Office Worker (male)
For the other opponent of the same name, see Office Worker (female).
Image | |
Combat Name | The worker |
HP | 10 |
Gender | Male |
Stats | Perception: 4 Reflexes: 2 Strength: 2 Will: 2 |
Power | Melee: 0 Ranged: Fire: Etheric: Stealth: Evasion: -1 - 0 Unopposed: 0 |
Defense | Melee: 0 Ranged: 0 Fire: 0 Etheric: 0 Stealth: 0 Reactive: 0 |
Hidden Flags | Human |
Awards | 1 XP You gained 16?-18? credits! (sometimes) You found: Midgard records ID (almost always?) You found: office suit coat (sometimes) You found: office dress pants (sometimes) You found: light briefcase (sometimes) You found: showy watch (sometimes) You found: lukewarm latte (sometimes) You found: Lattes! classic latte (sometimes) You found: retention memos (sometimes) You found: sandwich wrapper (sometimes) |
(Needs testing if there is a difference between M and F office worker drops.)
Records Office: Water Cooler Rambling
Records Office: Group of Office Workers
Technique | Chain | Power | Type | Notes |
Running Away | Evasion (all) | Ends fight; gain XP but no other rewards | ||
Punch | 3 | 2 | Melee | |
Dive for Cover | 4 | 3-4 | Evasion (M,R,F) |
You feast on the worker's flesh, regaining x Energy. |
1 XP |
page revision: 17, last edited: 04 Jun 2022 20:14