Lab Locker Room



Encounter Conditions

Unlocked through Slags Lab hacking

Initial Text

You track down the main storage lockers. Despite the security changes, nothing was locked past the main door you released from the computer.

There's a range of larger and smaller lockers, along with a bench that looks surprisingly comfy.

Summary of Choices

  1. Big Locker - Gain 1 of: containment helmet, containment suit pants, containment suit top, and 1-2 of: corduroys, dirty old trenchcoat, knit cap, Midgard cap, smelly old pants, and 1-2 of: caramel bar, egg salad sandwich, half of a sandwich, Instaheat Soup, jumbo hot dog, protein bar, triggers Born of Sorrow
  2. Small Locker - Gain 1-2 of: Castor capsule, first aid kit, MBR antidote, pep pill, scrubs bottoms, scrubs top, trauma reference; 1 of: cup of joe, espresso doppio, horrible black coffee, lukewarm latte; and 1-2 of: ancient candybar, caramel bar, egg salad sandwich, jumbo hot dog, protein bar; triggers Born of Sorrow
  3. Take a nap - Regain 35-40? hit points
  4. Leave - Nothing

Choice Text and Results

Big locker

You pop open one of the larger lockers. Has a bit of extra containment suit, some civilian clothes, and looks like somebody's lunch. Score!

You found: 1 of: containment helmet, containment suit pants, containment suit top

You found: 1-2 of: corduroys, dirty old trenchcoat, knit cap, Midgard cap, smelly old pants

You found: 1-2 of: caramel bar, egg salad sandwich, half of a sandwich, Instaheat Soup, jumbo hot dog, protein bar

(Triggers Born of Sorrow)

Small locker

You pry open one of the smaller lockers. Looks like it has some medical supplies, an ancient cup of coffee, and somebody's lunch.

You found: 1-2 of: Castor capsule, first aid kit, MBR antidote, pep pill, scrubs bottoms, scrubs top, trauma reference, surgeon's mask

You found: 1 of: cup of joe, espresso doppio, horrible black coffee, lukewarm latte

You found: 1-2 of: ancient candybar, caramel bar, egg salad sandwich, jumbo hot dog, protein bar

(Triggers Born of Sorrow)

Take a nap

You crash out in the locker room. Thankfully, nobody bothers you during your sleep.

You regain 35-40? hit points


See Walk Away

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