NovOS HUD Manager


Image MidgardVisor.jpg
Description This HUD system is carefully set up to work with NovOS and silence outside interference. What it lacks in command automation, it makes up with fine manual control.
Type Program
Requires 1 Processor, 2 Memory
Functions experimentalfunc.jpgexperimentalfunc.jpgmanualsearch.jpgmanualsearch.jpgdirectcommand.jpgdirectcommand.jpg
Effects +3 Code Finesse


Specialize your HUD Manager with a Functionality Interface
HUD Manager Functionality Interface
= NovOS HUD Manager


Affix a Secured Filter to your NovOS HUD Manager
Secured Filter NovOS HUD Manager
= Filtered HUD Manager
GoldCoins.jpg This item can be discarded via the gang stash.
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