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Description | Here are some torn up shreds of paper you could probably use to make something neat… in that artsy, craftsy sort of way. |
Class | Usable |
Use | You glom the paper mache into a ball, stare at it for a while, then poke eyeholes into it. Tada! A face! You create: doll head |
Use (2) | You make a little paper boat out of your paper mache. You create: paper boat |
Use (3) | In a moment of vision, you slap the wet paper mache on your face and make a mask. Mua ha ha ha ha! You create: paper mask |
Use (5) | Hey, that's just enough paper mache to make a pinata! You get to work on that right away. You create: pinata |
Use (6) | You put together a cast out of the paper mache. Should be able to slap that on if you ever end up with a broken bone. You create: paper cast |
Use (10) | Life sized paper mache masks are for wusses. You make a larger than life mask of your favorite cult leader. Score! You create: giant paper mache head |
Use (50) | Looking over your massive pile of paper mache, you decide to create an equally massive pinata. By the time you're done, you half expect it to start trotting around. You create: megapinata |
Use (other) | You can't really figure out how to make anything awesome out of this much paper mache. Maybe you need to read more arts and crafts books. |
Paint Sets
Some alternative items can be created if you have a turn of Nightmarish Artistry or Glittering Artistry. These give recipes which can also be created by combining the paint sets with paper mache.
Nightmarish Artistry
Use 1:
With some ghoul teeth, and other conditions?, one time only?
A flash of inspiration strikes!
You blank out for a moment, then find yourself with a terrifying doll head that seems to include some of your ghoul teeth. That's… kind of terrifying.
You create: twisted doll head
With ghoulish crown and ghoul maw (or maybe just one of them?)), one time only?
You glom the paper mache into a ball, stare at it for a while, then poke eyeholes into it. Tada! A face!
And if you add some ghoul teeth, it's you!
You create: twisted doll head
Use 3:
You carefully shape a mask and paint it all manner of nightmarish colors.
You create: devil mask
Use 50:
Looking over your massive pile of paper mache and leftover paint, there's really only one option: creating a true monster of a pinata, one children the world over will want to beat with sticks.
You create: monstrous pinata
Glittering Artistry
Use 1:
You roll the paper mache into a ball, then begin applying glittery paint. Eventually it just makes more sense to make it a jester head.
There we go. That looks good.
You create: festive doll head
Use 3:
You carefully shape a mask and liberally apply glittering paint. Now that's festive!
You create: festival mask
Choice Encounter Grande Garbage Can Con Il Topo in The Charnel House.
Using Eclipse Slammer (sometimes).
This item is not a component for any kind of crafting. |
This item cannot be salvaged. |
This item can be discarded via the gang stash. |
Tried 42, 66, 100-900 by hundreds, 666, and 995-999. Note that you can't enter 4 digits into the multi-use box.