pick up the chase

With Strength of 10 or more:
Proceed to Captured Pool Shark choices.


You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, following close behind. But eventually your stamina gives out and you're forced to slow down, legs burning.

Damn it, that guy's fast. Either he's on something or you're out of shape.

When you lost track of him, he was breathing heavily and his cheap suit was soaked with sweat. Shouldn't be much longer now.

You've earned 3 XP in Strength


You charge after him, scattering the crowd he's hiding in. By the time you get to where he was, he's already put an entire stretch of sidewalk behind him.

You chase him across the Quad, following close behind. But eventually your stamina gives out and you're forced to slow down, legs burning.

Damn it, that guy's fast. Either he's on something or you're out of shape.

When you lost track of him, you could tell he was starting to get tired. He can't keep away from you forever.

He seems to be looking for a place to rest overnight. Hopefully you can catch up with him before he finds one.

You've earned 3 XP in Strength

Leave him be

You turn and walk away. Something about this situation has him spooked pretty badly, but you don't feel like getting involved right now.

See Walk Away

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