Lattes! Personal Latte


Image LatteCup.jpg
Description Lattes! specializes in tracking its customers' preferences, keeping a massive database of exactly what everyone wants in their latte. Part of that service is an automated survey to answer a few questions… in theory, after drinking enough of their lattes, you'll never want any other latte ever.
Type Drug (No Trade)
Requires 2 Body
Use You drink your personalized latte.
Multi You drink your personalized lattes.
Effects Gain 5-6? Energy


After energy gain, receive the following message:

You fill out their little form to make the latte incrementally better next time.

Or, after some condition?

Yeah, this is definitely better than last time.

You fill out their little form to make the latte incrementally better next time.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

Or, after filling out the form 3? more times?

Ah, yeah. That really hits the spot.

You fill out their little form to make the latte incrementally better next time.

You've earned 3 XP in Will


Lattes! for 50 credits


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