Pre Halloween Security



Encounter Conditions


Initial Text

A uniformed security guard passes you, only sparing you a glance as he patrols the Halloween preparations.

Summary of Choices

  1. Talk about Halloween - information, more in Midgard Security outfit
  2. Offer backup - information, more in Midgard Security outfit
  3. Attack him - fight Midgard Security
  4. Pass on by - Walk away

Choice Text and Results

Talk about Halloween

He shakes his head. "I'm not here for the party, just providing security until then. Try not to… break anything, okay?"

Or, in Midgard security outfit

"Well, we don't have to cover the party, but I'm glad they sent more people than just me. This place is always a mess leading up to Halloween." He sighs.

"It's usually such a calm beat too. Guess that's what I get for slacking fifty one weeks a year."

Offer backup

"Naw," he shakes his head. "I appreciate the offer, I do, but we can't get civilians involved."

Or, in Midgard security outfit

"Alright," he nods. "If you see anybody doing anything shady, just crack 'em. Try not to kill anybody that doesn't already look like they want trouble."

He pauses for a moment, then adds "I really appreciate the help. We all need to be on our toes."

Attack him

Something happens

Pass on by

He doesn't give you any problems, which is sort of novel in its own right.

See Walk Away

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