Meaty Haunch


Image Meaty-Bone25.jpg
Description This bone still has a lot of raw meat attached to it. It's from some large animal… you'd like to say deer or cow, but that's mostly wishful thinking.
Type Food
Requires 4 Hunger, 8 Base Will
Use You scrape the meat off the bone and eat it. It's slimy and juicy in the way only raw meat can be, possibly combined with having been allowed to age for a while.

It slowly starts to taste better by the end, but you're not sure you'd admit that in public.
Multi You take a while scraping the meat from the bones and eating it. It's slimy and juicy in the way only raw meat can be, possibly combined with having been allowed to age for a while.

By the time you're done, the taste has started to grow on you, but you're not sure you'd admit that in public.
Effects Gain 9-11 Energy
Gain Scraped Bone


From using Stolen Artistry skill (Fields of Bone)


Cook a Meaty Haunch in a Glass of Red.
Glass of Red Meaty Haunch
= Braised Meat
Shave bits from two Meaty Haunches
Meaty Haunch Meaty Haunch
= Mystery Meat Skewer
Debone a Meaty Haunch and cover in Pie Dough
Meaty Haunch Pie Dough
= Meat Pie
toolbox.jpg Scraped Bone
GoldCoins.jpg .10 Goods
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