Patchwork Dreams


Image stitcheddreamsbook.jpg
Description You've touched a strange set of dreams somehow pieced together from other, older sources. The joints are still uncomfortably visible, but something about the patched-together whole speaks to you.
When Used (See below)


Using the Tattered Horror Paperback. Permanent.


The skill can be toggled to (de)activate it from your character sheet. Using the skill gives:


(If non-etheric)
It's hard to tell sometimes, between fake science and the real thing. Thankfully, the maddest of mad science is still well in the past… well, except for the dreams of people raised on the stories, you suppose.

(If etheric)
You feel like you're walking through someone else's dreams, but it's still kind of surprising how much it feels that that terrible book about mad science and unauthorized experiments.

And then:

(If skill is toggled off:)
You haven't been thinking about this much lately.
Start thinking

(If skill is toggled on:)
You've been thinking about this a lot lately.
Stop it

Choosing to start thinking results in:

You dwell on the twisted routes of mad science a bit, all the ideas that people thought should work but never panned out. You can't seem to get them out of your head.

Stop it results in:

You resolve to stop thinking about mad science so much. There's plenty of crazy actual science to dwell on.

Item Summary


Eclipse.jpg Dark Mad Science Lab
  1. Poke around - gain capacitor plug or suture needle
  2. Install a capacitor array - lose capacitor array; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube
  3. Install a capacitor plug - lose capacitor array; replace this encounter with Massive Glass Tube
  4. Examine the equipment - gain 4 XP Perception and possibly hints at some numbers
  5. Back away slowly - 4 XP in Will

Eclipse.jpg Massive Glass Tube
  1. Turn the dial - see below
  2. Leave it be - Walk away


You can grow a complete set of cyberware in the Massive Glass Tube. At any time, you can enter "0" to empty the tube. If you have nothing in the tube, or only partially grown parts, emptying the tube will give an experimental beaker and reset it.

You will need to find this encounter multiple times to grow anything interesting in it. The first number you enter, if correct, will create bone matter or tissue matter. A second number you enter will choose a specific cyberware result. Choosing an incorrect number does nothing. An example is shown below:
First number Result Second number Result
9 bone matter 2 stitched arms
9 bone matter 5 stitched legs
9 bone matter 13 tubegrown bones
6 tissue matter 3 tubegrown brain
6 tissue matter 11 tubegrown eyes
6 tissue matter 17 tubegrown organ

However these numbers are randomized per player. A hint to your correct numbers can be found by examining the equipment in the Dark Mad Science Lab. These will give you numbers which are the product of the first and second numbers. Eg. you may find a 117 which is 9*13. The first number varies but the second number is always prime and chosen from {2,3,5,7,11,17,19} (one of those will not be used). Once you created an item in the tank, enter 0 to obtain it.

You can create multiple items in the tank at the same time without emptying it, which is much more efficient. For example, if you had the numbers above, you can enter 9 (to set it to bone mode) then 2, 5, 13 which will create stitched arms, stitched legs and tubegrown bones.

Item Type Effects
stitched arms Cyberarms +2 Melee Power
-2 Fire Defense
stitched legs Cyberlegs +2 Evasion Power
-2 Fire Defense
tubegrown bones Bodyware +3 Melee Defense
-3 Stealth Defense
tubegrown brain Neuralware +3 Etheric Defense
-3 Fire Power
tubegrown eyes Cybereyes +2 Etheric Power
-2 Fire Power
tubegrown organ Organware +3 Stealth Defense
-3 Perception
-3 Reflexes
-3 Strength
-3 Will

If you create all 6 items in the tank and empty it, you fight a Stitched Creation instead. If you win, you unlock the Whipstitched avatar.



Using an experimental beaker with (some of the?) tubegrown cyberware grants special techniques.

Chain Technique Source Type Attribute Base
stitchedgrasp.jpg Stitched Grip stitched arms Melee Strength 3 +2 following a barehanded technique, +3 (additional) with stitched arms
tubegrowntouch.jpg Tubegrown Touch tubegrown organ Etheric Reflexes 8 +3 as Closer, +2 (additional) with tubegrown organ
patchworkdodge.jpg Patchwork Defense stitched legs Evade Reflexes 4 (F) Def halved vs. Fire; +4 def vs MRE with stitched legs
tubegrownthoughts.jpg Tubegrown Thoughts tubegrown brain None Will 4 (E) +6 def with tubegrown brain?
tubegrowngaze.jpg Tubegrown Gaze tubegrown eyes Etheric Will 10 gaze technique; +4 with tubegrown eyes; ineffective vs Fire
skeletalgrowth.jpg Skeletal Growth tubegrown bones Etheric Will 10 +5 with tubegrown bones
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