Party Floor (setup)


This is in the Oldtown area, accessed via the Midgard Oldtown Lobby for Halloween 2015. This area was unlocked from September 25-30th, and the Party Floor (party) was unlocked on the 31st.

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter


This floor is mostly abandoned, making it easy for you to find a dark place to rest.

You regain 30 hit points!

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

Opponent Encounter Text Notes
An agitated-looking Midgard officer points at you between the cubes. "You there! Stop!"

Judging by the stip of his baton extending, he'd probably oblige you stopping with a beating.
No ID equipped
An agitated-looking Midgard officer points at you between the cubes. "You there! Stop!"

Judging by the fact that he's already tearing into the cubicles around you with his needler, stopping doesn't seem like a great option.
No ID equipped

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Party Progress Check

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Rearranging Cubicles

  1. Stay and chat - Information
  2. Help them out - Add to the maze
  3. Leap to attack - Fight 2 Hipsters
  4. Leave them be - Walk away

Dark Cubicles

  1. Dig in desks - You find retention memos or fight Pile of Secrets if Etheric
  2. Take a nap - Gain 30 HP
  3. Hang crepe paper - Add to decorations, lose 1 crepe paper
  4. Hang a motivational tombstone - Add to decorations, lose 1 motivational tombstone
  5. Hang hooked chain - Add to decorations, lose 1 hooked chain
  6. Hang a(nother) boar pinata - Add to decorations, lose 1 boar pinata
  7. Sprinkle refined petrol - Add to decorations, lose 1 refined petrol
  8. Check the wiring (With electrical kit equipped) - unlock Disconnected Camera encounter
  9. Wander out (If sober) - Walk away
  10. Run away (If etheric)- Fight Tusked Shadow

Painstaking Coloring

  1. Chat with him - Information
  2. Ask what he's doing - You find: Eclipse
  3. Offer to help - Gain 2 XP Will
  4. Kill him - Fight Hipster
  5. Leave him be - Walk away

Minty Punch

  1. Try some punch - Gain 5 energy of Sugar Rush and/or Etheric and/or No Pain/Minty Buzz
  2. Break a barrel - Destroys a barrel
  3. Break the barrel you tried (after trying some punch) - Destroys a barrel
  4. Add some Liquified Eclipse - Lose 1 liquified Eclipse
  5. Add an Office Flask - Lose 1 office flask
  6. Add some Slags Antidote - Lose 1 slags antidote
  7. Leave them be - Walk away

Barrel Guard (With sufficient guards)

  1. Chat with them - Information
  2. Offer to patrol (After chatting with them) - Fight Punk Student or various encounters
  3. Pick one off (With at least 1 Stealth Power) - Fight Dock Security
  4. Start a brawl - Fight 2 Dock Security and 1 Internal Security (baton)
  5. Leave them be - Walk away

Anti-Tampering Measures (With sufficient guards)

  1. Break it up - Gain 2 XP in Will
  2. Attack the guard - Fight Dock Security
  3. Attack the students - Fight 2 Hipsters and Dock Security
  4. Back away - Walk away

Moving Barrels (With sufficient barrels destroyed)

  1. Chat with them - Information
  2. Pitch in - Gain 4 XP in Strength and Will
  3. Stop them dead - Fight 2 Internal Security (baton)
  4. Let them work - Walk Away

Chemical Smelling Barrel Movers (With sufficient Slags Antidote-spiked punch)

  1. Ask what's up - Information
  2. Is it Slags antidote? (after talking about what's up) - Information
  3. Help them - Gain 6 XP in Strength
  4. Jump them - Fight ???
  5. Leave them be - Walk Away

Halloween ID Must Be Visible At All Times (Without records Halloween ID equipped)

  1. Show your Halloween ID - Information
  2. Run for it - ???
  3. Lunge for him - ???
  4. Leave the premises - Walk away

Whole-hearted Vacationer

  1. Chat with him - Gain 2 XP in Will, or gain coconut (if etheric, first time per day) or gain 20 Tropical Relaxation (further times)
  2. Offer to help - Gain 2-3 crepe paper
  3. Offer violence - Fight Party Boss
  4. Leave him be - Walk away

Leied Men

  1. Join the chat - Gain 4 XP in Will, or gain coconut (if etheric, first time per day) or gain 20 Tropical Relaxation (further times)
  2. Help decorate - Gain 2 XP in Will
  3. Lay into them - Fight 2 Party Bosses
  4. Leave them be - Walk away

Smelling of Petrol

  1. Start the fire - Information
  2. Add more petrol - Lose 1 refined petrol
  3. Clean with rags - Lose 5 dirty rags
  4. Find a guard - Gain 4 XP Perception
  5. Leave it be - Walk away

Out of Place Punk (With sufficient punks)

  1. Chat with him - Information
  2. Offer your help - Information
  3. Stop him by force - Fight Punk Student
  4. Leave him be - Walk away

Punk Pyro Pair (With sufficient punks)

  1. Help them out - Gain 2 XP Will or 4 XP Will
  2. Run for Security - Gain 3 XP Strength
  3. Stop them - Fight two Punk Students
  4. Leave them be - Walk away

Disconnected Camera (After checking the wiring in the Dark Cubicles)

  1. Run thick cabling (With thick cabling) - Lose 1 thick cabling
  2. Check it out - Gain 4 XP Perception
  3. Destroy it - Gain 4 XP Will
  4. Scavenge it (With electrical kit equipped) - Gain frayed cable, optical sensor
  5. Walk away - Walk away

Eclipse.jpg Inverted Forest of Meat
  1. Pull it down - Fight Giant Maggot
  2. Burn it - Fight Giant Maggot or gain hooked chain
  3. Add another chain - Lose hooked chain
  4. Run for it - Fight Tusked Shadow
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