Merry Togasmas



Encounter Conditions

None, probably (I was etheric)


A student stumbles up to you, wearing a folded bedsheet. He mutters something that sounds like "Ho ho ho… Merry togasmas…" and hands you a similarly folded sheet.

Then, he stumbles back off, leaving you to wonder if he's actually that drunk already or just really good at playacting.

You found: sheet toga

(Or (while wearing sheet toga)

The toga-wearing student stumbles by you again. His eyes light up when he sees you're a kindred spirit.

He smiles and hands you some candy.

You found: one of mini caramel bar, candy corn, candy eyeball, peanut butter candy

Or, while wearing a sheet toga and with a green treat bucket (or some other bucket?) equipped:

The toga-wearing student stumbles by you again. His eyes light up when he sees you're a kindred spirit.

He smiles and drops a bottle of beer, along with some candy, into your pumpkin bucket.

You found: (one of) mini caramel bar, candy eyeball, candy corn, peanut butter candy

You found: Metros Light

Or, while wearing a sheet toga with a green treat bucket (or some other bucket?) and an empty candy bowl (or some other bowl?) equippped:

The toga-wearing student stumbles by you again. His eyes light up when he sees you're a kindred spirit.

He glances in confusion between your bucket and bowl, then puts a beer in the bucket and some candy in the bowl. You suppose that works.

You found: (one of) mini caramel bar, candy eyeball, candy corn, peanut butter candy

You found: Metros Light

Or, while wearing a sheet toga with an empty candy bowl (or some other bowl?) equippped:

The toga-wearing student stumbles by you again. His eyes light up when he sees you're a kindred spirit.

He smiles and tosses a handful of candy into your bowl.

> You found: (2-3 of) mini caramel bar, candy eyeball, candy corn, peanut butter candy

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