Pistol Weapon

Pistols are a type of weapon.

As noted in the Type column below, some pistols have sub-types (mostly weird etheric gun types from the December 6th, 2018; see notes about the techniques these affect at the bottom of the page.)

List of Pistols

Item RP Other Bonuses Type
antique dueling pistol 5 +3 Stealth Power
assisted pistol 6 +3 Perception
autolock sidearm 9 +6 Stealth Power
autotargeting sidearm 8
Barsukov sidearm 5 +7 Stealth Power
+2 Morale
blood rose pistol 4 +5 Perception
bloodthirsty sidearm 8 +2 Etheric Power
+2 Power when your target doesn't have a Technique
bone pistol 0 (7) Ranged power only with Eclipse
+7 Etheric Power
cheap pistol 2
chip junkie sidearm 6 Neural Link (10 Quality)
classic handgun 6 +3 Stealth Power
+2 Will
entertainment sidearm 6 +6 Will
Neural Link (10 Quality)
Eurasian handcannon 9 +4 Melee Power
executive sidearm 5
family pistol 6
filthy pistol 3 +1 Stealth Power
folding pistol 7 Stealth Power
+3 Will
fused pistol 6 +3 Perception
ghoulish pistol 0 (5) Ranged power only with Eclipse
+7 Etheric Power
+7 Will
gutter pistol 3 +3 Stealth Power
handmade pistol 3 +3 Stealth Power
heavy pistol 4
hunter sidearm 5 +5 Stealth Power
improbable gun 9 +4 Etheric Power
+4 Stealth Power
-6 Etheric Defense
killer pistol 3 +3 Stealth Power
+3 Power when your target doesn't have a Technique
living pistol 5 +3 Etheric Power Living
luxury holdout 5 +3 Will
magnetic sidearm 10 -5 Reflexes
memory sidearm 6 2 Memory
+1 XP each combat
mirror-handled pistol 7 A reflection of the path before you (7)
optical sidearm 7 +5 Perception
Sight Link: 1
posturing pistol 3 +3 Etheric Power
+3 Etheric Defense
reforged pistol 6 +3 Melee Power
repaired Vigilante pistol 8 +4 Will
Slightly Increases Chance of PvP Encounters
restored pistol 5
rusted gun +4 Etheric Power
+4 Melee Power
+4 Stealth Power
slick holdout 2 +4 Stealth Power
smoldering gun 3 +3 Will
Bonus Power when your target is Human (see page)
steady sidearm 6 +3 Stealth Power
Stone's pistol 5 +5 Power when your target doesn't have a Technique
Slightly Increases Chance of PvP Encounters
survivors' origami pistol 0 (8) Ranged power only with Eclipse
+8 Etheric Power
the Intimidator 7 -3 Reflexes
Slightly Increases Chance of PvP Encounters
tinker's pistol 7 +3 Perception
+3 Will
tiny holdout 5 +5 Stealth Power
toothy pistol 6 +4 Etheric Power Living
trick sidearm 8 +4 Stealth Power
+4 Reflexes
uplinked sidearm 6 +2 Perception
+4 Reflexes
vicious holdout 6 +6 Stealth Power
wired sidearm 8 +4 Stealth Defense
+4 Perception
writhing gun 4 +6 Etheric Power Living
zipgun 1 +1 Stealth Power



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