
Encounter Conditions
Initial Text
You see a young woman leading a small swarm of students, quickly handing out orders. She's probably about the same age as everyone else, but she's wearing a suit jacket, which makes her look a bit more official.
Summary of Choices
- Head up to chat
- Offer to help
- Sorry. I'm done.- stop helping
- Offer money
- Buy some decorations - lose 10 credits, help party organizers
- Pitch in for candy - lose 50 credits, help party organizers
- Fund a barrel of punch - lose 300 credits, help party organizers
- Spring for the skeleton - lose 2,500 credits, get skeleton later, help party organizers a lot?
- Help some other way - Nothing
- Make your excuses - Walk away
- Warn her about the frats - (Only after hearing the frat plan)
- Waste her time - distract her, gain 2 perception, 2 will
- Bail out - Walk away
- Distract her - Enter Halloween Setup 2009
- Leave her be - Walk away
Choice Text and Results
Head up to chat
She smiles a bit as you approach. "I hope you're ready to work, because the University cut our funding again to deal with riot cleanup. We're going to have to work extra hard to get things ready!"
Offer to Help
She nods. "Of course. We're all students, can't really give money, can we?"
"But there are a lot of places you can help. People are putting up streamers and carrying in barrels of punch. We have a couple teams building scaffolding so we can hang the skeletons once we get them working."
She shrugs. "Basically, just wander around. Someone's bound to need a set of hands."
Sorry. I'm done.
(Probably need to have offered to help)
She nods and smiles. "Of course. We're all volunteers, after all. Thanks for the help!"
Offer money
Her smile brightens a bit and seems almost genuine for a moment. "Here's what we've been doing: you can buy us some supplies for the party. So a roll of streamers is ten credits and a bowl of candy is fifty. The barrels of punch are three hundred…"
She pauses her spiel for a second. "The punch comes in these big barrels. It's way less expensive that way."
"Oh, and we're trying to get some awesome animatronic skeletons. They're twenty-five hundred each, but we'll ship it to you when we're done with it."
"We promise."
Buy some decorations
She smiles brightly as you transfer the credits over from your account. "Thanks! That'll be great. If you decide to help out more, feel free to drop back by."
Lose 10 credits.
Pitch in for candy
She smiles cheerfully as you transfer the credits over. "Awesome! We will need plenty of candy."
Lose 50 credits.
Fund a barrel of punch
Her smile falters a bit even as your credits are transferring over. "Yeah, it's kind of a shame we need more punch. People keep trying to slip stuff into the shipments we're getting."
Lose 300 credits.
Spring for the skeleton
Her eyes widen even further, which is a rather surprising sight, and she claps her hands. "Oh, that's fantastic! It's the skeleton isn't it? I knew that'd sell people."
She grins broadly while taking the delivery information, raising an eyebrow very slightly when you give her an address in Southtside.
"Thanks! I think you just saved Halloween!"
Lose 2500 credits.
Help some other way
She nods. "Of course. We're all students, can't really give money, can we?"
"But there are a lot of places you can help. People are putting up streamers and carrying in barrels of punch. We have a couple teams building scaffolding so we can hang the skeletons once we get them working."
She shrugs. "Basically, just wander around. Someone's bound to need a set of hands."
Make your excuses
She nods a little sadly. "Yeah, we're all students. It's hard to get money to pay for something like this without the school helping."
"I keep asking Arthur to get his dad to help, but it's like talking to a brick wall." She sighs, then brightens back up. "Anyway, if you change your mind, be sure to drop back by."
Warn her about the frats
"They're still at that? Really?"
Her smile falters a bit and she sighs. "Well, alright. Thanks for the warning. I'll have everyone keep an eye out."
Waste her time
She's more than happy to talk about classes, the other student council members, the recent protests, Midgard, somebody named Arthur, independent Net broadcasts, human rights violations in Oceania, and animal cruelty.
She's actually really well informed, but also lets a few minor crises slip under her radar before she's pulled away.
You've earned 2 XP in Perception
You've earned 2 XP in Will
Bail out
You make your excuses and bail. She goes back to managing her swarm of volunteers.
See Walk Away
Distract her
You brazenly break a couple things nearby, then point them out, sending her scrambling to determine who has been doing what wrong.
Enter Halloween Setup 2009
Leave her be
She doesn't even notice you among the hustle and bustle.
See Walk Away