NitroX (Technique)


Image NitroX.jpg
Description An area of effect fire attack.
Chain 6
Type Fire
Attribute Perception
Base Damage 7
Hidden Flags (Science Technique)
Special When used against multiple opponents, will damage them all.

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally 7
You hurl a vial of NitroX at <opponent>. It explodes into a ball of flame, dealing <X> damage.
Against multiple opponents 7
You throw the NitroX into the midst of your opponents. It engulfs them in a ball of flame, dealing <X> damage.
With Engineer Explosives 11
You survey the field and carefully throws a vial of NitroX. It lands precisely as it should, exploding to engulf <opponent> in flame and shower him with debris for <X> damage.
With Engineer Explosives, against multiple opponents 11
You carefully consider the situation and hurl the NitroX precisely into the midst of your opponents. It engulfs them in a ball of flame and showers them with debris, dealing <X> damage.
While underwater -
You hurl a vial towards <opponent>, but it just floats calmly in the water, never connecting hard enough to explode.


Using the item NitroX.

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