Mining Strike


Image miningstrike.jpg
Description Undermine your enemies
Chain 4
Type Melee
Attribute Perception
Base Damage 4
Special +4 Base Damage Underground

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally 4
You consider your options then close on <opponent>, hacking <him> for <X> damage.
With mining pick equipped 6
You take careful aim at <opponent> and digs into <him> for <X> damage.
While underground 8
You take advantage of your experience fighting underground to get close to <opponent>, hacking at <them> for <X> damage.
While underground, with mining pick equipped 10
You take advantage of your experience fighting underground to get close to <opponent>, digging into <it> for <X> damage.


Beating a spectral miner with a mining pick equipped

Used by (Opponents)

Spectral Miner

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