
Encounter Conditions
Only if you've broken through the wall of skulls?
Initial Text
Hidden towards the end of the book, you find a soothing drawing detailing a forest of mushrooms towering over the hero. He seems a little more interested in a patch of their smaller cousins, puffballs and toadstools that are only about the size of his head.
It's the most comfortable place you've seen in the book, which might be a good sign.
Summary of Choices
- See if he sleeps - Gain 4 XP in Will and 10 energy of Toxic Spores
- Search for him eating mushrooms — tells you if mushrooms will make you big or small
- Check if he gathers some - hero gains mushrooms; subsequently, 5 XP in Will
Choice Text and Results
See if he sleeps
You find a page showing the hero laying down to rest under one of the massive mushrooms. It's actually… pretty peaceful…
When you wake up the page has turned, or perhaps the picture changed, showing the hero asleep under a layer of black spores. You don't feel very good.
You've gained 10 energy of Toxic Spores.
You've earned 4 XP in Will
Search for him eating mushrooms
You flip through a few pages, eventually finding a first person perspective of a half-eaten mushroom held in the hero's hand. The mushroom forest in the background is tiny, more like a cluster of mushrooms in an abandoned house than the towering forest you saw before.
The next few pages show the hero wandering through this "forest," accidentally crushing swathes of mushrooms.
You flip through a few pages, eventually finding a first person perspective of a half-eaten mushroom held in the hero's hand. The mushroom forest in the background towers over head, higher than the skyscrapers of downtown.
The next few pages show the hero wandering through this even larger forest.
Check if he gathers some
You almost give up before finding a sheet of notebook paper, folded in half, stuck near the back of the book. It shows the hero wandering through the strange forest picking mushrooms.
(Add a bag of mushrooms to the list of items in quest log)
(Or, after the first time)
You go back to the end of the book, taking a look over that hastily added scrap of paper. It's kind of idyllic, at least compared to everything else in here.
You just let the calming waves wash over you.
You've earned 5 XP in Will