Pale Summons


Image palesummons.jpg
Description A weak Etheric attack, difficult to avoid in its native environment
Chain 3
Type Etheric
Attribute Will
Special Base Damage 8 with the Glass Salamander

Attack Summary

Condition Base
Normally -
You close your eyes tightly, but it doesn't seem to help.
With glass salamander equipped, vs. Fire
A pale shape skirt the edge of <opponent>'s flame.
With glass salamander equipped, while aboveground 8
A pale shape flickers into existence and bites <opponent> for <x> damage.
With glass salamander equipped, while underground 8 Base damage 12 in mushroom cavern?;
A pale shape pulls itself from the ground and bites <opponent> for <x> damage.
With glass salamander equipped, while underwater 8
A pale shape pulls itself from the depths and bites <opponent> for <x> damage.


Fishing in the Flooded Mine Shaft without a fishing pole, with a glass salamander equipped.


Cannot be fueled by etheric.

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