Post Archive (University Net)

For the other Routine of the same name, see Post Archive (NNN).


Image Library.jpg
Type File System


Responses to Functions

    Function     Message U Result
Offense ≥ 1 You batter the file system It's hard to say if you deleted any posts, exactly, but nobody can see them now, which amounts to the same thing. O+1
The data from the filesystem obviously comes from somewhere, but the interface here is just read-only. 0
View (first time in a day) See below: 0
View (further times in a day) <The owner> hasn't made any updates since you looked last. 0

Note: If the site also has a Posting Interface routine active, crashing that can also remove this routine.

View Results

bat25.jpg Sports
Circuit25.jpg Hacking
CD25.jpg Music
TV.jpg Television
HoundDrone25.jpg Engineering
defaultitem.jpg Miscellaneous

Note: these categories need a lot more spading, and they are not hard and fast. Eg. I've found a sports post and a music post on the same blog. The area you are adventuring affects the results you get to some extent, at least anecdotally, you seem to get more hacking/engineering in the computer lab, and more music in the Happy Hour.

Sports bat25.jpg

There are several posts tagged 'Drone Wars.' Apparently, it's a sport that people are trying to get set up at an intercollegiate level, where teams build drones and face them against each other in an arena.

And then, one of:

The owner mostly just seems to want to watch it… which makes a certain amount of sense. It promises a lot of explosions, tearing metal, and general destruction.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

The owner seems incredibly excited about it and has apparently signed on a petition to Metroplex U to get it officially recognized as a sport.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

The owner goes a bit into the possible programming challenges inherent in the sport, especially because the best combat drones all use Midgard's proprietary code.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

There are several posts in here tagged 'Sports' but talking about some sort of weird card game with the characters from the Team Omega shows. Most of the posts are just videos of games, but you can't make heads or tails of it.

There are several posts in here tagged 'Sports' but talking about some sort of weird card game with the characters from the Team Omega shows. The posts seem mostly consumed with the insistance that the game is, in fact, a sport and everyone who says otherwise is a philistine.

Frankly, it's not very convincing, but it's interesting that people get so worked up about it.

There are several posts in here tagged 'Sports' but talking about some sort of weird card game with the characters from the Team Omega shows. The posts actually do a fairly good job explaining the game, with its carefully interlocking universes and roles and omegas and challenges.

It's hard to say if it qualifies as a "sport," though.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

There are several posts in here tagged 'Sports' but talking about some sort of weird card game with the characters from the Team Omega shows. Most of the posts are just videos of games.

It takes some effort, but you manage to figure out basically what's going on. You're not picking up the complexities the Zaibatsu announcers are raving about, if they're even there, but it looks like it could be fun.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

(At zero hunger?)

The owner actually has some pretty good write ups of games. You can almost hear the crowds and smell the hot dogs.

But right now, neither food nor exercise seems very inspiring.

(At 10 hunger - not sure where the cutoff is)

The owner actually has some pretty good write ups of games. You can almost hear the crowds and smell the hot dogs.

Damn it, now a hot dog sounds good.

Increases hot dog energy gains.

Most of the files out here are tagged 'idiot refs.' You settle in to see what all the complaining's about.

You bounce from file to file, finding a growing stack of complaints about referees. Curiously, the refs only seem to be idiots when they're siding against <Owner>'s favorite team.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

Or with a Rage effect:

Most of the files out here are tagged 'idiot refs.' You settle in to see what all the complaining's about.

<Owner> is right! They were robbed! Referees make you so angry!

You should probably take a couple deep breaths and go smash something before you hurt your computer.

You've gained 5 duration of all rage effects you have active

You scan through a huge block of statistics. There might be drugs that make that interesting, but you haven't found them.

(And, with some trigger)
You content yourself to practicing your math skills.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

Or with Studious Nature:

You numbly scan through the huge block of statistics. Eventually, they click into place and you realize they've made several mistakes.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Will

Or with Focused Perception (overrides Studious Nature):

You scan through a huge block of statistics. Wow. They're so… significant.

It's almost as though everything in the entire world can be seen in the dance of these numbers.

You've earned 4 XP in Perception

Hacking Circuit25.jpg

<The owner> has a lot of advice about security. Too much to use effectively, really.

You try to keep as much in mind as possible.

You've gained 20 energy of Security Minded.

Or with Studious Nature:

The owner has a lot of advice about security. You absorb it like a dehydrated man drinking at an oasis.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've gained <20+turns of Studious Nature> energy of Security Minded.

<The owner> has some code just posted right out there in the open. You're not sure if that's against the rules, but the code looks fine.

You found: crash script

<The owner> has some code posted along with the usual talking about classes. That might explain why everything was secured.

You go ahead and download the most complete example.

You found: 1 of: crash script, filtering script

It looks like some sort of translation script. It actually looks… pretty good.

You found: primitive translator

Without Handscripting:

<The owner> has posted some annotated sections of Novos documentation. It looks like assignments for class, but you give the discussion a quick read.

Yeah, as you expected. You don't know enough to make heads or tails of it.

With Handscripting:

<The owner> has posted some annotated sections of Novos documentation. It looks like assignments for class, but you give the discussion a quick read.

It's interesting, but the deeper Novos syntax is kind of baffling.

With Handscripting and ???:

<The owner> has posted some annotated sections of Novos documentation. It looks like assignments for class, but you give the discussion a quick read.

There are enough good ideas in here you're able to put a bit of code together.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

You found: 3 snippets of code

Music CD25.jpg

<The owner> mostly talks about bands that sell their music, but there's also some free music from a band that apparently doesn't believe in capitalism. You start pulling down their stream because, hey, free music.


This site is filled with political rants, but they're also offering some free music. You start pulling down the band's stream.

You've gained 20 energy of Shrug Off Your Chains

Or with Shrug Off Your Chains playing already:

This site is filled with political rants, but they're also offering some more tracks from Shrug Off Your Chains. You queue up another stream.

You've gained 20 duration of Shrug Off Your Chains.

Or with Shrug Off Your Chains already playing:

<The owner> mostly talks about bands that sell their music rather than giving it away and asking for donations, but they're also offering some more tracks from Shrug Off Your Chains. You queue up another stream.

You've gained 20 energy of Shrug Off Your Chains

You find a recording of <the owner>'s last recital. Huh, it's actually classical music. Apparently Metroplex U still teaches that.

You're not really one to judge, but it seems like a good performance.

You've gained 30 energy of Classical Recital

Or, with Classical Recital already playing:

You queue up the new recital to go with the one you're already listening to.

You've gained 30 energy of Classical Recital

Or, with other music playing:

You're already listening to something else, though.

You find a recording of <the owner>'s last recital. It looks like part of Metroplex U's new synthesized music program.

It's a good example of creating complex patterns from simple pieces, but it's better music to think about than to listen to.

You've gained 30 energy of Synthesized Recital

Or, with Synthesized Recital already playing:

You queue up the new recital to go with the one you're already listening to.

Or, with other music playing:

You're already listening to something else, though.

<The owner> talks a bunch about who's in and who's out in the music world. Frankly, it seems like it's just the owner's opinions cast on to the larger world, but you get acquainted with a bunch of bands you'd never heard of.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With no music active:

<The owner> has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. They're interesting, but not very applicable to your life.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With punk music playing:

<The owner> has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… <The owner> approves of what you're listening to. Apparently its unconventional rhythms and valiant lyrics represent a break from centuries of staid tradition. Wow.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Will

With punk music playing:

<The owner> has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… <Owner> discusses what you're listening to a bit, but doesn't have much good to say. For a genre that claims to be about breaking down walls and expectations, the music you're listening to hasn't changed in decades.

You've earned 2 XP In Perception

With Classical Recital or Classic Carols playing:

<Owner> has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… <Owner> has some good discussion of the classics. You read up a bit, feeling better for supporting a beleaguered art form.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Will

With Dance Music or Synthesized Recital playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… there's some pretty good discussion about how popular music is generated, from basic loops and sampling through full-blown Zaibatsu Idoru.

Although the music isn't necessarily interesting, the process that goes into making it is actually kind of neat.

You've earned 2 XP In Perception

With Dance Music or Synthesized Recital playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye…

You look through for a while, but all you really find is out-of-hand dismissal of popular music.

With Emerald Gift playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through for the ones about Emerald Gift.

<The owner> skirts the issue of Emerald Gift's albums. They seem almost… afraid somehow.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Emerald Gift playing:

<The owner> carefully skirts the issue of Emerald Gift. Apparently there are factions on campus that think they're the single finest band to have ever walked the Earth… and others who think they'd be better off dead than polluting the Earth with their so-called "music."

<The owner> wisely stays out of it.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Emerald Gift playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through for the ones about Emerald Gift.

According to <the owner>, Emerald Gift have completely revolutionized music and what it means to perform. You're really not sure the praise could grow larger without becoming satire. You feel way smarter for listening to them.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Will

With Emerald Gift playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through for the ones about Emerald Gift.

According to the owner, Emerald Gift are sell-out hacks… apparently because they made money at some point. You give it some thought, but that still seems pretty extreme.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Spooky Music playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… There's a bit of discussion about a new "spooky music" movement starting on campus, mostly in reaction to the terrible things that have happened the last few years on Halloween.

From the sounds of things, the music students are split between wanting to strike every mention of Halloween from the school's calendar and an… almost worshipful view of the holiday. The owner doesn't do a very good job of explaining the second group's reverence, but it's an interesting observation nonetheless.

You've earned 3 XP in Perception

With Bitter Song active:

<The owner> has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… <The owner> has some interesting discussion on the role that student deaths, particularly surrounding the last few Halloweens, have shaped music on campus. Watching someone so unused to loss walking through the process of coping is kind of sobering.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

With Extreme Bass XIII Player running:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… <The owner> has a scattering of interesting articles on the margins of music. It seems like Spike has some honestly new and interesting things to say at the edges, where nobody has been able to draw battle lines yet.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Midgard Player music playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… According to the owner, Midgard is working on seeded music that violates the basic concept of music as a creative enterprise.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With Midgard Player music running:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… According to the owner, Midgard is working on seeded music that's generated from arbitrary data… but the commentary just seems like regurgitated Midgard talking points. You're not sure the owner really has any idea what that means.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With Imported Metal playing:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… the owner seems pretty excited about garage bands making a comeback. Not that they're actually in garages anymore, but it's the principle. They even link to a sample track from some "brothers."

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You found: garage track

With Imported Metal or Stainless Skulls playing:
The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You search through until you find something that catches your eye… According to the owner, Midgard is trying to branch more into entertainment and wants to begin exporting metal, leading to the recent surge in terrible metal bands looking for a break.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Imported Metal or Garage Metal:

The owner has a lot of posts delving into the finer points of music theory. You do some searching, but the owner doesn't have much of anything on metal. Bummer.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With no music playing:

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. And now you've got the music from the videos stuck in your head. Dammit.

You end up having to download it, just to get it out of your head.

You've gained 20 energy of Dance Music.

With no music playing and Pep in your Step (?):

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. You try a few dance moves and end up humming the tune to yourself. Damn, that's catchy.

Yeah, really, might as well give in and stream it through your comm.

You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes

You've gained 40 duration of Dance Music.

With Dance Music:

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. You try a few of the moves, but you feel like a lumbering elephant. It's really just embarassing.

You go ahead and launch into an older dance to redeem yourself. Yeah, that's way better.

You've earned 1 XP in Reflexes

With Dance Music and Fae related buffs and/or skills:

The owner has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. Odd, you can't help but think you've seen that dance before somewhere.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

With Dance Music and Fae Blessing with Fae related skill(s):

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. You follow along with the steps perfectly, following the flitting movements of the fae as close as a human can. It's hard to believe it's even an eerie coincidence. The movements are perfectly in synch.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You've earned 2 XP in Reflexes

With Dance Music playing and ??? condition:

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. You try a few moves and find they're surprisingly difficult. But, as you try again and again, the world dissolves into perfect sweeps and steps so light anyone watching would think you could fly.

You've earned 10 XP in Reflexes

With other music playing:

<The owner> has posted a video showing off the newest dance moves. You can't match the rhythms you're listening to and the music on the videos at all. It's pretty bad.

<The owner> has some videos of people dancing at the Happy Hour. Most of the videos focus on one female student… you're not really sure if cameraperson is attracted to her or just really appreciates her dancing.

In either case, her dancing is quite good.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

<The owner> has some videos of their friends dancing at the Happy Hour. You can barely tell what's going on between the flickering lights and all the writhing bodies, but it looks like everyone's having a good time.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

TV TV.jpg

<The owner> has a couple of interesting posts about classic television shows and movies. You haven't seen many of them, but they actually sound worth watching.

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Apparently they're working on another spin-off from Matsuo the Demon Slayer.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. There's a new My Little Idoru show that Zaibatsu's hyping. It… actually doesn't look that bad.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Zaibatsu is apparently launching a series about a family of fencers, with the obvious struggle between the children and parents about whether they'll continue the family business. The concept doesn't hold a lot of promise, but the choreography is beautiful.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Apparently the best new show coming up in the local market is a drama about a spoiled rich girl and her Midgard Humanoid Drone butler who need to find their way among the common folk. You don't feel too bad missing this season.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. The owner goes off on a rant about a terrible OmniTech reality show being re-upped for a ninth season. Apparently, that's the signal that culture is well and truly dead.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Huh. There's a documentary series called "Take the Plunge" that does underwater exploration. Which is kind of neat on its own, but it also looks like they did some diving in Lake Metroplex.

And, sometimes:

<The owner> seems convinced that the episode hasn't been aired yet because Midgard is supressing news of some secret drone facility under the lake.


<The owner> seems glad the episode hasn't been aired yet.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. <The owner> is excited that an underground group is rebroadcasting the Vigilante Chronicles. From the clips, it looks like a cheap local show about a masked vigilante.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

With the repaired Vigilante pistol equipped:

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. <The owner> is excited that an underground group is rebroadcasting the Vigilante Chronicles. From the clips, it looks like a cheap local show about a masked vigilante.

The pistol looks okay, but you can tell the difference.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Hmmm, another Team Omega series, apparently about alien girls that can turn into dragons and fight crime.

It's hard to tell exactly what it's about, though, because Bob has dubbed over it with dialogue mocking the Omegas on campus. It's actually pretty funny.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> has a couple of clips about new shows that are coming up. Zaibatsu is apparently launching another period drama, although this one is set in Egypt around five thousand years ago. Actually, it looks like it might have some supernatural elements too, so "period drama" might not be right.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

Engineering HoundDrone25.jpg

<The owner> has a bunch of posts talking about OmniTech and polysteel (or, formally, PolySteel). Apparently, it can be made into everything from cloth to earthmoving equipment, although some of the more exotic forms require special machinery.

And then, one of:

The schematics in the section on processors is good enough you might be able to replicate them.

You've learned a new quest recipe: Processor Chip - Cobble a chip together from four Circuit Fragments and a Polysteel base.

There's a bit of discussion about making your own goggles in freshmen lab. It sounds easy enough.

You've learned a new armory recipe: Lab Visor - Fill in a Visor Frame with some Polysteel

One of the posts talks about making creepy masks for a prank. There isn't any commentary on how the prank went, but the masks should be easy enough to recreate.

You've learned a new armory recipe: Polysteel Mask - Gently mold some Polysteel into a Paper Mask's shape

You've learned a new simple recipe: Paper Mask - Spread three piles of Paper Mache on your face

One of the posts talks about making creepy masks for a prank. It sounds like everyone had a pretty good time and the masks should be easy enough to recreate.

You've learned a new armory recipe: Polysteel Mask - Gently mold some Polysteel into a Paper Mask's shape

You've learned a new simple recipe: Paper Mask - Spread three piles of Paper Mache on your face

Or, after learning all the above recipes:

It's all pretty interesting, but probably won't come in handy unless you find an extruder or temperer.

<The owner> seems pretty excited about Midgard drones. It's probably only fair; Metroplex U is Midgard's biggest source for engineers. At least, it is if you believe the signs all over campus.

And then, one of:

There are a few articles griping about how the SDnano has been delayed again. Apparently electrical failures and software problems are keeping them off the shelves.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

The owner has an overview of the whole Midgard line here. They make all sorts of stuff, from humanoid servants to harvesting equipment to mining drones to the canine patrollers that Midgard Security uses.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You stumble onto a rather boring set of articles about Midgard's agricultural line. Roy either needed to fill some space or is really interested, however, as it goes on for pages and pages.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

The owner included some old videos of Midgard TV advertisements from before they came out with the Canine Drone line.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

A few articles show off the range of Midgard's Mining Drone line. Before Midgard's near financial difficulties around twenty years ago, the MD line was the core of its products. Now, it's obvious they're pouring money into development but still selling far more of their other models.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

Most of the articles focus on Midgard's use of the MD5, nominally for subterranean defense, to assist in the rescue efforts follow Metroplex U's dorm collapse.

And, sometimes?

The owner has attached some video from the excavation, where you can see the drones in action. It's pretty impressive, but the strange green glow that seeps from the pit is a little distracting.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

A few interesting articles delve into the rarely seen world of Midgard's humanoid drone (HD) line. You certainly couldn't mistake them for human, but the videos make them look intelligent enough.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

There are some interesting articles about the 'main SD' series of spider drones. SD1 and SD2 apparently came out over ten years ago, but within six months of each other.

From the sounds of things, the SD1 was a test run using weapons from the Hound Drone line and the SD2 was designed from the ground up for long-term use and physical combat.

The SD4 and SD5 were apparently put in the prototype stage back then and were delayed when the plant intended to build them was destroyed in the Incident that created the Slags. Rumors are that they'll be reaching production soon, but the owner notes those rumors have been around for a few years.

And, with some trigger?
Some embedded advertisement footage shows the a spider drone emerging from beneath a lake bed and jetting upwards, tearing into the hull of a ship and spearing anyone who jumps overboard with its forelimbs. A voiceover explains that the SD4 is intended for area control and naval containment.

Nothing about the SD3, though.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

Or, with the advertisement footage message:

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

There are some interesting articles about Aerial Drones and how Midgard is working on prototypes for drones large enough to fly with passengers.

And sometimes:

Most of the comments seem consumed with whether the new ADs will bring back jousting.

There are some interesting articles about Midgard's reluctance to update its Canine Drones. The author seems honestly confused by this, because the CD line are Midgard's core product line since they returned from the brink of bankruptcy.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

There are some interesting articles about Midgard's reluctance to update its Canine Drones. The author mentions some rumors that the CDs' programming is so convoluted that they haven't been able to update it.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

There are some interesting articles about Midgard's reluctance to update its Canine Drones. The author mentions some rumors that a 'Project Fenris' is working on a new, vastly improved CD line. But <the author> admits it could just be a guess, because the name seems too pat, even for Midgard.

After having completed the Survivors quest(?):

It squares with what you've found out about Special Projects, however.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

A few articles touch on drone memory architecture. It's shockingly complicated, even in the simple form shown here. Either Midgard is making this stuff intentionally difficult to understand or they're doing a really bad job explaining it to their future engineers.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

A few articles touch on drone memory architecture. It's shockingly complicated, even in the simple form shown here. Either Midgard is making this stuff intentionally difficult to understand or they're doing a really bad job explaining it to their future engineers.

<Owner> goes into some more detail about what makes the whole structure difficult to understand: how the code modifies itself as it's running, the way it intentionally corrupts data to get near-random results, and how the electrical systems rely on interference for communication between components.

It's really a wonder the whole thing works at all.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

Or, sometimes, if you have seen the mysterious drone signature:

A few articles touch on drone memory architecture. It's shockingly complicated, even in the simple form shown here. Either Midgard is making this stuff intentionally difficult to understand or they're doing a really bad job explaining it to their future engineers.

An offhand comment about how the original architecture was designed by a single genius programmer without any outside input. That certainly squares with what you've seen inside the memories.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> seems obsessed with Midgard drones. Most engineering majors at Metroplex U are interested in drones, but <the owner> breaks the mold by going with the anti-drone camp.

And then, one of:
There are some interesting articles about Aerial Drones and how Midgard is working on prototypes for drones small enough to patrol inside the ducts of buildings.

<The owner> has an overview of the whole Midgard line here. They make all sorts of stuff, from humanoid servants to harvesting equipment to mining drones to the canine patrollers that Midgard Security uses.

<The owner> seems more terrified by each drone line than the last… except for the agricultural drones. Those are okay, apparently.

A few articles touch on drone memory architecture. It's shockingly complicated, even in the simple form shown here. Either Midgard is making this stuff intentionally difficult to understand or they're doing a really bad job explaining it to their future engineers. The author seems unnerved about what they've seen inside the drone memory system. It's hard to say what might have set them off, but it might be worth looking into.

A few articles touch on drone memory architecture. It's shockingly complicated, even in the simple form shown here. Either Midgard is making this stuff intentionally difficult to understand or they're doing a really bad job explaining it to their future engineers.

That said, there are some basic files that should be computer-readable. With the right tools, you could probably extract memories from cooperative or disabled drones.

That could come in handy.

There are a few articles elated that the SDnano has been delayed again. Apparently electrical failures and software problems are keeping them off the shelves.

Ahmed seems convinced the nano is intended for assassinations. It's certainly small enough and the voltages they're talking about could leave someone a smoking wreck.

Then again, Midgard says they're intended for "personal defense" which explains both factors pretty well.

There are some interesting articles about the 'main SD' series of spider drones. SD1 and SD2 apparently came out over ten years ago, but within six months of each other.

From the sounds of things, the SD1 was a test run using weapons from the Hound Drone line and the SD2 was designed from the ground up for long-term use and physical combat.

The SD4 and SD5 were apparently put in the prototype stage back then and were delayed when the plant intended to build them was destroyed in the Incident that created the Slags. Rumors are that they'll be reaching production soon, but the owner notes those rumors have been around for a few years.

<The owner points out the suspicious lack of an SD3 as though it's proof of some great conspiracy./The owner seems relieved to not know anything about the SD3.>

You stumble onto a rather boring set of articles about Midgard's agricultural line. <The owner> either needed to fill some space or is really interested, however, as it goes on for pages and pages.

<The owner> spends some time pointing out the economic ramifications on replacing human workers with drones and the subsequent desperations that brought millions of rural jobless into the cities.

You stumble onto a rather boring set of articles about Midgard's agricultural line. <The owner> either needed to fill some space or is really interested, however, as it goes on for pages and pages.

<The owner> actually seems strangely fond of the FD line compared to all the other lines. Farming apparently just isn't all that scary.

There are some interesting articles about Midgard's reluctance to update its Canine Drones. The author seems afraid of CDs, although there aren't any details about why. Maybe you're reading a subtext into nothing.

There are some interesting articles about Midgard's reluctance to update its Canine Drones. The author talks about it like it's some huge conspiracy, although it's hard to say what would be in it for Midgard.

A few interesting articles delve into the rarely seen world of Midgard's humanoid drone (HD) line. You certainly couldn't mistake them for human, but the videos make them look intelligent enough.

<Owner> points out the darker side of this, that almost two thirds of HDs sold have one or more sexual features.

A few interesting articles delve into the rarely seen world of Midgard's humanoid drone (HD) line. You certainly couldn't mistake them for human, but the videos make them look intelligent enough.

Someone in the comment section talks about how a friend who still lives at home "sampled all the wares at the Happy Hour" before heading home one night and ended up in bed with her mom's HD. Then, a week later, went to the health center for stomach pains and they found a baby of plastic and steel.

The rest of the comment thread is spent alternately laughing at and chastising the poster for spreading urban legends.

A few articles show off the range of Midgard's Mining Drone line. Before Midgard's near financial difficulties around twenty years ago, the MD line was the core of its products. Now, it's obvious they're pouring money into development but still selling far more of their other models.

Most of the articles focus on Midgard's use of the MD5, nominally for subterranean defense, to assist in the rescue efforts follow Metroplex U's dorm collapse.

<Owner> seems strangely terrified of the burrowing drones, something about their legs and stinger. They're right that the grabbing arm back end of the drone looks weirdly like a stinger.

A few articles show off the range of Midgard's Mining Drone line. Before Midgard's near financial difficulties around twenty years ago, the MD line was the core of its products. Now, it's obvious they're pouring money into development but still selling far more of their other models.

Most of the articles focus on Midgard's use of the MD5, nominally for subterranean defense, to assist in the rescue efforts follow Metroplex U's dorm collapse.

<Person> seems convinced the whole thing was a publicity stunt "just like how they're pretending to clean the Slags."

And for all of the above(?)

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<The owner> goes on and on about how Midgard is suppressing information about drone attacks on humans. The way they talk about it, it's as though they and their friends are being specifically targeted… which sounds a lot more like self-importance and paranoia than anything else.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception


<Owner> has a recent report about the new city standards for shipping drone identification. It's not a bad refresher, but you already knew most of the stuff here.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

<Owner> has a recent report about the new city standards for shipping drone identification. It's about as interesting as it sounds, but it might come in handy.

The identification scheme seems painfully straight forward, especially the system Midgard Shipping uses. It isn't until later you feel like it probably should have been baffling.

You've learned a new quest recipe: Midgard Shipping Filtering - Temporarily tune out drones other than Midgard Shipping with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)

<The owner> seems convinced that the system is broken and needs to be torn down. They're not wrong necessarily, but they don't seem to have a solid plan to bring down the system or what to do once it's gone away.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

The owner seems convinced that the system is broken and needs to be torn down. They're not wrong necessarily, but it's hard to take them seriously when they obviously only leave their room for classes.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

The owner seems convinced that the system is broken and needs to be torn down. They're not wrong necessarily, but it's hard to take them seriously when they've obviously never been further south than the Happy Hour.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> seems convinced that the system is broken and needs to be torn down. They have some cogent arguments and… some surprisingly specific lists of buildings that hold the institutions propping up the system.

Damn there are a lot of Midgard facilities in this city. It's not surprising with them being based here, but it's quite something else to see them all listed.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You've earned 1 XP in Will

<The owner> is definitely very political, but actually goes into how specific economic structures have caused the stratification seen in Metroplex and throughout the world.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

OJ required(?):

<The owner> goes on a lot of political rants, but it's… actually kind of interesting. There are some interesting linguistic arguments… you're not even sure if the owner knows they're there… but they form a web beneath the political issues.
You've earned 5 XP in Perception

Or after getting the above result(?):

<The owner> goes on a lot of political rants, but you can actually pick out some interesting linguistic arguments from amid the dross.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

You find a couple of interesting posts about language theory. It's more interesting than it has any right to be, the way we convey meaning.

You've earned 1 XP in Perception

You find a couple of interesting posts about language theory. It's more interesting than it has any right to be, the way we convey meaning.

<The owner> does a good job of making it applicable too, by linking it back to Novos programming.

You've earned 2 XP in Perception

<The owner> has a bunch of posts about working on something in Room 16 and late nights in Room 16. Hmm. It would make sense if that's down by the computer lab in the campus lab building.

And, if you've found the keypad code on another site:

Huh, that's a decent place to check out that keypad code you found.

You find a bunch of student articles on philosophy. It's even more boring than it sounds.

Or rarely:

You find some good summaries of old philosophical arguments. You haven't really been exposed to them a lot, so it's still quite interesting.

And, as a bonus, it adds a little context to other things you've heard people saying. It's like there's another language hiding underneath normal speech.

You've earned 3 XP in Perception

Or after seeing a lot of philosophy (some random factor plays in here):

You find some summaries of old philosophical arguments. It's obviously pretty amateur stuff. You're able to pick it apart almost as fast as your search finds them.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

You stumble upon a rare interesting philosophical post. The owner moves ahead instead of retreading the same questions answered on dozens of other sites.

Or, rather, the owner approaches the same questions with new tools. People have been talking about the nature of consciousness and whether humanity can transcend the flesh for a long time, but the owner explores how those propositions might be tested using cybernetics.

It sounds like the owner has gone far enough to do some basic experiments, which is pretty impressive.

Or, if you know enough philosophy (?):

There's something strange missing… <Owner> doesn't seem to know a ton about cybernetics, at least beyond what's in the discussion here. But something obviously nudged them into a new train of thought.

You've earned 3 XP in Perception

You're not sure why you went into the public files. It's just page after page of <the owner> complaining about parents and professors and other students.

And then, one of:

<The owner> seems to reserve special vitriol for popular students, but that's all you learn before your brain balks at reading any more of this drivel.

<The owner> seems to reserve special vitriol for less popular students, but that's all you learn before your brain balks at reading any more of this drivel.

<The owner> seems to reserve special vitriol for professors who make their students design Novos sites, but that's all you learn before your brain balks at reading any more of this drivel.

<The owner> seems to reserve special vitriol for professors that don't "understand true art.", but that's all you learn before your brain balks at reading any more of this drivel.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

You're not sure why you went into the public files. Huge tracts of data are taken up by <the owner>'s overwrought poetry.

Maybe someday the owner will be able to evoke the whole range of emotions, but right now that range seems limited to slight annoyance.

And, with satirical poetry equipped:
You jot down a few notes on your satirical poetry so it's not a complete loss.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

You find comment thread after comment thread with everyone trading tips on sex and fashion. It's like reading the advice column of a trashy lifestyle weekly.

You're almost thankful nobody bothers to market those in Southside. It's just as well… there aren't exactly a lot of parties or dates to be had in Southside.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

The owner goes on and on bragging about how wasted they all got. It's really kind of pathetic.

You've earned 1 XP in Will

The owner is definitely very political, but mostly seems concerned with convincing people to abandon the cities and move back into the forests before everything goes to hell. Apparently, they've never been to Southside.

The survival tips are kind of interesting, though.

You've gained 20 duration of Forest Movements.

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