A temporary link for my next longterm project: Metroplexity Newsfax our first newspaper:)
Taking good example from Vholes im creating a page for my notes on coding:
Target Serach
- Advertising Site Lv. 3
- Blog Site Lv. 1
- General Products Lv. 3
- Programing Site Lv. 1
- Programing Site Lv. 2
- Programing Site Lv. 3
Unknow, bussines?
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
Level 2: password-lock-pre-novos
Enact Sabotage:
Browse Security Logs
Advertising Site
Key words: Outreach
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
- 3 x Painkiller, 2 XP in Will (wall of ads, usefull add)
- 2 XP in Perception (wall of ads, no usefull add)
Level 2: password-lock-pre-novos
Enact Sabotage:
- learn a new chemistry recipe: Caffeine and Sugar , 2 XP in Will, 2 XP in Perception
- after learning the recipe, 2 XP in Will, 2 XP in Perception
- 4 XP in Will (clearing mailing lists, with your name)
- 2 XP in Will (clearing mailing lists, without your name)
Level 3: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Secure Files:
Browse Security Logs
Blog Site
Key words: Hideaway, Nest
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
- learn a new chemistry recipe: Chocolate Components (chem lab scientist, recipe not known)
- learn a new recipe: ??? (phys lab scientist, recipe not known)
- 3 XP in Will (chem/phys lab scientist, recipe known)
- 1 XP in Will (chem/phys lab scientist, boring stuff)
- Blackmail Material
Browse Security Logs
General Products Site
Key words: General Products
Level 1: OmniTech Autodefense
Browse Public Files:
Level 2: OmniTech Autodefense
Reroute Suplies:
- 2 x Canned Gravy, 2 x Canned Green Beans, 2 x Instaheat Soup
- 3 x Canned Gravy, 3 x Canned Green Beans
- 6-8 x Dried Fish
Level 3: Zaibatsu Defender
Misdirect Supplies:
- 6 x Polysteel Can
- 6 x Processed Sugar
Browse Security Logs
Programing Site
Key words: Coding, Consulting, Software, Modules
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
- 2 x Networking Code
- File Interface, Networking Code, Security Patches
- 2 x Math Subroutine, Networking Code
- Network Interpreter
Browse Security Logs
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
Level 2: password-lock-pre-novos
Misdirect Supplies:
- 3-4 x Module Chip
- 13 x Blank Paper
- PDA Chasis
Browse Security Logs
Level 1: password-lock-pre-novos
Browse Public Files:
- File Interface, Math Subroutine, Networking Code
- File Interface, Math Subroutine, Security Patches
- Software Firewall (fisnihed code)
- 2 XP in Will, 2 XP in Perception (project plans)
Level 2: password-lock-pre-novos
Misdirect Supplies:
- 12-20 x Blank Paper
- 3 x Module Chip
Level 2: OmniTech Autodefense
Misdirect Supplies:
- 3 x Module Chip
- 10-17 x Blank Paper
Level 3: OmniTech Autodefense
Browse Secure Files:
- 3 x Mailing List
Browse Security Logs
automation routine
code injector
deep file scan
eavesdropping tools
file interface
file scan
language interpreter
math subroutine
Midgard Protection Suite
networking code
network interpreter
network jammer
optimizing code
quick scan
security patches
security updater
software firewall
target search
updating firewall
vulnerability database
vulnerability tester
automation routine
automation routine X X
code injector X X
decompiler X X
deep file scan X X
eavesdropping tools X X
file interface file scan
file scan X X
language interpreter X
math subroutine optimizing code
Midgard Protection Suite X X
networking code X X
network interpreter X
network jammer X X
optimizing code X X
quick scan X X
security patches security updater
security updater X X
software firewall X X
target search X X
updating firewall X X
vulnerability database X X
vulnerability tester X X
code injector
code injector X X
decompiler X X
deep file scan X depth charge
eavesdropping tools X X
file interface X X
file scan X X
language interpreter X
math subroutine X X
Midgard Protection Suite X X
networking code X X
network interpreter X X
network jammer X intrusive jammer
optimizing code X X
quick scan X X
security patches X X
security updater X X
software firewall X X
target search X X
updating firewall X X
vulnerability database X X
vulnerability tester X X
decompiler X
deep file scan X X
eavesdropping tools X X
file interface X X
file scan thorough decompiler
language interpreter X
math subroutine X X
Midgard Protection Suite X X
networking code X X
network interpreter X X
network jammer X X
optimizing code fast D
quick scan X X
security patches X X
security updater X X
software firewall X X
target search X X
updating firewall X X
vulnerability database X X
vulnerability tester X X
deep file scan
deep file scan X
eavesdropping tools X X
file interface X X
file scan X
language interpreter X
math subroutine X X
Midgard Protection Suite X X
networking code X X
network interpreter X X
network jammer X X
optimizing code X X
quick scan X X
security patches X X
security updater X X
software firewall X X
target search X X
updating firewall X X
vulnerability database X X
vulnerability tester X X
eavesdropping tools
eavesdropping tools X
file interface X
file scan X
language interpreter X
math subroutine X
Midgard Protection Suite X
networking code X
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X network scan
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
file interface
file interface X
file scan X
language interpreter X
math subroutine X
Midgard Protection Suite X
networking code X
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database - code injector
vulnerability tester X
file scan
file scan X
language interpreter X
math subroutine X
Midgard Protection Suite X
networking code X
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code - quick scan
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database - deep file scan
vulnerability tester X
language interpreter
language interpreter
math subroutine X
Midgard Protection Suite X
networking code - network interpreter
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code - Advanced Interpreter
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
math subroutine
math subroutine X
Midgard Protection Suite X
networking code X
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
Midgard Protection Suite
Midgard Protection Suite
networking code X
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
networking code
networking code - target search
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches - software firewall
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database - vulnerability tester
vulnerability tester X
network interpreter
network interpreter X
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall - network jammer
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database - eavesdropping tools
vulnerability tester X
network jammer
network jammer X
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X defensive jammer
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
optimizing code
optimizing code X
quick scan X
security patches X
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
security patches
security patches - vulnerability database
security updater X
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
security updater
security updater X
software firewall - updating firewall
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X daily tester
software firewall
software firewall X
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
target search
target search X
updating firewall X
vulnerability database - intrusive search
vulnerability tester X
updating firewall
updating firewall X
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
vulnerability database
vulnerability database X
vulnerability tester X
vulnerability tester
vulnerability tester