

Metroplex U Lab
Connection- 3-6V
Class Files- C (1/day)
Vault- C + V

Univ. Net
Shield- O, blocks brute
Handcoded eye- O, reports basic
Bouncer- 2O
Crosslinks- 1O/2O + V

Piecemeal Network
Targeting Cameras- Wideband O, or wideband C (remove encounter)
Lock- Wideband O or any C
Guidance-4V (filter recipe) or 2-5C (remove encounter?)
violence will also remove encounter

Zaibatsu Def- 2C, or 1C with no hardening
Shield- V + C or 2O, blocks O and C

Serpent- 3O, optional D
Eyes- wideband O
Guardian- Drunk + C, or D2 + 3O
Swordsman- 5O, optional D

Signal Filter- 1O or 2-4 V, high CF
Maintenance Seal-V + C
Control Lock -2O, high CF
Chatterbox-2 O, esp. Wideband O
Countermeasures- O
Eye- 2O

Guidance- 3C (shoreline), 1O/2O + 5C
Registry- C+V

1) exercise
2) knives
3) primal
4) slasher
5) rachel
6) soccer
7) orbital wars
8) matsuo
9) omega team
10)public access
11) ad
12) detective
13) pep
14) happy dragon
15) wwtb
16) terror
17) mythbusters
18) fencing
19) two shows/western
20) macgyver

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