Magnetic Coil


Image MagneticCoil.jpg
Description This bit of charged cable has been wrapped into a coil, creating a powerful magnetic field. It's not good for much other than picking up stray bits of steel on its own, but there's bound to be some use for a field of that power.
Type Misc


Charge two coils of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array
Quest Recipe: Learn recipe from Electrical Engineering III or Shared Files.
Capacitor Array Thick Cabling Thick Cabling
= Magnetic Coil

Salvage a comm dish core (…not recommended)
Empty Stage (during Halloween 2010)


Feed a Shorted Cable through a Magnetic Coil
thick cabling capacitor array
shorted cable magnetic coil
= crackling coil
Tighten a Needler Rifle's arc with another Magnetic Coil
needler rifle magnetic coil
= focused needler
Add a Targeting Circuit and Magnetic Coil to an Executive Sidearm
Executive Sidearm Targeting Circuit
Autotargeting sidearm Magnetic Coil
= Magnetic Sidearm
Construct it from four Dish Segments, a Magnetic Coil, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (5 Energy)
Learn recipe from using a Comm Dish Core
toolbelt.jpg Four Dish Segments, a Magnetic Coil, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core
= Personal Comm Dish
Refit a Quivering Rifle with a Magnetic Coil
Quivering Rifle Magnetic Coil
= Quivering Needler
Update an Antique Needler with a new Magnetic Coil
antique needler magnetic coil
= retrofitted needler
Construct a comm dish for your gang from forty Dish Segments, four Polysteel Supports, four Magnetic Coils, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (10 Energy)
Learn recipe from using a Comm Dish Core
toolbelt.jpg 40 Dish Segments, 4 Polysteel Supports, 4 Magnetic Coils, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core
= Comm Dish*

* Does not create an actual item, just unlocks the gang hideout upgrade

Build hardware from a Expanded Handheld, a Comm Dish Core, a magnetic coil, and eight signal buffers around a Collapsed Integrator
Learn recipe from using a Comm Dish Core with a collapsed integrator in inventory
toolbelt.jpg Expanded Handheld, Comm Dish Core, Magnetic Coil, 8 Signal Buffers, Collapsed Integrator
= Handheld Core
toolbox.jpg capacitor array
GoldCoins.jpg .16 Goods
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