Novos Functionality Updates


Image watch.jpg
Description These patches really get into the guts of the basic Novos functions. They're not particularly clear, but you can definitely pick up some important commands.
Type Data
Use You apply the update, watching in awe as your connections actually seem to run a little faster. Knowing the Net, it won't last for long before they use up that extra speed, so you'll need to enjoy it while it lasts.

Or, if you have a different Patching Effect active:
You're already up-to-date in theory. Applying another patch on top of it will probably just make a mess of things. (not consumed, no effect)
Multi-Use You start letting the updates apply… even though they're streaming in the background, there's a little kick of speed. Being ahead of the curve can't last forever, but it's certainly nice while you're there.

Or, if you have a different Patching Effect active:
You're already up-to-date in theory. Applying another patch on top of it will probably just make a mess of things. (not consumed, no effect)
Results You've gained 20 duration of Functionality Patched.


Using a Novos Download Key, Kumachikun Development


Rework a Remote Command Script with Novos Functionality Updates
Remote Command Script Novos Functionality Updates
= Experimental Command Script
Implement Novos System Updates over Networking Functions
Networking Functions Novos Functionality Updates
= Functionality Interface
Improve a Remote Indexer with Novos Functionality Updates
Remote Indexer Novos Functionality Updates
= Experimental Indexer
computerchip.jpg Can be picked apart with Handscripting to give 1-2 code snippets (not regular-decompilable)
GoldCoins.jpg This item can be discarded via the gang stash.


This item became usable sometime early 2016.

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