New Years Day is an annual holiday.
Each year, every player receives a short message from Kinak, along with:
New Year's 2010 & 2011
Thanks for sharing this crazy year with us. Looking back over the year, I'm shocked how far we've come and the community that's been built here.
But, really, the best part is that I know I'll be saying the same thing a year from now. I'm looking forward to a whole new round of challenges to meet and mistakes to learn from :)
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2012
It's been another crazy year here in Metroplex. We had some great events (if I may say so), several major content revamps, gang warfare spreading to the Net, and cybernetics laying the way for further content.
The big goals for next year are to get out Oldtown, the next step in the main quest line, and some cool world events. I hope to be able to share the New Year with all of you.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2013
It's been another exciting year in Metroplex. Nothing ever quite goes as planned, but I suppose that's part of the excitement.
I hope to be able to share the New Year with all of you.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2014
It's been an interesting year here for Metroplexity, with some new faces and new features. I'm confident we'll get more of both over the next year and I hope you're here to share the New Year with us.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2015
I hope the year has treated you as well and the new year is even better. Here in Metroplex, we've had a lot of cool changes, but our big accomplishment for the year was Novos.
And, as exhausted as winter leaves me, I'm looking forward to another year of Metroplexity.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2016
Thanks for joining us for a new year of Metroplexity! This year, we had a lot of great updates, but I'm so happy to have Oldtown out for everyone to enjoy.
Thanks very much and I hope to see you in another year.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2017
Messages were originally sent out with 2016's text. Kinak later replaced them with the following:
Thanks very much for joining us for another year of Metroplexity! I hope to see you in another year, with more friends, more content, and probably even more damnable mysteries.
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2018-2020
Thanks for joining us for another year of Metroplexity!
You found: Midgard party crate
New Year's 2021-2025
We made it out alive somehow!
Thanks for joining us for another year of Metroplexity!
You found: Midgard party crate