Encounter Conditions
Halloween 2012, if you've agreed to help Jess
Initial Text
Ah, these barrels must have been what Jess was talking about. Whoever delivered them just stacked them on the edge of the Quad, but you should be able to haul them to the museum with a little elbow grease.
Summary of Choices
- Roll in a barrel -
- Destroy a barrel -
- Add a handful of Eclipse -
- Add Eclipse residue -
- Distract the guards -
- Attack the guards -
- Leave it -
Choice Text and Results
Roll in a barrel
You carefully tip the barrel on its side and roll it to the museum. A workman grabs it from there and rolls it inside, which is probably just as well. These things are heavy.
You've earned 4 XP in Strength
Destroy a barrel
You try to find an opening to knife some barrels, but there are just too many guards around. Even your patience doesn't pay off, there are just too many around.
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
Or, once enough guards are distracted/killed:
You sneak up to the pile of barrels, doublechecking no one is looking in this direction.
When you're sure the coast is clear, you knife a barrel and let it glug, glug, glug out on the grass of the Quad.
You've earned 4 XP in Perception
Add a handful of Eclipse
You crack open the barrel, dropping in a whole handful of Eclipse, then gingerly roll it to the museum, hoping the new seal will hold. Thankfully, you didn't need to worry and there's a poor dupe at the other end to lug the barrel down the stairs.
And if enough guards haven't been distracted/killed:
As you walk away, you can hear the guards fussing over how it's already been opened. Damn.You've earned 4 XP in Reflexes
(Lose 25 Eclipse)
Add Eclipse residue
You crack open the barrel, dropping in a pinch of Eclipse residue, then gingerly roll it to the museum, hoping the new seal will hold. Thankfully, you didn't need to worry and there's a poor dupe at the other end to lug the barrel down the stairs.
And if enough guards haven't been distracted/killed:
As you walk away, you can faintly hear guards fussing over how it's already been opened. Damn.You've earned 4 XP in Strength
(Lose 1 Eclipse Residue)
Distract the guards
You pretend to drop something in one of the barrels, then bolt with a guard trailing after you. It's good exercize, if nothing else, and it'll take a while before he's back at his post.
You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
You've earned 3 XP in Strength
Or, once enough guards are distracted/killed:
You pretend to drop something in one of the barrels, but nobody seems to notice. You pantomime it again, this time with a great flourish… and nothing happens.
Man, they must be really under staffed. You could do some real damage.
You've earned 3 XP in Perception
You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
Attack the guards
You pantomime dropping something into one of the barrels, then jump the guards when they respond. Too easy, all too easy.
That said, they seem to have pulled out the stops, calling in private security from across town and contracting the local Midgard security.
(Fight: Dock Security & Midgard Security)
Or, once enough guards are distracted/killed:
You pretend to drop something in one of the barrels, but nobody seems to notice. You pantomime it again, this time with a great flourish… and nothing happens.
Man, they must be really under staffed. You could do some real damage.
You've earned 3 XP in Perception
You've earned 3 XP in Reflexes
Leave it
You decide against screwing around with punch for now. Those things are heavy.
See Walk Away