Lab Terminal



Encounter Conditions

Must have Slags medical ID equipped.

Initial Text

Wandering the peaceful halls of the Slags lab, you come across an unused terminal mounted to a wall. Currently it's in standby, the screen displaying random waveforms.

It's obviously intended to be used with an external device like a PDA, but does appear to include a microphone. The screen looks like a simple old touch screen as well, so it might wake up from a gentle nudge.

No one is nearby, so you should be safe taking a look.

Summary of Choices

  1. Poke the screen
    1. Try talking
    2. Play lab recording - (Only if you have a Slags lab recording) - Go to Slags Lab hacking (consumes one Slags lab recording), gives level 1 access if you don't already have it
    3. Play refugee recording - Gives better access?
    4. Play Dr. Mira recording (Only if you have a Dr. Mira recording) -
    5. Play Dr. Johnson recording - (Only if you have Dr. Johnson recording) - Go to Slags Lab hacking (consumes one Dr. Johnson recording), gives level full access
    6. Leave it -
  2. Jack in - Go to Slags Lab hacking
  3. Dismantle it - Only with electrical kit or salvaging tools equipped, various electronics parts
  4. Smash it - 3 frayed cable, 4 XP in Strength, removes encounter for the rest of the day
  5. Leave it - Nothing

Choice Text and Results

Poke the screen

When you tap the screen, it powers up with an error message splashed across the screen: "External Input Expected." Half-hidden by the error, you can see second message reading "Voiceprint Required."

It doesn't respond to your comm, but you might just need something with a bit more computing power. And maybe a voiceprint which, if the movies aren't lying, can be bypassed by replaying someone introducing themselves.


Or, with a computer equipped:

When you tap the screen, it powers up, revealing a microphone icon with "Voiceprint Required" displayed underneath it.

If the movies are right, you just have to record someone saying their name. Unless it's that easy in real life, you'll have to hack in the hard way.

(or if you don't have any spare processors on your computer)

When you tap the screen, it powers up with an error message splashed across the screen: "External Input Error." Half-hidden by the error, you can see second message reading "Voiceprint Required."

Hmmmm… you might need to uninstall some of the software on your computer, it's kind of chugging at the moment.

And voiceprints are hard to get, if the movies are right, just record someone saying their name. Of course, if the movies are wrong, you might have to hack in manually.

Try talking

You introduce yourself to the terminal. It beeps shrilly and displays "Voiceprint not recognized. If you are receiving this message in error, please contact your system administrator."

Or, if you've overridden the admin's account (NO LONGER POSSIBLE?):

You repeat your recorded comment to the terminal. It beeps cheerfully and displays "Welcome SPSigurd! Admin access conditionally granted. Please contact XHeimdall at your first opportunity."


You jack into the terminal and find the system arrayed at your feet. If "conditionally" meant anything, you're not seeing it.

(Go to Slags Lab hacking with full access)


Unfortunately, you don't have anything handy to jack into it. You should have full access when you come back, though.

Play lab recording

You play back the recording. The terminal waits for a moment then displays "Welcome Doctor!"

You jack in to the terminal and discover it's granted you basic access. Well, if they did as well with the rest of the security, this should be a cakewalk.

(You lose: 1 Slags lab recording)

Go to Slags Lab hacking with level 1 access

Play refugee recording

You play back the recording. The terminal waits for a moment then displays "Welcome Doctor! Records Access Granted."

You jack in to the terminal and discover that, as advertised, it's granted you access to a number of files. Well, if they did as well with the rest of the security, this should be a cakewalk.

(You lose: 1 Slags refugee recording)

Go to Slags Lab hacking with level 2 access

Play Dr. Mira Recording

You play back the recording. The terminal waits for a moment then displays "Welcome Doctor Mira! Records and Facilities Access Granted."

You jack in to the terminal, finding that it certainly has granted you access to some interesting options.

(You lose: 1 Dr. Mira recording)

(Go to Slags Lab hacking with level ? access)

Play Dr. Johnson Recording

You play back the recording from your confrontation with Dr. Johnson. The terminal waits for a moment then displays "Welcome SPSigurd! Admin access conditionally granted. Please contact XHeimdall at your first opportunity."

You jack into the terminal and find the system arrayed at your feet. If "conditionally" meant anything, you're not seeing it.

(You lose: 1 Slags refugee recording)

(Go to Slags Lab hacking with full access)

Or, if you have already recorded another voiceprint to usurp his access:

You play back the recording of Dr. Johnson shouting his name (or names, you suppose) during battle. The terminal responds with "Voiceprint not recognized. If you are receiving this message in error, please contact your system administrator."

Hmmm… must not have worked.

Leave it

Something happens

Jack in

Leads to Slags Lab hacking

Dismantle it

You go ahead and dismantle the terminal. Nobody was using it, after all, and now you've got all sorts of neat circuits.

You found: 6-8 (?) of capacitor array, microcapacitors, circuit fragments, frayed cable, rolls of thick cabling, sticks of memory, processor chip

Smash it

You fulfill every computer user's dream and beat the computer into a pile of smoking garbage. Wow, you feel way better now.

You found: 3 of: circuit fragments, lengths of frayed cable, scorched glass shards

You've gained 4 XP in Strength

Removes this encounter for the rest of the day.


Something happens

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