Maze Construction



Encounter Conditions

Halloween 2014

Initial Text

Some students are working at building a maze down here. It should be pretty spooky once they're done, especially with these weird paintings.

Summary of Choices

  1. Batter at it - not much
  2. Try to get lost - gain 2 XP Perception
  3. Stack your bricks (with 5 foam bricks) - lose 5 foam bricks, add to the wall
  4. Add a foam wall (with foam brick wall) - lose foam brick wall, gain 4 XP Will, add to the wall
  5. Hide an animatronic snake (with animatronic snake) - lose animatronic snake, gain 4 XP Perception
  6. Leave it be - walk away

Choice Text and Results

Batter at it

You kick some of the supplies around, but there's barely enough wall to even batter against.

Try to get lost

It's not exactly scary with all the lights on, especially because the maze is… paltry. It's hard to get lost when you can see everything and there aren't that many walls to begin with.

You do your best, but it seems like a lost cause.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

Stack your bricks

You stack a pile of bricks into a rough approximation of a wall. There's no way they'll hold together if anyone leans on them, but they look pretty good for now.

Add a foam wall

You slot your wall into place. Damn, that looks solid.

You've earned 4 XP in Will

Hide an animatronic snake

You look around, but can't find a good place to hide the snake. Once you find a good place to hide it in the wall, then BAM!

You've earned 4 XP in Perception

Leave it be

See Walk Away

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