Intrusive Jammer
crashedprogram.jpg This program was designed to run in Oldos.
* It will still run on modern devices and will still provide the bonuses listed as "Effects", if any.
* The "Tools" it provides were part of Oldos hacking and no longer do anything.
* Crafting recipes involving it still exist but include components that are no longer available.


Image Syringe25B.jpg
Description So, it's not uncommon to distract computer programs with blasts of gibberish and garbage data. This delightful piece of software takes it a step further by working to tear down its target's filters before unleashing the torrent.
Type Program
Requires 1 Processor
Tools Burst of Static, Network Silence, Corrupt Datastream, Inject Code, Junk Data, False Intrusions
Effects +2 Incognito


Note: The following recipe still exists but one or more ingredients are no longer available.

Extend the reach of your Network Jammer within systems with a Code Injector
Requires Advanced Interpreter
Network Jammer Code Injector
= Intrusive Jammer


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