Pluck A Star


Image unknownchain9.png
Chain 9
Type Fire
Special Which star determines the sky's preference.
Combat Message <Opponent> plucks a red star from its sky, sending the guttering flame crashing down on you for x damage.
<Opponent> plucks a yellow star from its sky, sending the celestial body crashing down on you for x fire damage.
<Opponent> plucks a shining orange star from its sky, sending the blazing star crashing down on you for x damage.
<Opponent> plucks a blue star from its sky, sending the impossibly hot flame crashing down on you for x damage.
<Opponent> plucks a vibrant purple star from its sky, sending the strange star crashing down on you for x damage.
<Opponent> plucks a brilliant emerald star from its sky, sending the bizarre jewel crashing down on you for x etheric damage.


NPC Only.

Used By (Opponents)

The Painted Sky

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