Encounter Conditions
Initial Text
There are candy bowls scattered all over the hall. The students must have descended on them like a swarm of locusts before you got there, though, because most of them are already empty.
This one, on the other hand, is still mostly full.
Summary of Choices
- Take a few -
- Take the bowl -
- Distribute some -
- Turn down candy -
Choice Text and Results
Take a few
You grab a couple pieces of candy, leaving plenty for other people.
You found: 2 (?) of mini caramel bar, peanut butter candy, candy corn, candy eyeball
Take the bowl
You check to make sure no-one's looking, then snag the entire candy bowl. Score!
You found: Emerald Gift bowl
Distribute some
You grab a handful of candy and wander into the crowd, dropping treats into pumpkin buckets as you go. It's surprisingly satisfying.
You've earned 6 XP in Will
(Adds one instance of the Candy Gifting encounter with your name?)
Turn down candy
You feel a little weird turning down candy on Halloween, but you move on without touching the bowl.
See Walk Away