HQ Lobby


This is in the Downtown area, part of the Midgard Headquarters building. This area is Hard-To-Enter.

You can enter via the front door:

Headquarters Entrance

  1. Scan the badge (with a downtown ID badge)- go to HQ Lobby and possibly gain Lobby Alarm.
  2. Slip in - go to HQ Lobby under some circumstances and possibly gain Lobby Alarm.
  3. Rush in - gain 10 Lobby Alarm, fight 2 Internal Security (baton) (win: 10 HQ Alarm / lose: deactivated ID) or, if you have Lobby Alarm: fight 2 Internal Security (baton) and 2 Internal Security (baton) (win: 20 HQ Alarm / lose: deactivated ID)
  4. Leave it be - walk away

There are additional entry points via the Parking Garage (and Maintenance Storage) - see Midgard Headquarters for details.

This area counts as aboveground, indoors.

Resting here gives:

Midgard Security has a strong presence here and they don't seem to appreciate anyone loitering, so you end up moving around more than resting.

You regain 12 hit points!

Or, in 3 parts of Midgard Security outfit:

Midgard Security doesn't seem interested in letting you rest, particularly as they seem to assume you're leaving more work for them.

You regain 12 hit points!

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

                          Opponent                           Encounter Text Lose Win Notes
Two guards seem intent on blaming you for the alarms overhead, charging you with their batons and attempting to eject you from the lobby. Forces you out of the location 10 HQ Alarm With any Lobby Alarm and counterculture cyberware
A pair of guards stand back from you with needlers, shouting "drop it!" immediately before they start firing.

You've gained 10 duration of Lobby Alarm.
deactivated ID 10 HQ Alarm With equipped:
 - axe weapon
 - rifle weapon
- sledge hammer weapon (hammers are fine)
 - spear weapon (including speargun)
A trio of guards start firing at you without warning, only shouting "drop it!" as the needles are already flying.

You've gained 10 duration of Lobby Alarm.
deactivated ID 15 HQ Alarm With equipped:
 - automatic weapon
A trio of guards start firing at you without warning, only shouting "drop it!" as the needles are already flying.

You've gained 15 duration of Lobby Alarm.
deactivated ID 15 HQ Alarm With equipped:
 - needler weapon
 - shotgun weapon
A heavily armored guard pushes through the fleeing crowd, flanked by a pair in lighter uniforms. The central figure charges in while the others spread out to ensnare you. deactivated ID 20 HQ Alarm Lobby Alarm ≥ 50?
The doors to the lobby open as a number of guards push in from the street. They fire into the lobby with surprising carelessness. ? 20 HQ Alarm Lobby Alarm ≥ 50
A pair of guards from outside rush you with reckless abandon. Nothing 10 HQ Alarm Having seen the "doors to the lobby open" encounter today
As the lobby empties, one of the elevators dings. As the door opens, you can hear the sound of heavy machinery whirring up. deactivated ID 20 HQ Alarm Having seen the "doors to the lobby open" encounter today
(I had 50 Lobby Alarm and 90 HQ Alarm)
Eclipse.jpg creepy%20food%20drone.png
With unsteady steps, a weathered figure moves towards you. It seems less like a drone than a mannequin, even before looking at its face. The molded plastic is peeled back to reveal something like meat.

Gobs of the flesh are scattered on the tray it carries, matching where a crude face was carved out.

Despite its wobbling movement, it reaches you in moments.
Steam rises… If this or Serving Drone not killed today

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Calmed Alarm First encounter of the day, if you have any alarm effect active Removes all alarm effects

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Elevator Security Checkpoint - before passing checkpoint for today

  1. Pass out classic lattes (with classic lattes) - lose 5 classic lattes, allows you to walk past
  2. Offer horrible black coffee (with horrible black coffee) - lose horrible black coffee, allows you to walk past
  3. Share your cheese fries (with cheese fries) - lose cheese fries, gain 3 XP Will, allows you to walk past
  4. Walk past - gain 10 Lobby Alarm or, if you have given the guards any of the above: unlocks HQ Elevator, stops this encounter for the day
  5. Run past - gain 10 Lobby Alarm, fight 2 Internal Security (baton) (win: 10 HQ Alarm; lose: deactivated ID)
  6. Back off - Walk away

HQ Elevator - after passing checkpoint for today; encountered after every 5 energy spent on this floor

  1. Hop in - go to various floors with various ID badges (see page for details)
  2. Leave it be - Walk away

Mopping Man

  1. Lend a hand - gain 2 XP Will, or with mop equipped, gain 4 XP and lose 20 Lobby Alarm
  2. Lend an ear - information in various outfits
  3. Leap at him - fight Downtown Janitor
  4. Leave it be - Walk away

Forgot Your Badge - without an downtown ID badge

  1. Follow instructions - Leave HQ Lobby
  2. Jump him - gain 10 Lobby Alarm, fight Internal Security (baton), if you win gain 5 HQ Alarm, if you lose leave HQ Lobby.
  3. Lose him in the crowd - gain 5 Lobby Alarm, 3 XP Reflexes

Fashionable Exec - at 0 Lobby Alarm

  1. Mingle with them - gain 2 XP Will, (?)
  2. Pick some pockets - if you are in office worker outfit or 6+ Stealth Power and succeed, gain some of downtown visitor ID, fancy clutch, fresh cred chip, gold cred chip, gold necklace, polarized shades, and with comm skimmer sometimes: You gained 50-100 credits!
  3. Start swinging - gain 10 Lobby Alarm, fight Internal Security (baton) and Fashionable Visitor
  4. Leave them be - walk away

Lobby Mailroom - With less than 30 Lobby Alarm (30 exactly needs testing)

  1. Just chat - information
  2. Grab something - gain 10 Lobby Alarm and 2-3 of: call center ID, caramel bar, coffee crystals, cybernetic interface, defective drone parts, dry ice, Eurasian report, interoffice memo, janitorial ID, Midgard cap, targeting circuit, thick cabling or, with any Lobby Alarm or fight 2 Internal Security (baton)
  3. Start a fight - gain 10 Lobby Alarm and fight Mailroom Clerk or Mailroom Clerk + 2 Internal Security (baton)
  4. Leave it be - Walk away

Abandoned Mailroom - With 30+ Lobby Alarm (30 exactly needs testing)

  1. Grab something - gain 3-4 of: call center ID, caramel bar, coffee crystals, cybernetic interface, defective drone parts, dry ice, Eurasian report, first aid kit, interoffice memo, janitorial ID, Midgard cap, targeting circuit, thick cabling
  2. Grab a nap - Rest: gain 20-30 HP, lose 10 Lobby Alarm
  3. Leave it be - Walk away

coffee.jpg Breakfast Drone - if the Serving Drone/Flesh Mannequin hasn't been killed today (resets daily)
  1. Cereal - gain Midgard pops (once cereal per day)
  2. Coffee - gain coffee sample (one drink per day)
  3. Tea - gain dispensed tea (one drink per day)
  4. Juice - gain pineapple juice sample (one drink per day)
  5. Death - fight Serving Drone, if you win locks out this encounter for the day
  6. Nothing - Walk away

Halloween 2022 encounters

Halloween 2024 encounters

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