Ocean Song


Image creepy-eye25.jpg
Description You feel painfully aware of what's going on around you, both physically and in the ether.
Hidden Flags Unnatural Effect
Effects +1 Etheric Power
+1 Perception


Midgard Warehouse: Ocean's Inventory (5 energy)
- Singing Fish (10 energy, or 15 with Ocean Sight)
- Watery Offer "Wait until it goes back to singing" (15 energy)
- Magical Delivery "Listen to its song" (15 energy)
Tainted Shoreline: Ocean Singing (10 energy, or 25 with Ocean Sight)
Third Floor: Spinning Hallway "Call for help" (10 energy with Ocean Sight)
Lake Metroplex (North): Meeting the Fish People "Chat with him" (20 energy)
Lake Metroplex (South): Watching Fish Person "Try to trade" (10 energy, with at least one shark tooth in inventory)
Mirror Gazing after capturing a Deep Hunter (50 energy)
Shorted TV (5 or 10 with Ocean Sight active)


Enhances Life of the Party, while underwater.

Removed By

Using a Slags Antidote

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