Project Shooter


Image projectshooter.jpg
Description Conjure a gunman of green light to join you
Chain 8
Type Etheric
Attribute Perception
Special Base Damage 10 with the hologram

Attack Summary

Condition Base
You make a "gun" motion with your hand at <opponent>.
Vs. a holosighted opponent (without solid gunman hologram*) 8
Your focus on <opponent> burns into her for <X> damage.
With a solid gunman hologram* 10 Does not require Etheric.
The green light in your hand stalks forward, firing a bolt of radiance at <opponent> for <X> damage.
With a solid gunman hologram* following a Single Shot Technique 12 Does not require Etheric.
The green light in your hand stalks forward carefully, adding a single radiant bolt at <opponent> for <X> damage.
With a solid gunman hologram* following a Burst Technique 15 Does not require Etheric.
The green light in your hand stalks forward, adding a burst of radiant bolts at <opponent> for <X> damage.


* If this technique directly follows another successful projection the only solid hologram required is the one initiating the group.


Defeating a gunman hologram with a solid gunman hologram equipped.

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