Makeshift Decorating



Encounter Conditions

Halloween 2014 setup

Initial Text

A few students are working on decoration the halls. They seem to be piecing together decorations out of paper mache, which might be okay for accents, but… looks terrible as the focus.

The streamers here and there help a lot.

Summary of Choices

  1. Add crepe paper (with crepe paper) - lose 1 crepe paper, add to decorations
  2. Encourage the workers - gain 2 XP in Will
  3. Tear down streamers - gain 3 piles of paper mache, 2 XP Will
  4. Burn the streamers - (with at least 1 fire power) - fight Midgard Security
  5. Leave it be - walk away

Choice Text and Results

Add crepe paper

You hang up one of your rolls of streamer, being careful not to tear it apart everywhere.

Encourage the workers


You try to cheer up the students, but they look pretty depressed. Apparently, none of the shipments of decorations have made it through, so they're trying to make everything by hand.

Their efforts are obviously in vain, but you cheer them up a bit with your kind words.

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Tear down streamers

You tear down a few handfuls of streamers. It's surprisingly satisfying.

You found: 3 piles of paper mache

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Burn the streamers

You set the streamers on fire, scattering the students, but one of the security guards rushes over to stop you.

Fight Midgard Security

Leave it be

See Walk Away

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