Neural Bridge


Image OpticalChip.jpg
Description These specialized chips are used in any sort of chipdeck for reading neural recordings. Creating them is one of Zaibatsu's biggest trade secrets, but they're pretty easy to install if you've got your hands on one.
Type Misc.


toolbox.jpg black market chipdeck, cyberbowl chipdeck

No longer: Oldos Hacking: Reroute shipment on an Electronics Supply website.


Retrofit your boring old Executive Sidearm into a chipdeck with a Neural Bridge
Executive Sidearm Neural Bridge
= Chip Junkie Sidearm
Repurpose your old Executive Sidearm with a new Signal Analysis Circuit and Neural Bridge for the whole entertainment package
Executive Sidearm Neural Bridge
Chip Junkie Sidearm Signal Analysis Circuit
= Entertainment Sidearm
Repurpose your old Executive Sidearm with a new Signal Analysis Circuit and Neural Bridge for the whole entertainment package
Executive Sidearm Signal Analysis Circuit
Uplinked Sidearm Neural Bridge
= Entertainment Sidearm
Override up a Security Visor with a Neural Bridge for your viewing pleasure
Security Visor Neural Bridge
= Entertainment Visor
Give your Zaibatsu TZR that illegal zing with a Neural Bridge
Zaibatsu TZR Neural Bridge
= TZR Chipdeck
Implant a Neural Bridge in a Blast Visor
Blast Visor Neural Bridge
= Immersive Visor
Integrate a Neural Bridge into a Neural Mesh
Neural Bridge Neural Mesh
= Bridging Mesh
Wire a Skeletal Cyberarm with a Twitch Controller and a Neural Bridge (2 Energy)
Learn recipe from Cybernetic Graffiti encounter during Halloween 2020
toolbelt.jpg Skeletal Cyberarm, Twitch Controller and Neural Bridge
= Gesturing Bone Arm
toolbox.jpg microcapacitor, signal analysis circuit
GoldCoins.jpg .10 Drugs
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