The recipe number can be found by viewing the page source of the crafting pages. Next to each recipe is a radio button with a value. Eg. Heavy Baton recipe number is 117:
<input type='radio' name='recipe' value='117' /> <B>Heavy Baton</B> …
† This column indicates the crafting type:
- armory
- chemistry
- coding
- cooking
- electronics
- simple
- sushi
Superscripts indicate recipe type:
Q - Quest recipe: you can only create this if you know the recipe (lost on resets)
L - Learnable Quest recipe: this is a recipe that you learn by finding it through experimtation and also elsewhere in the world (lost on resets)
R - Required recipe: you need to learn this recipe to create it (kept through resets)
ID | Output | † | Ingredients |
1 | Liquified Eclipse | Create a more potent, liquid form of Eclipse with two Eclipse tablets. | |
2 | Slags Antidote | Q | Boil down two clumps of withered tendrils with liquified Eclipse to create an antidote to Slags poisoning. |
3 | Caffeine Powder | Q | Reduce a cup of horrible black coffee into pure caffeine. You need the strong stuff, not just any coffee will do. |
4 | Nitro | L | Process two sticks of dynamite into one vial of pure Nitro. |
5 | Powerful Acid | Q | Convert a pile of sulfur into a flask of dangerous, but effective, acid. |
6 | Sheet of Scales | Reconstruct a scaly hide from loose scales and tendril ointment. | |
7 | Tendril Ointment | Make a healing ointment by dissolving the withered tendrils of a sea creature in grain alcohol. | |
8 | Powerful Acid | Q | Refine a flask of powerful acid from the remains of three partially digested fish. |
9 | Agar Powder | Q | Reduce a clump of damp seaweed into agar powder. |
10 | Nitro | L | Dissolve a lake serpent sample in powerful acid to get some Nitro. Just don't drop it. |
11 | Powerful Acid | Distill two flasks of larval acid into one flask of a more powerful acid. | |
12 | Caffeine Powder | Crush and refine two pep pills into pure caffeine powder. | |
13 | Caffeine IV | Mix some pure caffeine in an IV bag for a constant drip, drip, drip of energy. | |
14 | Numbing IV | Get some potent painkillers in an IV bag to cut all that pain down. | |
15 | Potent Painkiller | Distill two painkillers into their pure liquid form. | |
16 | Slags IV | Dilute some Slags antidote into an IV bag for a constant supply. | |
17 | Soaked Eclipse | If you carefully soak an Eclipse in more liquified Eclipse, it retains itself while somehow soaking up all the liquid. Strange. | |
18 | Slimy Eclipse | Dissolve some withered tendrils in some liquified Eclipse to get… slimy Eclipse. | |
19 | NitroX | Kick a vial of Nitro up a notch with some of these white flakes. | |
20 | Nightmare Fuel | Dissolve ghoul teeth in larval acid to create something closely resembling the essence of nightmares. | |
21 | Necrotic Vial | Mix nightmare fuel with Nitro to create an etheric explosive. | |
22 | Ghoul Maw | Heal a ghoul's teeth back into a semblance of life with a tendril ointment. | |
23 | Signal Analysis Circuit | Q | Reconstruct four circuit fragments into a simple circuit. |
24 | Biomonitor Circuit | Q | Connect two frayed cables to a signal analysis circuit for a basic life-monitoring system. |
25 | Thick Cabling | Q | Twine two frayed cables into one thick functional cable. |
26 | Capacitor Array | Q | Set up four microcapacitors to hold far more charge. |
27 | Targeting Circuit | Q | Combine two optical sensors and a signal analysis circuit into a primitive targeting system. |
28 | Refined Petrol | Distill two units of petrol sludge down into a vial of refined petrol. | |
29 | Petrol Sludge | Break down a sludge heart with powerful acid to get a bunch of petrol sludge | |
30 | Refined Petrol | Dissolve a lump of coal down with powerful acid to get this flammable mix. | |
31 | Hound Eclipse | Buffer some hound dust with liquified Eclipse. | |
32 | Artificial Hound Crystal | Add more hound dust to hound Eclipse, solidifying it into an artificial gem. | |
33 | Gritty Ointment | Mix hound dust with a tendril ointment to create a defensive ointment. | |
34 | Frag Grenades | Juice up a gas grenade with some dynamite. (NO LONGER EXISTS) | |
35 | Eclipse Slammer | Liquified Eclipse and a border slammer mixed into something more terrifying than either. | |
36 | Slimy Bandage | Slather an Omnitech trauma bandage with tendril ointment for a stronger healer | |
37 | Black Bandage | Use an Omnitech trauma bandage to bond Nightmare Fuel to your skin | |
38 | Crystalline Mushroom | Petrify a Shaman Staff mushroom with some Hound Eclipse | |
39 | Toadstool Oil | Boil two warty toadstools down to their active ingredient | |
40 | Mushrooms | Black spores in agar powder instantly sprout into mushrooms | |
41 | Toxic Eclipse | Poison some liquified Eclipse with a destroying angel mushroom | |
42 | Toxic Spear | Use Toxic Eclipse to alter the nature of a Fungus Spear | |
43 | Nightmare Fuel | Toxic Eclipse and Black Spores create this nightmarish cocktail | |
44 | Toxic Crystal | Grow a crystal out of Hound Dust around some Toxic Eclipse | |
45 | Toxic Tears | Dissolve a Destroying Angel mushroom in a Flask of Tears | |
46 | Molotov Cocktail | Q | Rig some Refined Petrol up into a simple Molotov cocktail |
47 | Targeting Scope | Upgrade a Basic Scope with a Targeting Circuit | |
48 | Descrambled TV | Add a Signal Analysis Circuit to improve an Antique Plasma TV | |
49 | Monitoring Vest | Tag a Light Armored Vest with a Biomonitor Circuit for first aid feedback | |
50 | Shorted Cable | Charge a Thick Cable with a Capacitor Array to shock your foes | |
51 | Live Cable | Permanently charge some Thick Cable with two Capacitor Arrays (2 Energy) | |
52 | Improved Visor | Update a Security Visor with a Targeting Circuit | |
53 | Biomonitor Kit | Improve any First Aid Kit with a Biomonitor Circuit | |
54 | Lashing Golem Heart | Fuse a Trash Golem Heart with a Thick Cable | |
55 | Crawling Golem Heart | Expand a Trash Golem Heart with two spools of Thick Cable (2 Energy) | |
56 | Writhing Golem Heart | Allow a Trash Golem Heart to fuse with three spools of Thick Cable (3 Energy) | |
57 | Cabling Nest | Give your Trash Golem Heart four lengths of Thick Cable to build a nest (4 Energy) | |
58 | Living Sludge Heart | Add a Biomonitor Circuit to a Sludge Heart to confirm disquieting information | |
59 | Beating Sludge Heart | Give a Sludge Heart some semblance of life with a Biomonitor Circuit and a Capacitor Array | |
60 | Shock Shield | Line a Midgard Riot Shield with a Capacitor Array | |
61 | Smart Clip | Modernize a Long Clip with a Targeting Circuit | |
62 | Retromodern Scope | Bring an Antique Scope into the modern age with a Targeting Circuit | |
63 | Filtered HUD | Make a Blacks Ops HUD more user friendly by filtering it with a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
64 | Advanced Rangefinder | Improve the power of a Rangefinder with a Targeting Circuit | |
65 | Rangefinder Bracelet | Improve the usability of a Rangefinder by attaching some Thick Cabling | |
66 | Targeting Bracelet | Optimize a Rangefinder by adding a Thick Cable and a Targeting Circuit (2 Energy) | |
67 | Steady Sidearm | Upgrade an Executive Sidearm with a Biomonitor Circuit | |
68 | Uplinked Sidearm | Integrate an Executive Sidearm with the help of a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
69 | Autotargeting Sidearm | Simplify an Executive Sidearm by adding a Targeting Circuit | |
70 | Wired Sidearm | Leverage an Executive Sidearm with a Targeting Circuit and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy) | |
71 | Autolock Sidearm | Idiot-proof the Executive Sidearm with a Biomonitor Circuit and Targeting Circuit (2 Energy) | |
72 | Buzzing TZR | Short out a Zaibatsu TZR by adding a Capacitor Array | |
73 | Long Range Scanner | Improve a Police Scanner's range with a Thick Cabling antenna | |
74 | Updated Scanner | Replace outdated parts in a Police Scanner with a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
75 | Retrofitted Scanner | Overhaul a Police Scanner with some Thick Cabling and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy) | |
76 | Sushi Nori | Q | Process a clump of damp seaweed |
77 | Raw Bluegill | Slice a Lake Bluegill | |
78 | Pike Sashimi | Delicately cut a Dock Pike | |
79 | Acrid Sashimi | Prepare a Partially Digested Fish | |
80 | Dried Fish Strip | Practice sashimi cutting on a Dried Fish | |
81 | Tiny Squid Eyes | De-eye a lake squid | |
82 | Unagi | Slice a freshwater eel | |
83 | Perch Sashimi | Finely cut a lake perch | |
84 | Ika Sashimi | Prepare an Endangered Squid | |
85 | Bluegill Sushi | Drape some Lake Bluegill over some Sushi Rice | |
86 | Pike Sushi | Lay some Dock Pike over Sushi Rice | |
87 | Acidic Sushi | Place some Partially Digested Fish over Sushi Rice | |
88 | Dried Fish Sushi | Lay a cut of Dried Fish over some Sushi Rice | |
89 | Unagi Sushi | Prepare some Freshwater Eel with Sushi Rice | |
90 | Perch Sushi | Rest a cut of Lake Perch over Sushi rice | |
91 | Ika Sushi | Prepare some Endangered Squid with Sushi Rice | |
92 | Bluegill Maki | Roll some Lake Bluegill in Sushi Nori | |
93 | Dock Roll | Present some Dock Pike in Sushi Nori | |
94 | Slags Roll | Carefully roll Partially Digested Fish with Sushi Nori | |
95 | Dried Fish Maki | Wrap Dried Fish in Sushi Nori | |
96 | Eye Roll | Hide the staring eyes of a Lake Squid with some Sushi Nori | |
97 | Staring Maki | Wrap Tiny Squid Eyes in Sushi Nori | |
98 | Eel Maki | Roll some Freshwater Eel with Sushi Nori | |
99 | Perch Roll | Roll some Lake Perch with Sushi Nori | |
100 | Smuggler Roll | Roll up some Endangered Squid in Sushi Nori | |
101 | Frosty Roll | Roll a Carrot Nose with some Sushi Nori | |
102 | Crying Roll | Roll some Rinsed Squid Eyes in Sushi Nori | |
103 | Rinsed Squid Eyes | Clean some Tiny Squid Eyes with a Flask of Tears | |
104 | Toxic Squid Eyes | Infuse tiny squid eyes with toxic tears | |
105 | Pulsating Eye | Fuse tiny squid eyes together using nightmare fuel | |
106 | Powered Injector | Recharge a Broken Injector with a Capacitor Array | |
107 | Uncharged Injector | Repair a Broken Injector with a Biomonitor Circuit | |
108 | Empty Injector | Replace the Biomonitor Circuit and Capacitor Array in a Broken Injector (2 Energy) | |
109 | Eclipse Injector | Fill an Empty Injector with some Liquified Eclipse | |
110 | Ointment Injector | Fill an Empty Injector with Tendril Ointment | |
111 | Antidote Injector | Fill an Empty Injector with Slags Antidote | |
112 | Serpent Knuckles | Wrap some brass knuckles in a sheet of scales. | |
113 | Silver Knuckles | Adorn some brass knuckles with a silver ingot | |
114 | Steel Knuckles | Reforge some brass knuckles with a steel ingot | |
115 | Silver Baton | Add a Silver Ingot core to a Riot Baton | |
116 | Steel Baton | Reinforce a riot baton with a steel ingot | |
117 | Heavy Baton | Fill a riot baton with metallic powder | |
118 | Thick Vest | Add a layer of polysteel to a light armored vest | |
119 | Traditional Armored Vest | Upgrade a light armored vest with a steel ingot | |
120 | Dual Armored Vest | Strengthen a light armored vest with some hardened plastic | |
121 | Bulletproof Vest | Modernize a light armored vest with some ballistic plastic | |
122 | Retooled Rifle | Refit a suspicious rifle with material from a steel ingot | |
123 | Modernized Rifle | Update a suspicious rifle with some hardened plastic | |
124 | Heavy Riot Shield | Reinforce a Midgard riot shield with some hardened plastic | |
125 | Ballistic Shield | Add another layer of ballistic plastic to a Midgard riot shield | |
126 | Clip of Silver Bullets | Fill an empty clip with a silver ingot | |
127 | Shotgun Rounds | Jury-rig an empty clip with some polysteel | |
128 | Metallic Powder Rounds | Fill an empty clip with some metallic powder | |
129 | Handmade Rifle | Shape some polysteel around assault rifle fittings | |
130 | Retro Assault Rifle | Make an new rifle using some assault rifle fittings and a steel ingot | |
131 | Modern Assault Rifle | Fill out some assault rifle fittings with ballistic plastic | |
132 | Handmade Pistol | Combine a lump of polysteel with pistol fittings | |
133 | Classic Handgun | Rework some pistol fittings with a steel ingot | |
134 | Vicious Holdout | Mold some ballistic plastic with some pistol fittings | |
135 | Silver Blade | Fashion a silver ingot to fit with a sword hilt | |
136 | Knockoff Katana | Shape some polysteel to go along with a sword hilt | |
137 | Replica Katana | Rebuild a sword hilt using a steel ingot | |
138 | Hardened Blade | Refit a sword hilt with some hardened plastic | |
139 | Silver Switchblade | Fill a switchblade handle with a silver ingot | |
140 | Refitted Switchblade | Apply a bit of polysteel to a switchblade handle | |
141 | Steel Switchblade | Refit a switchblade handle using a steel ingot | |
142 | Hardened Switchblade | Fit a switchblade handle with hardened plastic | |
143 | Light Armored Vest | Add some polysteel to an unlined vest | |
144 | Lined Coat | Slip some hardened plastic into an unlined vest | |
145 | Armored Jacket | Reinforce an unlined vest with ballistic plastic | |
146 | Containment Suit Top | Fill an unlined vest with metallic powder (NO LONGER EXISTS) | |
147 | Reinforced Pants | Upgrade some unlined pants with polysteel | |
148 | Lined Pants | Complete some unlined pants with hardened plastic | |
149 | Armored Pants | Reinforce some unlined pants with ballistic plastic | |
150 | Containment Suit Pants | Fill some unlined pants with metallic powder (NO LONGER EXISTS) | |
151 | Scaled Vest | Back an unlined vest with a sheet of scales | |
152 | Scaled Pants | Reinforce some unlined pants with a sheet of scales | |
153 | Hand of Glory | Steep a shriveled hand in an ectoplasmic sample | |
154 | Bloody Hand | Slather a shriveled hand with some tendril ointment. | |
155 | Crystal Hand | Soak a shriveled hand in hound Eclipse. | |
156 | Refined Petrol | Boil down some Petrol Sludge and a Putrid Mass | |
157 | Putrid Sapphire | Heat and mix a Putrid Mass and a Water Sapphire | |
158 | Eclipse Sapphire | Steep a Water Sapphire in Liquified Eclipse | |
159 | Disgusting Slug | Perhaps unwisely, mix some Nightmare Fuel with a Putrid Mass | |
160 | Petrol Gem | Soak a Water Sapphire in some Refined Petrol | |
161 | Skullfish Sashimi | Dissect a skullfish | |
162 | Skullfish Nigiri | Add some Skullfish to a bed of Sushi Rice | |
163 | Death's Head Roll | Arrange some Skullfish with Sushi Nori to leave the skull markings showing | |
164 | Windfall Sashimi | Put an Eager Fish to its volunteered use | |
165 | Windfall Nigiri | Top some Sushi Rice with Eager Fish | |
166 | Friendly Roll | Wrap some Eager Fish in Sushi Nori | |
167 | Shining Knuckles | Coat some Brass Knuckles with a Shining Ingot. | |
168 | Reflective Baton | Spread a Shining Ingot over a Riot Baton | |
169 | Shining Vest | Weave some Shining Ingot strips into a Light Armored Vest | |
170 | Blackened Vest | Coat a Light Armored Vest with a Black Silver Ingot | |
171 | Black Bayonet Rifle | Add some Black Silver Ingot to a Suspicious Rifle | |
172 | Black Silver Blade | Fit a Black Silver Ingot to a Sword Hilt | |
173 | Shining Blade | Fit a Shining Ingot to a Sword Hilt | |
174 | Black Switchblade | Fit a Switchblade Handle with a blade made from a Black Silver Ingot | |
175 | Shining Ingot | Infuse a Silver Ingot with an Ectoplasmic Sample (Special Requirement) | |
176 | Black Silver Ingot | Bathe a Silver Ingot in Nightmare Fuel (Special Requirement) | |
177 | Misty Pill | Soak some Anxiety Medication in an Ectoplasmic Sample | |
178 | Tranquilizing Cocktail | Dissolve some Anxiety Medication in a vial of Potent Painkiller | |
179 | Shaman's Dust | Mix some Shaman Staff spores with crushed Anxiety Medication | |
180 | Medical Tears | Mix some Dehydrated Eyedrops with a Flask of Tears | |
181 | Mutant Cell Culture | Culture a Mutant Cell Sample in Agar Powder | |
182 | Twisted Cell Culture | Warp a Mutant Cell Culture with Nightmare Fuel | |
183 | Preserved Cell Culture | Store a Mutant Cell Culture in Grain Alcohol | |
184 | Soaked Cell Sample | Infuse a Mutant Cell Sample with Liquified Eclipse | |
185 | Filmy Bandage | Coat an Omnitech Trauma Bandage with a Soaked Cell Sample | |
186 | Inert Cell Culture | Treat a Mutant Cell Culture with Slags Antidote | |
187 | Repaired Vigilante Pistol | Replace the body of the Cracked Pistol with a Steel Ingot | |
188 | Show Vigilante Pistol | Spruce up the Cracked Pistol with some silver detail work | |
189 | Patched Audio Chip | Jury rig a Cracked Audio Chip with a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
190 | Entertainment Visor | Override up a Security Visor with a Neural Bridge for your viewing pleasure | |
191 | Chip Junkie Sidearm | Retrofit your boring old Executive Sidearm into a chipdeck with a Neural Bridge | |
192 | Entertainment Sidearm | Repurpose your old Executive Sidearm with a new Signal Analysis Circuit and Neural Bridge for the whole entertainment package (2 energy) | |
193 | TZR Chipdeck | Give your Zaibatsu TZR that illegal zing with a Neural Bridge | |
194 | Reactive Vest | Fill an unlined vest with reactive gel | |
195 | Gel Shield | Coat a Midgard Riot Shield with reactive gel | |
196 | Reactive Pants | Fill some unlined pants with reactive gel | |
197 | Gel Baton | Coat a riot baton with reactive gel | |
198 | Eclipse Syringe | Boost the effectiveness of Liquified Eclipse with a syringe of Ease | |
199 | Anxiety Killer | Upgrade some old Anxiety Medication with Ease | |
200 | Shaman's Brew | Use Ease to help Shaman Staff become more effective | |
201 | Cut Nova | Step on some Nova with Caffeine Powder | |
202 | Smooth Nova | Round the rough edges off of Nova with some Ease | |
203 | Nova Slammer | Upgrade your apparently-not-toxic-enough Border Slammer with some Nova | |
204 | Powerful Acid | Watch the reaction between a Reused Syringe from the subway denizens and some Liquified Eclipse | |
205 | Treated Cell Culture | Cure a Mutant Cell Culture with one of the subway denizens' Reused Syringes | |
206 | |||
207 | Scaled Gang Jacket | Reline your Gang Jacket with a Sheet of Scales | |
208 | Studded Gang Jacket | Use a Steel Ingot to stud a Gang Jacket | |
209 | Hardened Gang Jacket | Insert Hardened Plastic into your Gang Jacket | |
210 | Ballistic Gang Jacket | Reinforce your Gang Jacket with some Ballistic Plastic | |
211 | Nightmarish Gang Jacket | Fuse your Gang Jacket with a Black Silver Ingot | |
212 | Shining Gang Jacket | Melt a Shining Ingot on to your Gang Jacket | |
213 | Reactive Gang Jacket | Line your Gang Jacket with Reactive Gel | |
214 | Shielded Jumpjet | Reinforce an unshielded jumpjet with a steel ingot for safety's sake | |
215 | Reflexive Jumpjet | Make your shielded jumpjet more responsive by adding a biomonitor circuit. | |
216 | Targeted Jumpjet | Make your shielded jumpjet more dangerous by adding a targeting circuit | |
217 | Pike Sashimi | Cut multiple pieces from a Giant Pike | |
218 | Pike Sushi | Prepare a Giant Pike and some sushi rice into a few pieces of nigiri | |
219 | Dock Roll | Craft your Giant Pike into a few rolls | |
220 | Mud Eel Sashimi | Delicately cut a Mud Eel | |
221 | Mud Eel Nigiri | Carefully cut a Mud Eel to top some Sushi Rice. Delicious! | |
222 | Mud Roll | Wrap some Mud Eel in Sushi Nori | |
223 | Lab Visor | Fill in a Visor Frame with some Polysteel | |
224 | Blast Visor | Create an opaque visor with a Steel Ingot and a Visor Frame | |
225 | Blindshot Visor | Wire a Blast Visor with a Targeting Circuit | |
226 | Immersive Visor | Implant a Neural Bridge in a Blast Visor | |
227 | Black Silver Visor | Squeeze a Black Silver Ingot into a Visor Frame | |
228 | Silver Mask | Use a Paper Mask as a mold for a Silver Ingot | |
229 | Polysteel Mask | Gently mold some Polysteel into a Paper Mask's shape | |
230 | Steel Mask | Incinerate a Paper Mask to provide a Steel Ingot form | |
231 | Shining Mask | Overlay a Paper Mask with a Shining Ingot | |
232 | Reactive Mask | Line a Paper Mask with Reactive Gel | |
233 | Black Stone Vest | Reinforce an Unlined Vest with some Stone Spider Chitin | |
234 | Black Stone Pants | Accent some Unlined Pants with Stone Spider Chitin | |
235 | Black Stone Knuckles | Coat some Brass Knuckles with Stone Spider Chitin | |
236 | Black Spider Roll | Hide some Spider Eggs with Sushi Nori | |
237 | Concentrated Venom | Distill two Spider Venom Samples | |
238 | Venomous Angel | Inject a Destroying Angel with Concentrated Venom | |
239 | Spider Nest | Grow a colony of unnatural Spider Eggs in a Sludge Heart | |
240 | Refurbished Baseball Bat | Seal over the damage on a Cracked Baseball Bat with some Polysteel | |
241 | Thick Baton | Surround a Riot Baton with another layer of Polysteel | |
242 | Steel Clad Bat | Upgrade a Refurbished Baseball Bat with a Steel Ingot | |
243 | Party Mask | Add a festive touch to your Paper Mask with some Gold Foil. | |
244 | Gold Knuckles | Add a bit of Gold Foil to your Brass Knuckles. | |
245 | Ostentatious Blade | Highlight a Silver Blade with Gold Foil. | |
246 | Gilt Gang Jacket | Trace over your Gang Jacket with Gold Foil. | |
247 | Gilt Chocolate Coins | Cover some Chocolate Gelt with actual Gold Foil. | |
248 | Gilt Truffle | Chemically fuse a layer of Gold Foil onto a Truffle. | |
249 | Chocolate Components | Process down two piles of Chocolate Gelt. | |
250 | |||
251 | Network Interpreter | Expand a Language Interpreter with Networking Code | |
252 | File Scan | Update a File Interface with an Automation Routine | |
253 | Software Firewall | Implement some Security Patches with Networking Code | |
254 | Target Search | Create a basic search with two sections of Networking Code | |
255 | Vulnerability Database | Correlate the data from two sets of Security Patches | |
256 | Security Updater | Run a set of Security Patches through an Automation Routine | |
257 | Optimizing Code | Supplement an Automation Routine with a Math Subroutine | |
258 | Thorough Decompiler | Improve your Decompiler by adding a File Scan | |
259 | Fast D | Soup up your Decompiler with some Optimizing Code | |
260 | Network Jammer | Restrict traffic with a Network Interpreter and a Software Firewall | |
261 | Eavesdropping Tools | Connect your Network Interpreter with a Vulnerability Database | |
262 | Code Injector | Implement your Vulnerability Database with a File Interface | |
263 | Vulnerability Tester | Implement your Vulnerability Database with some Networking Code | |
264 | Deep File Scan | Expand your File Scan to use a Vulnerability Database | |
265 | The Tar Pit | Q | Tune a Software Firewall with a Vulnerability Database |
266 | Intrusive Search | Create a Target Search utilizing a Vulnerability Database | |
267 | Quick Scan | Punch up a File Scan with some Optimizing Code | |
268 | Updating Firewall | Automate your Software Firewall with a Security Updater | |
269 | Advanced Interpreter | Upgrade a normal Language Interpreter with Optimizing Code to handle more advanced programs | |
270 | Dumb PDA | Start building your PDA off with a Processor Chip and a PDA Chassis | |
271 | Functioning PDA | Take a PDA Chassis to basic functionality with a Processor Chip and a Memory Stick. (2 Energy) | |
272 | Fast PDA | Rig up a PDA Chassis with two Processor Chips and a Memory Stick (3 energy) | |
273 | Expanded PDA | Build a PDA from scratch with a PDA Chassis, a Processor Chip, and two Memory Sticks. (3 Energy) | |
274 | Hardened PDA | Create a secure PDA with a PDA Chassis, a Processor Chip, a Memory Stick, and a Safety Loop (3 Energy) | |
275 | Processor Chip | Q | Cobble a chip together from four Circuit Fragments and a Polysteel base. |
276 | Gold Processor | Q | Coat a Processor Chip's connections with Gold Foil |
277 | Memory Stick | Q | Piece a usable stick together from six Circuit Fragments |
278 | Safety Loop | Q | Set a Signal Analysis Circuit to watch the signals on a Frayed Cable |
279 | Twitch Controller | Q | Rig up two Optical Sensors with a Biomonitor Circuit for lightning fast control |
280 | Signal Buffer | Q | Pair a Signal Analysis Circuit with a Capacitor Array |
281 | Unbootable PDA | Slap a Memory Stick in a PDA Chassis | |
282 | Linked Handheld | Create a secondary storage device with a PDA Chassis, Memory Stick, and Thick Cabling (2 Energy) | |
283 | Expanded Handheld | Repurpose a PDA Chassis with two Memory Sticks and some Thick Cabling (3 Energy) | |
284 | Dysfunctional PDA | Experiment with two Memory Sticks in a PDA Chassis (2 Energy) | |
285 | Gold PDA | Drop a Gold Processor into a PDA Chassis | |
286 | Retro PDA | Reconstruct a PDA Chassis with a Gold Processor and Memory Stick (2 Energy) | |
287 | Blazing PDA | Trick out a PDA Chassis with two Gold Processors and a Memory Stick (3 Energy) | |
288 | Handcrafted PDA | Work up a PDA from a PDA Chassis, two Memory Sticks, and the central Gold Processor (3 Energy) | |
289 | Twitch PDA | Construct a responsive PDA from a Memory Stick, a Gold Processor, a PDA Chassis, and a Twitch Controller (3 Energy) | |
290 | Buffered PDA | Create a defended PDA from a PDA Chassis, a Memory Stick, a Gold Processor, and a Signal Buffer (3 Energy) | |
291 | Dual Learntop | Slip a second Processor Chip into an OmniTech Learntop. | |
292 | Expanded Learntop | Slot a Memory Stick into an OmniTech Learntop. | |
293 | Safety Learntop | Equip an OmniTech Learntop with a Safety Loop | |
294 | Gold Learntop | Juryrig an OmniTech Learntop to use a Gold Processor | |
295 | Gold Dual Learntop | Override an OmniTech Learntop with two Gold Processors (2 Energy) | |
296 | Expanded Gold Learntop | Improve on an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Memory Stick (2 Energy) | |
297 | Rebuilt Learntop | Rebuild an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Formatted Memory Core (2 Energy) | |
298 | Twitch Learntop | Repurpose an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Twitch Controller (2 Energy) | |
299 | Buffered Learntop | Build up an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Signal Buffer (2 Energy) | |
300 | Gold TZR | Upgrade a Zaibatsu TZR with a Gold Processor | |
301 | Highmem TZR | Expand a Zaibatsu TZR using their Formatted Memory Core | |
302 | Buffered TZR | Rewire a Zaibatsu TZR to include an Signal Buffer | |
303 | Memory Sidearm | Link your Executive Sidearm to Formatted Memory Core using a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy) | |
304 | Trick Sidearm | Kick an Executive Sidearm up a notch with a Targeting Circuit and a Twitch Controller (2 Energy) | |
305 | Twitch Visor | Create a new control device from a Blast Visor and a Twitch Controller | |
306 | Caffeine and Sugar | Q | Process two Pep Pills down with some Powerful Acid. |
307 | Defensive Jammer | Turn a Network Jammer to defensive purposes with an Updating Firewall. (Special Requirement) | |
308 | Intrusive Jammer | Extend the reach of your Network Jammer within systems with a Code Injector (Special Requirement) | |
309 | Network Scan | Improve your Eavesdropping Tools with some Quick Scan software (Special Requirement) | |
310 | Depth Charge | Grant your Code Injector further access with a Deep File Scan. (Special Requirement) | |
311 | Daily Tester | Continually update your Vulnerability Tester with a Security Updater (Special Requirement) | |
312 | Jagged Knuckles | Make some Brass Knuckles more vicious with Scorched Glass Shards | |
313 | Jagged Baton | Prepare a Riot Baton for street warfare with some Scorched Glass Shards | |
314 | Black Glass Heart | Infuse a Sludge Heart with some Powdered Glass | |
315 | Blown Glass Trinket | Melt two piles of Powdered Glass into a bauble | |
316 | Sugary Eclipse | Q | Carefully filter an Eclipse through two Over/Unders from the Happy Hour |
317 | Eclipse Whiskey | Q | Heat a Bottle of Whiskey and dissolve three Eclipse in it |
318 | Core Formatter | Q | Build your own Core Formatter using a mesh of four Signal Analysis Circuits and four Thick Cablings around the central unit, made from a Gold Processor and two Unformatted Memory Cores (3 Energy) |
319 | Juryrigged Bridge | Q | Construct a temporary neural bridge from a Safety Loop, two Frayed Cables, and some Circuit Fragments. |
320 | Biofeedback Vest | Q | Rig an Unlined Vest for realistic biofeedback with two Capacitor Arrays and two Biomonitor Circuits. |
321 | Data Scrubber | Q | Widen the scope of a Code Injector with a Quick Scan and a Deep File Scan |
322 | Mimetic Sheet | Q | Create a flexible circuit board with two Polysteel, two Gold Foils, and four Formatted Memory Cores |
323 | Mimetic Vest | Complete an Unlined Vest with a Mimetic Sheet | |
324 | Mimetic Pants | Fill some Unlined Pants with a Mimetic Sheet | |
325 | Mimetic Gang Jacket | Blend circuit and leather by adding a Mimetic Sheet to your Gang Jacket | |
326 | Enhanced Firework | Add a bit of Nitro to your Legal Firework | |
327 | Twin Firework | Fuse two Enhanced Fireworks together | |
328 | Gold Firework | Make an Enhanced Firework even more festive with some Gold Foil | |
329 | Dangerous Firework | Push an Enhanced Firework over the top with some White Flakes | |
330 | Tendril Drops | Q | Process down some Withered Tendrils into soothing drops |
331 | Mollusk Strip | Deshell and divide a Fresh Mollusk | |
332 | Mollusk Sushi | Cut and drape a Fresh Mollusk over Sushi Rice | |
333 | Mollusk Roll | Cut and wrap a Fresh Mollusk in some Sushi Nori | |
334 | Darter Sashimi | Slice up a Silver Darter | |
335 | Darter Sushi | Arrange some Silver Darter on Sushi Rice | |
336 | Silver Roll | Wrap some Silver Darter in Sushi Nori | |
337 | Cut of Tentacle | Slice out the tenderest parts of a Massive Tentacle | |
338 | Tentacle Sushi | Find some edible parts of a Massive Tentacle to arrange with Sushi Rice | |
339 | Kraken Roll | Wrap the edible parts of a Massive Tentacle in Sushi Nori | |
340 | Kraken's Heart | Imprint a Sludge Heart with Kraken Ink | |
341 | Industrial Heart | Infuse a Kraken's Heart with a Border Slammer | |
342 | Weeping Heart | Soak a Kraken's Heart in a Flask of Tears | |
343 | Gilt Heart | Crush some Gold Foil into a Kraken's Heart | |
344 | Argent Heart | Coat a Silver Ingot with a Kraken's Heart | |
345 | Hidden Heart | Add a Shining Ingot core to an Argent Heart | |
346 | Shadowy Heart | Fuse a Black Silver Ingot to an Argent Heart | |
347 | Squirming Heart | Give Withered Tendrils new life in a Kraken's Heart | |
348 | Inky Sapphire | Soak a Water Sapphire in Kraken Ink | |
349 | Inky Eclipse | Mix some Kraken Ink into Liquified Eclipse | |
350 | Fused Breastplate | Shape Fused Polysteel around an Unlined Vest | |
351 | Fused Plates | Piece together armor from Fused Polysteel and some Unlined Pants | |
352 | Fused Blade | Add a blade of Fused Polysteel to a Sword Hilt | |
353 | Fused Pistol | Shape some Fused Polysteel and add Pistol Fittings | |
354 | Sloppy Decompiler | Corrupt a Decompiler with some Fractal Code | |
355 | Chaotic Firewall | Add the element of chance to a Software Firewall using some Fractal Code | |
356 | Chaotic Tester | Add chaos to a Vulnerability Tester using some Fractal Code | |
357 | Fractal Loop | Run some Fractal Code through an Automation Routine | |
358 | Unsettling Loop | Twist a Fractal Loop with another layer of Fractal Code | |
359 | Fractal Cheat | Inject some Fractal Code into Optimizing Code | |
360 | Brilliant Spark | Force two Flickering Sparks together | |
361 | Tamed Fire | Join two Brilliant Sparks | |
362 | Fractal Tester | Join a Fractal Loop to a Chaotic Tester (Special Requirement) | |
363 | Channeled Emitter | Focus an Unstable Emitter with a Magnetic Coil | |
364 | Shielded Emitter | Contain a Channeled Emitter with a Steel Ingot | |
365 | Stable Emitter | Line a Shielded Emitter with some Metallic Powder | |
366 | Wired Chamber | Prepare an Incomplete Chamber with a bit of Thick Cabling | |
367 | Protein Analyzer | Put the finishing touches on an Inactive Analyzer with a Processor Chip | |
368 | Mock Y5 | Slot another Memory Stick into an Unused Y4, just like Midgard | |
369 | Refitted Y4 | Remake an Unused Y4 with a Twitch Controller | |
370 | Petrol Sludge | Melt down an Oily Spear with some Powerful Acid | |
371 | Sparkling Eclipse | Spike some Liquified Eclipse with potent Eclipse Residue | |
372 | Smoking Eclipse | Mix some Fine Hound Dust into your Sparkling Eclipse | |
373 | Ghoul Elixir | Infuse some Ghoul Protein with Sparkling Eclipse | |
374 | Fleshy Coins | Corrupt some Chocolate Gelt with Ghoul Protein | |
375 | Charged Golem Heart | Energize a Trash Golem Heart with Shivering Capacitors | |
376 | Charged Sludge Heart | Attach Shivering Capacitors to a Sludge Heart | |
377 | Shorted TV | Overload a Antique Plasma TV with Shivering Capacitors | |
378 | Crackling Injector | Complete an Uncharged Injector with Shivering Capacitors | |
379 | Shivering Cable | Charge some Thick Cabling with Shivering Capacitors | |
380 | Writhing Cable | Invigorate some Thick Cabling with two sets of Shivering Capacitors (2 Energy) | |
381 | Polar Cable | Charge one end of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array and the other with Shivering Capacitors (2 Energy) | |
382 | Burning Ectoplasm | Start an unstable reaction between an Ectoplasmic Sample and Fine Hound Dust | |
383 | Plasmic Acid | Dissolve some Burning Ectoplasm in Fuming Acid | |
384 | Poltergeist Solution | Dissolve a Trash Golem Heart in Plasmic Acid | |
385 | Poltergeist Solution | Infuse some Plasmic Acid with the essence of a Sludge Heart | |
386 | Poltergeist Solution | Extract the charge from Shivering Capacitors with Plasmic Acid | |
387 | Quivering Steel | Infuse a Steel Ingot with Poltergeist Solution | |
388 | Writhing Spear | Animate a Fungus Spear with Poltergeist Solution | |
389 | Smoking Blob | Set off a Charred Blob with some Fine Hound Dust | |
390 | Fiery Blob | Add some Burning Ectoplasm to a Smoking Blob | |
391 | Putrid Blob | Mix a Mass of Guano into a Smoking Blob for some reason | |
392 | Crystal Syringe | Smooth out some Fine Hound Dust with Ease | |
393 | Mass of Squid Eyes | Encase some Squid Eyes in Ink Extract | |
394 | Sea Sapphire | Infuse a Water Sapphire with some Ink Extract | |
395 | Porous Crystal | Crystallize a Charred Blob with some Hound Eclipse | |
396 | Oily Balm | Add a drop of Toxic Oil to some Tendril Ointment | |
397 | Toxic Bandage | Coat an Omnitech Trauma Bandage in Toxic Oil | |
398 | Virulent Cell Sample | Add more Toxic Oil to a Mutant Cell Sample | |
399 | Writhing Cell Sample | Create an abomination with Eclipse Residue and a Virulent Cell Sample | |
400 | Virulent Cell Culture | Feed your Virulent Cell Sample some Agar Powder | |
401 | Warring Samples | Brew violence in a jar with a Virulent Cell Culture and Nightmare Fuel | |
402 | Ghoul Cell Culture | Temper your Warring Samples with some Ghoul Protein | |
403 | Spider Cell Culture | Twist your Warring Samples with some Spider Ash | |
404 | Tendril Culture | Just one more drop of Toxic Oil in your Warring Samples | |
405 | Shivering Cell Culture | Drop some Shivering Capacitors into your Warring Samples | |
406 | Protein Loop | Set an Automation Routine to examine the Protein Database | |
407 | Protein Reader | Expand a Protein Loop with a File Interface | |
408 | Protein Hijacker | Feed a Protein Reader through a Code Injector | |
409 | Protein Receiver | Set a Protein Loop to search with a Network Interpreter | |
410 | Concentrated Venom | Liven up a Spider Venom Sample with some Spider Ash | |
411 | Fuming Acid | Add some Bat Guano to Powerful Acid | |
412 | Mushrooms | Fertilize some Black Spores with Bat Guano | |
413 | Mass of Guano | Mix a Putrid Mass and some Bat Guano | |
414 | Fuming Acid | Dissolve a Mass of Guano in Powerful Acid (gives 2-3) | |
415 | Quivering Sword | Affix a Quivering Steel blade to a Sword Hilt | |
416 | Quivering Switchblade | Fix a Switchblade Handle with a Quivering Steel blade | |
417 | Haunted Bat | Encase a Refurbished Baseball Bat in Quivering Steel | |
418 | Quivering Rifle | Forge some Quivering Steel with Assault Rifle Fittings | |
419 | Dancing Blade | Add some Quivering Steel to a Silver Blade | |
420 | Squid Nest Roll | Hide a Mass of Squid Eyes in some Sushi Nori | |
421 | Serpent's Staff | Infuse a Shaman Staff with a Serpent Venom Gland | |
422 | Concentrated Venom | Boil down two Serpent Venom Glands | |
423 | Concentrated Venom | Mix a Serpent Venom Gland and a Spider Venom Sample for a more potent toxin | |
424 | Crisped Bat Wing | Perform some impromptu cooking with a Bat Wing and a Capacitor Array | |
425 | Twitching Bat Wing | Reanimate a Bat Wing with some Shivering Capacitors | |
426 | Shining Barrier | Reinforce a Software Firewall with Orderly Code | |
427 | Crystal Tester | Feed a Vulnerability Tester through some Orderly Code | |
428 | Blackthorn v6 | Let a Security Updater do its job on Blackthorn v5 (Special Requirement) | |
429 | Blackthorn Alpha | Integrate an Updating Firewall with Blackthorn v6 (Special Requirement) | |
430 | Crystal Blackthorn | Weave Crystal Tester software into Blackthorn v6 (Special Requirement) | |
431 | Reinforced Cloth | Back Tough Cloth with some Polysteel | |
432 | Steel Scrap | Fuse a Steel Ingot onto some Tough Cloth | |
433 | Hardened Cloth | Upgrade some Tough Cloth with Hardened Plastic | |
434 | Improvised Ballistic Cloth | Do your best with Tough Cloth and Ballistic Plastic | |
435 | Black Silver Cloth | Infuse a Black Cloth Scrap with a Black Silver Ingot | |
436 | Shining Cloth | Coat Tough Cloth with a Shining Ingot | |
437 | Slimy Cloth | Drench Tough Cloth in Reactive Gel | |
438 | Spiked Cloth | Back Stone Spider Chitin with a Black Cloth Scrap | |
439 | Spiked Cloth | Stud a Black Cloth Scrap with Scorched Glass Shards | |
440 | Midgard Protector | Complete a Midgard Protection Suite with Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement) | |
441 | Midgard Shrieker | Twist a Network Jammer with some Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement) | |
442 | Midgard Tester | Affix some Midgard Internal Code to a Vulnerability Tester (Special Requirement) | |
443 | Midgard Blackthorn | Further expand a Blackthorn v6 using Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement) | |
444 | Black Silver Chain | Repair and decorate a Pitted Chain with a Black Silver Ingot | |
445 | Reinforced Chain | Resurface a Pitted Chain with a Steel Ingot | |
446 | Vicious Chain | Stud a Pitted Chain with some Scorched Glass Shards | |
447 | Sulfur | Dissolve Mottled Crystals in Grain Alcohol | |
448 | Bone Edged Chain | Line a Pitted Chain with some Bone Flakes | |
449 | Bone Gang Jacket | Show everyone who's boss by adding Bone Flakes to your Gang Jacket | |
450 | Bone Rounds | Load some Bone Flakes into an Empty Clip | |
451 | Fake Skull Mask | Add some Bone Flakes to a Paper Mask | |
452 | Purple Tea | Steep two sets of Black Petals | |
453 | Infused Petals | Steep some Black Petals in Liquified Eclipse | |
454 | Sparkling Petals | Coat Black Petals in Sparkling Eclipse | |
455 | Rose Balm | Soak Black Petals in some Tendril Ointment | |
456 | |||
457 | |||
458 | |||
459 | Improbable Gun | Service a Rusted Gun with some Refined Petrol | |
460 | Oily Sashimi | Open up an Eyeless Eel | |
461 | Oily Sushi | Prop up some Eyeless Eel with Sushi Rice | |
462 | Oily Roll | Roll an Eyeless Eel with Sushi Nori | |
463 | |||
464 | |||
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466 | |||
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471 | |||
472 | Wetsuit Top | Fit some Wetsuit Fabric around an Unlined Vest | |
473 | Wetsuit Pants | Stretch some Wetsuit Fabric into the frame of Unlined Pants | |
474 | Gang Scuba | Stretch some Wetsuit Fabric over a Gang Jacket | |
475 | Aquatic Jumpjet | Seal an Unshielded Jumpjet with Wetsuit Fabric | |
476 | Layered Aquatic Fabric | Melt Wetsuit Fabric onto Tough Cloth | |
477 | Staring Octopus Eye | Inject Nightmare Fuel into an Octopus Eye | |
478 | Crystallized Octopus Eye | Soak an Octopus Eye in Hound Eclipse | |
479 | Toxic Octopus Eye | Wash an Octopus Eye with Toxic Tears | |
480 | Shark Sashimi | Cut pieces from a Shark Fillet | |
481 | Shark Sushi | Prepare a Shark Fillet and Sushi Rice into delicious sushi | |
482 | Shark Roll | Roll your Shark Fillet in Sushi Nori | |
483 | Focused Needler | Tighten a Needler Rifle's arc with another Magnetic Coil | |
484 | crackling coil | Feed a Shorted Cable through a Magnetic Coil | |
485 | magnetic sidearm | Add a Targeting Circuit and Magnetic Coil to an Executive Sidearm (2 Energy) | |
486 | Retrofitted Needler | Update an Antique Needler with a new Magnetic Coil | |
487 | Quivering Needler | Refit a Quivering Rifle with a Magnetic Coil | |
488 | Optical Visor | Fit a Security Visor with an Optical Array | |
489 | optical HUD | Upgrade a Black Ops HUD with a new Optical Array | |
490 | Optical Rangefinder | Expand your Rangefinder with an Optical Array | |
491 | Optical Bracelet | Complete a Rangefinder with an Optical Array and some Thick Cabling for stability (2 Energy) | |
492 | Passthrough Visor | Pierce the darkness of a Blast Visor with an Optical Array | |
493 | Optical Sidearm | Link an Executive Sidearm with an Optical Array and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy) | |
494 | Magnetic Coil | Q | Charge two coils of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array |
495 | Optical Array | Q | Interface four Optical Sensors through a Signal Analysis Circuit and a Targeting Circuit for control |
496 | Arrayed Scope | Pack a Basic Scope with an Optical Array | |
497 | Optical Clip | Overload a Long Clip with an Optical Array | |
498 | Optical Needler | Expand a Needler Rifle with an Optical Array | |
499 | Optical Vest | Stud a Light Armored Vest with an Optical Array | |
500 | Optimized Targeter | Do your best to apply some Optimizing Code to a Targeting Algorithm (Special Requirement) | |
501 | cracked spores | Free some Rocky Spores with Aqua Regia | |
502 | gold Midgard Player | Upgrade an Unlocked Midgard Player with a Gold Processor | |
503 | unlocked Midgard Player | Unlock a Midgard Player by replacing its locked processor with a normal Processor Chip | |
504 | monitored Midgard Player | Replace an Unlocked Midgard Player's sensors with a Biomonitor Circuit | |
505 | pearl liquor | Dissolve a Lake Pearl in Grain Alcohol | |
506 | dissolved pearl | Let a Massive Pearl set in Grain Alcohol | |
507 | gold pearl | Wrap a Lake Pearl in Gold Foil | |
508 | Tooth and Liquor | Submerge a Pearled Shark Tooth in Grain Alcohol | |
509 | black liquor | Dissolve some Tiny Black Pearls in Grain Alcohol | |
510 | Tooth and Liquor | Strip a Black Shark Tooth in Grain Alcohol | |
511 | Black Pearl Sludge | Submerge a Black Pearl in Grain Alcohol | |
512 | Cultured Pearl | Expand a Black Pearl with Black Pearl Sludge | |
513 | Black Crystal Orb | Imprint some Black Pearl Sludge with Fine Hound Dust | |
514 | Petrol Sludge | Destroy a Sludge Heart with a Pearled Shark Tooth | |
515 | Hunter's Heart | Fuse a Black Shark Tooth with a Sludge Heart | |
516 | Clam Cut | Divvy up a hunk of Clam Meat | |
517 | Clam Sushi | Arrange Clam Meat cuts over some Sushi Rice | |
518 | Giant Clam Roll | Wrap a hunk of Clam Meat in Sushi Nori | |
519 | Draught of Breath | Q | Condense two Fragile Puffballs using some Powerful Acid |
520 | |||
521 | Aqua Regia | Combine Powerful Acid and Fuming Acid in a time-honored rite | |
522 | Chloroauric Acid | Dissolve some Gold Foil in Aqua Regia | |
523 | Chloroauric Acid | Suspend Gold Powder in Aqua Regia | |
524 | Achromatic Metal Powder | Purify an Achromatic Mass in Aqua Regia | |
525 | Achromatic Ingot | Melt two samples of Achromatic Metal Powder into an ingot | |
526 | Achromatic Metal Powder | Use Aqua Regia to break down an Achromatic Ingot | |
527 | Achromatic Heart | Infuse a Sludge Heart with Achromatic Metal Powder | |
528 | Achromatic Mask | Overlay a Paper Mask with an Achromatic Ingot | |
529 | Achromatic Rifle | Form an Achromatic Ingot around Assault Rifle Fittings | |
530 | Achromatic Blade | Affix an Achromatic Ingot to a Sword Hilt | |
531 | Achromatic Vest | Complete an Unlined Vest with an Achromatic Ingot | |
532 | Achromatic Slacks | Fill out some Unlined Pants with an Achromatic Ingot | |
533 | Shark Hide Vest | Stiffen an Unlined Vest with Cured Shark Hide | |
534 | Shark Hide Pants | Wrap Unlined Pants in Cured Shark Hide | |
535 | Shark Hide Jacket | Make your Gang Jacket even more hardcore with some Cured Shark Hide | |
536 | Shark Hide Baton | Wrap a Riot Baton in Cured Shark Hide | |
537 | Gold Firework | Spice up an Enhanced Firework with Gold Powder | |
538 | Grain Alcohol | Q | Distill out the alcohol of one Whiskey Bottle |
539 | Polysteel | Q | Break down an old surplus Riot Baton with some Powerful Acid |
540 | |||
541 | Doll Head | Roll some Paper Mache | |
542 | Paper Boat | Fold two piles of Paper Mache | |
543 | Paper Mask | Spread three piles of Paper Mache on your face | |
544 | Pinata | Forge together five piles of Paper Mache | |
545 | Paper Cast | Prepare six piles of Paper Mache | |
546 | Giant Paper Mache Head | Sculpt ten piles of Paper Mache | |
547 | Megapinata | Sculpt a giant pile of Paper Mache | |
548 | Polysteel Support | R | Melt together eight handfuls of Polysteel into a support pole |
549 | Summer and Winter Coins | Break down a Solstice Coin with Plasmic Acid | |
550 | Autumn and Spring Coins | Break down an Equinox Coin with Plasmic Acid | |
551 | Four Coins | Break down a Coin of the Seasons with Plasmic Acid | |
552 | Viral Interpreter | Tune a Network Interpreter with Viral Code | |
553 | Viral Search | Let some Viral Code coopt your Target Search | |
554 | Antiviral Patch | Arm some Security Patches against Viral Code | |
555 | Protein Seeder | Adapt a Protein Loop to feed through some Viral Code | |
556 | Viral Injector | Add a Viral Code payload to a Code Injector | |
557 | |||
558 | Cleaned Data | Disinfect a Viral Mass with an Antiviral Patch | |
559 | Viral Formatter | Expand your Viral Injector with a Viral Mass (Special Requirement) | |
560 | Viral Code | Homogenize a Viral Mass with basic Viral Data | |
561 | Viral Filter | Rebuild a Decompiler around a Viral Mass | |
562 | Maddening Search | Replace the basic seed in Viral Search with a Viral Mass | |
563 | Dish Segment | Resurface a Battered Dish Segment with a Steel Ingot | |
564 | Comm Dish | R | Construct a comm dish for your gang from forty Dish Segments, four Polysteel Supports, four Magnetic Coils, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (10 Energy) |
565 | Personal Comm Dish | R | Construct it from four Dish Segments, a Magnetic Coil, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (5 Energy) |
566 | Sculpted Glass Virus | R | Melt and shape six piles of Powdered Glass into an artistic representation |
567 | Shining Mirror Shard | Fuse two empty shards | |
568 | Mislit Apple | Release a Reflected Apple with an Empty Shard | |
569 | Mislit Snake Skin | Open the way for some Reflected Scales using an Empty Shard | |
570 | Mislit Fish | Trap a Reflected Fish with an Empty Shard | |
571 | Mislit Wolf Tooth | Extract a Reflected Wolf Tooth with an Empty Shard | |
572 | Mislit Torch | Free the Reflected Torch with an Empty Shard | |
573 | Mislit Flower | Let a Reflected Flower fall through an Empty Shard | |
574 | Mislit Rusted Sword | Pull the Reflected Sword from the Empty Shard | |
575 | Mislit Mushroom | Pluck a Reflected Mushroom through an Empty Shard | |
576 | Mislit Mask | Unveil a Reflected Mask with an Empty Shard | |
577 | Mislit Strands | Pull a Reflected Strand through an Empty Shard | |
578 | Loose Eyeball | Pluck out a Staring Shard's eye through an Empty Shard | |
579 | Restored Pistol | Clean up a Filthy Pistol and replace the Polysteel | |
580 | Reforged Pistol | Overhaul a Restored Pistol with a Steel Ingot | |
581 | Assisted Pistol | Update a Restored Pistol with a Targeting Circuit | |
582 | Tinker's Pistol | Hybridize an old Reforged Pistol with a new Targeting Circuit | |
583 | Mirror-Handled Pistol | Fit your Restored Pistol with a Shining Mirror Shard | |
584 | Postapocalyptic Spear | Make your Riot Baton into a primitive weapon with a Shining Mirror Shard | |
585 | Mirror Heart Vest | Fit a Shining Mirror Shard to your Unlined Vest | |
586 | Staring Eyeball | Dunk a Loose Eyeball in Nightmare Fuel | |
587 | Toxic Eyeball | Soak a Loose Eyeball in Toxic Tears | |
588 | Rolling Eyeball | Animate a Loose Eyeball with Poltergeist Solution | |
589 | Apple Rotgut | Flavor some Grain Alcohol with a Mislit Apple | |
590 | Ruby Apple | Crystallize a Mislit Apple with Hound Eclipse | |
591 | Poison Apple | Inject a Mislit Apple with Concentrated Venom | |
592 | Bleeding Wolf Tooth | Slather a Mislit Wolf Tooth with Nightmare Fuel | |
593 | |||
594 | Crystal Hound's Tooth | Steep a Mislit Wolf Tooth in Hound Eclipse | |
595 | Mislit Sashimi | See if a Mislit Fish is strange all the way through | |
596 | Mislit Nigiri | Drape some strange Mislit Fish over Sushi Rice | |
597 | Mirror Roll | Use some Sushi Nori to conceal Mislit Fish | |
598 | Interlocked Scales | Fuse Loose Scales onto Mislit Snake Skin | |
599 | Serpent Powder | Dissolve a Mislit Snake Skin in Aqua Regia | |
600 | |||
601 | Flower Distillate | Dissolve some Black Petals togther with a Mislit Flower | |
602 | Flower Ointment | Add a Mislit Flower to some Tendril Ointment | |
603 | Mislit Hand | Paint a Shriveled Hand with crushed Mislit Mushroom | |
604 | Shaman's Oil | Boil down a Shaman Staff and a Mislit Mushroom | |
605 | Crawling Strands | Stir Nightmare Fuel into your Mislit Strands | |
606 | Serpent's Strand | Infuse Serpent's Powder into your Mislit Strands | |
607 | Black Strands | Cover your Mislit Strands with Ink Extract | |
608 | |||
609 | silvered shield | Melt a Silver Ingot over a Midgard Riot Shield | |
610 | mirror gang jacket | Add a Shining Mirror Shard to the inside of a Gang Jacket | |
611 | Arrayed Cybereye | Install an Optical Array into an Empty Cybereye | |
612 | Analyzing Cybereye | Focus an Empty Cybereye with a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
613 | Targeting Cybereye | Drop a Targeting Circuit into an Empty Cybereye | |
614 | Shivering Cybereye | Load up an Empty Cybereye with Shivering Capacitors | |
615 | Selective Mesh | Route a Neural Mesh through a Signal Analysis Circuit | |
616 | Bridging Mesh | Integrate a Neural Bridge into a Neural Mesh | |
617 | Memory Mesh | Slot a Formatted Memory Core into a Neural Mesh | |
618 | Twitch Mesh | Expand a Twitch Controller through a Neural Mesh | |
619 | Neural Mesh | Q | Arrange two Biomonitor Circuits, two Signal Buffers, and five Artificial Neural Fibers |
620 | Search Integrator | See what your Network Integrator makes of a Viral Search (Special Requirement) | |
621 | Recursive Integrator | Twist a Network Integrator onto another and see what happens (Special Requirement) | |
622 | Integrated File Scan | Take a Deep File Scan to the next level with a Recursive Integrator | |
623 | Signal Triangulator | Adjust a Network Interpreter to understand a Recursive Integrator | |
624 | Unstable Integrator | What's more recursive than integrating a Recursive Integrator with another Recursive Integrator? | |
625 | Decompiling Integrator | Turn an Unstable Integrator into a plug-in for your Decompiler | |
626 | Integrated Injector | Load an Unstable Integrator into a Viral Injector | |
627 | Integrated GangFinder | Expand a GangFinder with an Unstable Integrator | |
628 | Collapsed Integrator | Collapse an Unstable Integrator at the heart of another Unstable Integrator | |
629 | Handheld Core | R | Build hardware from a Expanded Handheld, a Comm Dish Core, a magnetic coil, and eight signal buffers around a Collapsed Integrator (5 Energy) |
630 | Knuckle Charm | Thread three Knuckle Bones | |
631 | Knuckle Necklace | Collect nine Knuckle Bones | |
632 | Knuckle Strands | String up twenty seven Knuckle Bones | |
633 | Nightmare Fuel x 2-4? | Dip a Paper Mache Horn in Aqua Regia | |
634 | Nightmare Fuel x 2-4 | Dissolve a Scorched Gem in Aqua Regia | |
635 | Reconstructed Doll | Match a Headless Doll with a Doll Head | |
636 | Festival Doll | Attach your Festival Doll Head to a Doll Body | |
637 | Hungry Doll | Affix a Twisted Doll Head to a Headless Doll | |
638 | Twisted Voodoo Doll | Give a Headless Voodoo Doll a Twisted Doll Head | |
639 | Devil Mask | Shape three piles of Paper Mache as a canvas for your Nightmarish Paint Set (1 Energy) | |
640 | Monstrous Pinata | Create a monstrosity from fifty Paper Mache and a Nightmarish Paint Set (1 Energy) | |
641 | Festival Mask | Three parts Paper Mache, one part Glittering Paint Set (1 Energy) | |
642 | Festive Doll Head | Apply a Glittering Paint Set to some Paper Mache (1 Energy) | |
643 | Twisted Doll Head | Imbed Ghoul Teeth in some Paper Mache | |
644 | Nightmarish Paint Set | Taint a Children's Paint Set with Nightmare Fuel | |
645 | Glittering Paint Set | Spice up a Children's Paint Set with Gold Powder | |
646 | Homemade Laser | R | Charge an Artificial Hound Crystal with a Capacitor Array, then reflect it between a Shining Ingot and a Black Silver Ingot backed with some Powdered Glass. Then encase the works in Polysteel. (5 Energy) |
647 | Dual Laser | Remount one Homemade Laser in another's case | |
648 | Laser Projector | Rebuild three Homemade Lasers into one stationary unit (2 Energy) | |
649 | Holographic Projector | Focus three Homemade Lasers through a Double Crystal (3 Energy) | |
650 | Laser Projector | Repair a Charred Projector by replacing a Homemade Laser | |
651 | Crocodile Shield | Line a Midgard Riot Shield with an Albino Crocodile Hide | |
652 | Crocodile Hide Jacket | Rework a Gang Jacket's leather with an Albino Crocodile Hide | |
653 | Crocodile Pants | Reinforce some Unlined Pants with an Albino Crocodile Hide | |
654 | Glimmering Crystal Solitaire | Unite a Glimmering Crystal Half with a Glimmering Crystal Hunk | |
655 | Glimmering Crystal Slab | Return a Glimmering Crystal Point to the rest of the Glimmering Crystal Piece | |
656 | Glimmering Crystals | Fuse a Glimmering Crystal Solitaire to a Glimmering Crystal Slab | |
657 | Glimmering Crystal Fragment | Assemble 10 Glimmering Crystal Chips | |
658 | Glimmering Crystal Hunk | Drizzle Fuming Acid on an Albino Crocodile Hide | |
659 | Glimmering Crystal Chip | Carefully dissolve an Albino Crocodile Hide with Aqua Regia | |
660 | Glimmering Crystal Half | Etch a Shocking Organ with Fuming Acid | |
661 | Glimmering Crystal Chip | Dissolve a Shocking Organ in Aqua Regia | |
662 | Glimmering Crystal Piece | Submerge an Ancient Timepiece in Fuming Acid | |
663 | Glimmering Crystal Chip | Lower an Ancient Timepiece into Aqua Regia | |
664 | Glimmering Crystal Point | Pour some Fuming Acid over a Gauzy Parasol | |
665 | Glimmering Crystal Chip | Feed a Gauzy Parasol to Aqua Regia | |
666 | Shocking Syringe | Charge some Ease with a Shocking Organ | |
667 | Sparking Staff | Charge a Shaman Staff with a Shocking Organ | |
668 | Shaky Manhole Shield | Fuse some Polysteel handles to a Manhole Cover | |
669 | Manhole Cover Shield | Add handles forged from a Steel Ingot to a Manhole Cover | |
670 | Glimmering Crystal Eye | Fit an Empty Cybereye with Glimmering Crystals | |
671 | Glimmering HUD | Fit Glimmering Crystals into a Black Ops HUD | |
672 | Sparkling Ink | Mix some Octopus Ink into Sparkling Eclipse | |
673 | Brick Apple | Cover a core of Toy Bricks with a Toy Brick skin | |
674 | Brick Knuckles | Piece together five sets of Toy Bricks | |
675 | Brick Figure | Model a human with twenty-five sets of Toy Bricks | |
676 | Brick House | Construct your dream home with ten sets of Toy Bricks | |
677 | Eye of the Earth Serpent | Integrate a Tear of the Earth into an Empty Cybereye | |
678 | Heart of the Earth Serpent | Bury a Tear of the Earth inside a Living Sludge Heart | |
679 | Glass Salamander | Imprint Hound Dust in a Cave Salamander | |
680 | Cleaned Cavefish | Dissect an Eyeless Fish | |
681 | Glass Roll | Tuck an Eyeless Fish in some Sushi Nori | |
682 | Containment Helmet | Expand a Gas Mask with Sealant Patches | |
683 | Containment Helmet | Patch a Cracked Containment Helmet with Sealant Patches | |
684 | Containment Suit Top | Refurbish a Ripped Containment Top with Sealant Patches | |
685 | Containment Suit Top | Use an Unlined Vest as the base for Sealant Patches | |
686 | Containment Suit Top | Reseal an Unsealed Top with Sealant Patches | |
687 | Containment Suit Pants | Repair your Ripped Containment Pants with Sealant Patches | |
688 | Containment Suit Pants | Upgrade Unlined Pants with Sealant Patches | |
689 | Containment Suit Pants | Restore Unsealed Pants with Sealant Patches | |
690 | Heavy Containment Helmet | Line your Containment Helmet with Metallic Powder | |
691 | Heavy Containment Pants | Fill your Containment Suit Pants with Metallic Powder | |
692 | Heavy Containment Top | Line your Containment Suit Top with Metallic Powder | |
693 | Rag Man Hologram [gain 2] | Seperate a Solid Rag Man Hologram with Glimmering Crystals | |
694 | Shark Hologram [gain 2] | Filter a Solid Shark Hologram through Glimmering Crystals | |
695 | Mummy Hologram [gain 2] | Unravel a Solid Mummy Hologram with Glimmering Crystals | |
696 | Skull Hologram [gain 2] | Break a Solid Skull Hologram with Glimmering Crystals | |
697 | Spider Hologram [gain 2] | Reflect a Solid Spider Hologram in Glimmering Crystals | |
698 | Writhing Hologram [gain 2] | Divide a Solid Writhing Hologram with Glimmering Crystals | |
699 | |||
700 | Paint Injector | Slip a Painted Star into an Empty Injector | |
701 | Gunman Hologram [gain 2] | Crack a Solid Gunman Hologram with Dual Crystals | |
702 | Personal Ointment | Add some Personal Serum to Tendril Ointment | |
703 | Personal Eclipse | Spike your Personal Serum with Liquified Eclipse | |
704 | Serum Mushroom | Inject a Shaman Staff with Personal Serum | |
705 | Living Hand | Revive a Shriveled Hand with Personal Serum | |
706 | Serum Eyedrops | Reconstitute Dehydrated Eyedrops with Personal Serum | |
707 | Snowman Head Ornament | Preserve a Snowman Head with Powdered Glass | |
708 | |||
709 | Remote Crash Script | Extend a Crash Script with Networking Functions | |
710 | Network Defender | Complete a Filtering Script with Networking Functions | |
711 | Remote Command Script | Implement a Command Script with Networking Functions | |
712 | Remote Indexer | Run a Search Script through Networking Functions | |
713 | Crash Script | Q | Write four Snippets of Code into a Crash Script |
714 | Filtering Script | Q | Create a Filtering Script from four Snippets of Code |
715 | Command Script | Q | Write four Snippets of Code into a Command Script |
716 | Search Script | Q | Combine four Snippets of Code into a Search Script |
717 | Updated Crash Script | Integrate Novos System Updates into a Remote Crash Script | |
718 | Updated Defender | Reinforce a Network Defender with Novos System Updates | |
719 | Experimental Command Script | Rework a Remote Command Script with Novos Functionality Updates | |
720 | Experimental Indexer | Improve a Remote Indexer with Novos Functionality Updates | |
721 | Security Interface | Explore Novos System Updates with Networking Functions | |
722 | Functionality Interface | Implement Novos Functionality Updates over Networking Functions | |
723 | Sprouting Slime | Let a Brick Slime feast on some Vine Sprout | |
724 | Sprouting Slime | Feed a Brick Slime some Sea Vine | |
725 | Vitalized Fungus | Feed Sprouting Slime, in turn, to Vine Fungus | |
726 | Vine Spear | Grow a Vine Sprout up a Fungus Spear | |
727 | Mold Heart | Imprint a Trash Golem Heart with Brick Slime | |
728 | Mold Heart | Pump Brick Slime through your Sludge Heart | |
729 | Mold Culture | Introduce a Mold Heart to your Warring Samples | |
730 | |||
731 | Sargasso Vine | Drench a length of Sea Vine in an Ectoplasmic Sample | |
732 | Soaked Vine Fungus | Soak some Vine Fungus in Liquified Eclipse | |
733 | Fractal Interface | Twist Networking Functions through Fractal Code | |
734 | Fractal Templates | Expand a Fractal Interface with further Fractal Code | |
735 | Fractal Crash Script | Complicate a Remote Crash Script with Fractal Code | |
736 | Fractal Defender | Warp a Network Defender with Fractal Code | |
737 | Fractal Commander | Expand a Remote Command Script with Fractal Code | |
738 | Fractal Indexer | Revamp a Remote Indexer with Fractal Code | |
739 | Secured Transmission Functions | Q | Combine six Snippets of Code into Secured Transmission Functions |
740 | Spectrum Command Script | Spread a Command Script with Spectrum Transmission Functions | |
741 | Spectrum Downloader | Feed data from Spectrum Transmission Functions through a Search Script | |
742 | Spectrum Crash Script | Shout a Crash Script through Spectrum Transmission Functions | |
743 | Secure Command Script | Protect your Command Script with Secured Transmission Functions | |
744 | Secured Indexer | Wrap your Search Script in Secured Transmission Functions | |
745 | Secured Filter | Reinforce your Filtering Script with Secured Transmission Functions | |
746 | Spectrum Transmission Functions | Q | Create Spectrum Transmission Functions from six Snippets of Code |
747 | Frag Grenades | Attach some Scorched Glass Shards to an Unmarked Grenades very carefully | |
748 | Frag Grenades | Add Polysteel shrapnel to your Unmarked Grenades | |
749 | Steel Clad Rocket | Wrap a Steel Ingot around a Microrocket | |
750 | Juryrigged Rocket | Add Scorched Glass Shards to your Microrocket | |
751 | Incendiary Grenades | Q | Top off your Unmarked Grenades with two piles of White Flakes |
752 | Unmarked Grenades | Liven up your Gas Grenades with a stick of Dynamite | |
753 | Unmarked Grenades | Arm your Gas Grenades with Nitro | |
754 | Nitro | Q | Extract the Nitro from four Gas Grenades |
755 | Smoky Firework | Attach a Gas Grenade to your Enhanced Firework | |
756 | Juryrigged Antenna | Wire a Signal Analysis Circuit into Thick Cabling | |
757 | |||
758 | Staring Blade Program | Affix Staring Code to a Remote Crash Script | |
759 | Staring Shield Program | Reformat your Network Defender with Staring Code | |
760 | Staring Gauntlet Program | Fuse your Staring Code to a Remote Command Script | |
761 | Staring Eye Program | Run your Remote Indexer through Staring Code | |
762 | Reinforced Kitchen Knife | Layer an Old Kitchen Knife with some new Polysteel | |
763 | Steel Knife | Replace an Old Kitchen Knife's blade using a Steel Ingot | |
764 | |||
765 | Protein Manipulator | Repurpose a Remote Command Script with a Protein Database | |
766 | Protein Examiner | Use a Remote Indexer to gain data for your Protein Database | |
767 | Crash Avoidance Filtering | Q | Temporarily tune into drones' crash avoidance with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
768 | Alliance Filtering | Q | Temporarily filter out non-Alliance drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
769 | Midgard Shipping Filtering | Q | Temporarily tune out drones other than Midgard Shipping with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
770 | OmniLunch Filtering | Q | Temporarily tune into OmniLunch drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
771 | Silver Courier Filtering | Q | Temporarily select for Silver Courier drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
772 | NickOTime Filtering | Q | Temporarily catch NickOTime drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy) |
773 | Hologame Tome | Reformat four sets of Page Models | |
774 | Rendered Bullet | Melt Rendered Stone into an Empty Clip | |
775 | Animatronic Snake | Animate your Articulated Snake with an Animatronic Motor | |
776 | Foam Brick Wall | Q | Mortar together ten Foam Bricks with a Foam Tube |
777 | Courier Data | Crack a Locked Courier Chip with a simple Signal Analysis Circuit | |
778 | |||
779 | Stable Emitter | Coat a Shielded Emitter with Lead | |
780 | Metallic Powder | Grind Lead with Fine Hound Dust | |
781 | Leaden Knuckles | Weight some Brass Knuckles down with Lead | |
782 | Leaded Baton | Fill a Riot Baton with Lead | |
783 | Lead Bullets | Fill an Empty Clip with old-fashioned Lead | |
784 | Lead Vest | Insert Lead into an Unlined Vest | |
785 | Oldtown Retinal Map | Extract data from Midgard Records id to a Signal Processing Circuit | |
786 | Midgard Records Cybereye | Load Oldtown retinal data into an Empty Cybereye | |
787 | Midgard Records visor | Load Oldtown Retinal Data into an Security Visor | |
788 | Inhuman Security Patch | Obfuscate Novos System Updates with Inhuman Code | |
789 | Inhuman Defender | Try a different tack on Network Defenders with an Inhuman Security Patch | |
790 | Chipped Tracers | Q | Trace your bullets with an Empty Clip and Targeting Circuit |
791 | Tactical Neural Mesh | Q | Link your tactical goggles with two Targeting Circuits and three Artificial Neural Fibers |
792 | Fuming Acid | Sprinkle some Plant Residue in Powerful Acid | |
793 | Ashen Balm | Mix Plant Residue into Tendril Ointment | |
794 | Boar Pinata | Artistically craft a pile of paper mache | |
795 | Harvest Command Script | Redecorate a Remote Command Script with the Harvester Library | |
796 | Harvest Crash Script | Brand a Remote Crash Script with the Harvester Library | |
797 | Harvest Defender | Layer the Harvester Library into a Network Defender | |
798 | Vault Bypass | Q | Use Thick Cabling to wire a Signal Analysis Circuit and two Circuit Fragments for this task. |
799 | Cup of Joe | Make up some Coffee Crystals (Special Requirement) | |
800 | Fair Coffee | Brew up some Fair Trade Grounds (Special Requirement) | |
801 | Fortified Coffee | Mix up some Fortified Coffee Grounds (Special Requirement) | |
802 | Fortified Coffee Grounds | Spike Fair Trade Grounds with Caffeine Powder | |
803 | Lattes! Instant Latte | Hydrate some Lattes! Latte Powder (Special Requirement) | |
804 | Stolen Coffee Pot | Repair a Cordless Coffee Pot with some Thick Cabling | |
805 | Medicinal Draught | Crush a Maze Fang into the Clear Draught | |
806 | Glowing Draught | Solidify your Medicinal Draught with Fine Hound Dust | |
807 | Unstable Draught | Dissolve White Flakes in the Clear Draught | |
808 | Unstable Draught | Mix Nitro into the Clear Draught | |
809 | Survivors' Eclipse Sheet | Soak a Survivors' Origami Sheet with Liquified Eclipse | |
810 | Survivors' Origami Shirt | Expand your Unlined Vest with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet | |
811 | Survivors' Origami Pants | Cover your Unlined Pants with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet | |
812 | Survivors' Origami Blade | Build a blade for your Sword Hilt with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet | |
813 | Survivors' Origami Pistol | Fold your Interlocking Survivors' Sheet around Pistol Fittings | |
814 | Survivors' Origami Shield | Plate a Midgard Riot Shield with your Interlocking Survivors' Sheet | |
815 | Survivors' Origami Coin | Fold two Survivors' Origami Sheets | |
816 | Interlocking Survivors' Sheet | Interlock a pair of Survivors' Origami Sheets | |
817 | Survivors' Origami Vortex | Twist two Survivors' Origami Sheets | |
818 | Survivors' Origami Box | Hide a treasure with two Survivors' Origami Sheets | |
819 | Survivors' Origami Crown | Coronate yourself with four Survivors' Origami Sheets | |
820 | Survivors' Origami Crane | Stick to the basics with a Survivors' Origami Sheet | |
821 | Spun Decahedron | Fuse your Spun Tetrahedron and Spun Cube | |
822 | Spun Isocahedron | Merge your Spun Octahedron and Spun Dodecahedron | |
823 | Spun Lattice | Overlay your Spun Decahedron and Spun Isocahedron | |
824 | Optimized Targeter | Interlock your Targeting Algorithm with a HUD Manager | |
825 | |||
826 | NovOS HUD Manager | Specialize your HUD Manager with a Functionality Interface | |
827 | Inhuman HUD Manager | Rebuild your HUD Manager around Inhuman Code | |
828 | filtered HUD Manager | Affix a Secured Filter to your NovOS HUD Manager | |
829 | Integrated Vision | Integrate your HUD Manager with Backend Code | |
830 | Integrated Targeting | Feed your Targeting Algorithm data from Backend Code | |
831 | Integrated Vigilance | Let EyesAround gaze through Backend Code | |
832 | Integrated Hunt | Enhance your Targeting Algorithm data with Integrated Vision | |
833 | Integrated Choreography | Follow the instructions of Inhuman Code through your Integrated Vision | |
834 | Fractal Loop | Let some Fractal Code endlessly rewrite itself with a Command Script | |
835 | Cacophony Producer | Seed White Noise Produce with Backend Code | |
836 | Integrated Verification | Rewire your Inhuman HUD Manager with Backend Code | |
837 | Zipgun | Q | Weaponize an Empty Clip with Pistol Fittings |
838 | Personal Nailbat | Q | Make some Polysteel nails to stud your Enforcement Bat |
839 | Animatronic Raven | Animate your Stuffed Raven with an Animatronic Motor | |
840 | Puddle Meat | Fillet a Puddle Fish | |
841 | Puddle Sushi | Class up a Puddle Fish with some Sushi Rice | |
842 | Puddle Roll | Wrap a Puddle Fish in Sushi Nori | |
843 | Stringy Eclipse | Mix Silk Strands into Liquified Eclipse | |
844 | Silk Fishing Line | Untangle two clumps of Silk Strands | |
845 | |||
846 | |||
847 | Cyberlimb Blanks | Solder some Artificial Muscle Fibers to equally Artificial Bone | |
848 | Protocyberlimbs | Assemble Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a Cybernetic Interface (2 Energy) | |
849 | Basic Cyberarms | Piece together Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and two Cybernetic Interfaces (3 Energy) | |
850 | Basic Cyberlegs | Build up Artificial Bone with twice the Artificial Muscle Fibers and Cybernetic Interfaces (3 Energy) | |
851 | Wired Cyberarms | Fire up Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and three Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy) | |
852 | Wired Cyberlegs | Wrap Artificial Bone with twice the Artificial Muscle Fibers and double Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy) | |
853 | Powerful Cyberarms | Mobilize Artificial Bone with double Artificial Muscle Fibers and a pair of Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy) | |
854 | Powerful Cyberlegs | Beef up Artificial Bone with triple Artificial Muscle Fibers and a Cybernetic Interface (4 Energy) | |
855 | Targeting Cyberarms | Focus Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a pair of Cybernetic Interfaces with a Targeting Circuit (4 Energy) | |
856 | Rhythmic Cyberlegs | Synchronize Artificial Bones, two Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a Cybernetic Interface with a Signal Analysis Circuit (4 Energy) | |
857 | Sealed Cyberblade | Apply a Cybersafety Seal to an Unsealed Cyberblade | |
858 | Trash Cyberheart | Install a Cybernetic Interface into a Trash Golem Heart | |
859 | Sludge Cyberheart | Fit a Sludge Heart with a Cybernetic Interface | |
860 | Secret Cyberheart | Hide a Cybernetic Interface inside a Secret Heart | |
861 | Crack the Stone | Melt open a Philosopher Stone with Dragon Blood | |
862 | Crack the Stone | Melt open a Philosopher Stone with Aqua Regia | |
863 | Chattering Skull | Enliven your Foam Skull with an Animatronic Motor | |
864 | Injured Gargoyle | Motivate your Plastic Gargoyle with an Animatronic Motor | |
865 | Animatronic Gargoyle | Animate your Plastic Gargoyle with two Animatronic Motors | |
866 | Skull Pile | Q | Mortar together six Foam Skulls with a Foam Tube |
867 | Moving Apple | Inject a Crisp Apple with Liquified Eclipse | |
868 | Moving Apple | Inject an Heirloom Apple with Liquified Eclipse | |
869 | Moving Apple | Inject a Waxed Apple with Liquified Eclipse | |
870 | Water Pump | Use an Animatronic Motor to force water through a Gas Mask closed up with Sealant Patches | |
871 | Moving Apple | Inject a Mislit Apple with Liquified Eclipse | |
872 | Silver Ingot | Extract it from two Mirror Tiles | |
873 | Ghost Functionality | Wrap a Functionality Interface with Ghost Code | |
874 | Ghost Security | Encapsulate a Security Interface with Ghost Code | |
875 | Ghost Code | Q | Create Ghost Code from six Snippets of Code |
876 | Moving Apple | Inject an Apple with Liquified Eclipse | |
877 | |||
878 | Eclipsemelon | Soak a Watermelon Slice in Liquified Eclipse | |
879 | Scattering Firework | Set Twin Fireworks up to shatter with some White Flakes | |
880 | Designed Firework | Aim a Scattering Firework with a Targeting Circuit | |
881 | Bug Cage | L | Laboriously shape some Frayed Cabling (1 Energy) |
882 | Sliced Bread | Bake up a little loaf from 2 cups of Flour | |
883 | Cake Batter | Whip up 2 Eggs and Flour (0 Energy) | |
884 | Cookie Dough | Mix Egg, Flour, and Butter (0 Energy) | |
885 | Egg Noodles | Roll out two cups of Flour and an Egg | |
886 | Pizza Dough | Make a simple dough out of Flour (0 Energy) | |
887 | Pie Dough | Cut Butter into two cups of Flour | |
888 | Grilled Cheese | Grill a Cheese Slice between Sliced Bread | |
889 | Piece Of Cake | Layer a cake from 2 bowls of Cake Batter | |
890 | Caramel Chip Cookie | Break a Caramel Bar into some Cookie Dough | |
891 | Buttery Noodles | Drizzle some Egg Noodles with Butter | |
892 | Cheese Fries | Top some Pizza Dough with a Cheese Slice | |
893 | Slice Of Apple Pie | Contain five Apples in two layers of Pie Dough | |
894 | Animatronic Doll | Breathe life into your Giant Doll with an Animatronic Motor | |
895 | Wooden Stake | Q | Whittle down a Sharp Stick (1 Energy) |
896 | Paper Bat | Flatten and cut four Paper Mache (1 Energy) | |
897 | Swirling Blood | Hydrate Bloody Punch Mix with Liquified Eclipse | |
898 | Bloody Sludge | Thicken Bloody Punch Mix with Slags Antidote | |
899 | Skull Fountain | Assemble four Polysteel Supports, a Foam Skull, an Animatronic Motor, and a Skull Pile | |
900 | Tamago Nigiri | Lay some Tamago on Sushi Rice | |
901 | Biscotti | Double bake two Cookie Doughs | |
902 | Tamago | Roll some Eggs with Processed Sugar | |
903 | Spicy Noodles | Add some Phoenix Sauce to your Egg Noodles | |
904 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Fry a Large Mushroom in some Dry Rice | |
905 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Fry up an Edible Mushroom with Dry Rice | |
906 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Inter a Grave Mushroom in Dry Rice | |
907 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Fry Dry Rice with Twin Mushrooms | |
908 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Build a Construction Mushroom in Dry Rice | |
909 | Fish Stir Fry | Lake Bluegill cooked in Dry Rice | |
910 | Fish Stir Fry | Dock Pike fried with Dry Rice | |
911 | Fish Stir Fry | Dry Rice and Partially Digested Fish fried into a safe dish | |
912 | Fish Stir Fry | Dry Rice fried with some Dried Fish | |
913 | Fish Stir Fry | Dry Rice fried up with Lake Perch | |
914 | Fish Stir Fry | Eager Fish hopping into Dry Rice | |
915 | Fish Stir Fry | Skullfish made less creepy with some Dry Rice | |
916 | Fish Stir Fry | Dry Rice joined with a Silver Darter | |
917 | Fish Stir Fry | Eyeless Fish swimming in Dry Rice | |
918 | Fish Stir Fry | Puddle Fish moved to Dry Rice | |
919 | Fried Rice | Dry Rice mixed with an Egg | |
920 | Mushroom Skewer | Skewer two Edible Mushrooms | |
921 | Mushroom Sandwich | A Large Mushroom on Sliced Bread | |
922 | Breakfast Sandwich | A fried Egg on some Sliced Bread | |
923 | Mushroom Stroganoff | An Edible Mushroom with Egg Noodles | |
924 | Mushroom Stroganoff | Some Twin Mushrooms with Egg Noodles | |
925 | Mushroom Stroganoff | Egg Noodles with Construction Mushroom and a little sauce | |
926 | Fried Fish | Batter and fry a Lake Bluegill with Flour | |
927 | Fried Fish | Flour and fry a Lake Perch | |
928 | Chocolate | Melt two Ancient Candybars | |
929 | Chocolate | Melt a Caramel Bar into an Ancient Candybar | |
930 | Chocolate Chunk Cookie | Add some Chocolate to Cookie Dough | |
931 | Melted Chocolate | Mix some Butter and Chocolate | |
932 | Dipped Cookie | Bake Cookie Dough and dip in Melted Chocolate | |
933 | Chocolate Apple | Dip a Mislit Apple in Melted Chocolate | |
934 | Chocolate Apple | Cover a Heirloom Apple in Melted Chocolate< | |
935 | Chocolate Apple | Smother a Crisp Apple in Melted Chocolate | |
936 | Chocolate Cake | Mix some Cake Batter with Melted Chocolate and bake | |
937 | Matcha Cake | Add a bit of Matcha to some Cake Batter | |
938 | Chocolate Apple | Spread Melted Chocolate over an Apple | |
939 | Bone Pistol | Fit Bone Flakes around Pistol Fittings | |
940 | Bone Automatic | Gather Bone Flakes over Rifle Fittings | |
941 | Chitinous Rifle | Assemble Stone Spider Chitin with Rifle Fittings | |
942 | Ghoulish Pistol | String Ghoulish Sinew over Pistol Fittings | |
943 | Regrowing Tendrils | Rehydrate Withered Tendrils and feed with Agar Powder | |
944 | Living Pistol | Drape Regrowing Tendrils over Pistol Fittings | |
945 | Toothy Pistol | Fit a Living Pistol with Ghoul Teeth | |
946 | Clip of Teeth | Fill an Empty Clip with Ghoul Teeth | |
947 | Bloodthirsty Sidearm | Haunt an Executive Sidearm with Shivering Capacitors and a Targeting Circuit (2 Energy) | |
948 | Writhing Gun | Further warp a Living Pistol with Regrowing Tendrils | |
949 | Chitinous Bullets | Break down Stone Spider Chitin to fit in an Empty Clip | |
950 | Killer Pistol | Q | Anoint a Handmade Pistol with an Ectoplasmic Sample |
951 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Fry up a Delicious Puffball with Dry Rice | |
952 | Sauteed Puffball | Saute up some Delicious Puffball in Butter | |
953 | Apple Dumpling | Wrap an Apple in Pie Dough | |
954 | Apple Dumpling | Conceal a Mislit Apple in Pie Dough | |
955 | Apple Dumpling | Cover a Heirloom Apple in Pie Dough | |
956 | Apple Dumpling | Secure a Crisp Apple in Pie Dough | |
957 | Unformed Chocolate | Simmer some Liquified Eclipse and Melted Chocolate | |
958 | Chocolate Strawberry | Dip a Strawberry in Melted Chocolate | |
959 | |||
960 | |||
961 | Plain Omelette | Break two Eggs | |
962 | Mushroom Omelette | Fold an Egg over an Edible Mushroom | |
963 | Mushroom Omelette | Dice a Large Mushroom and mix with an Egg | |
964 | Mushroom Omelette | Shred a Delicious Puffball into an Egg | |
965 | Mushroom Omelette | Bury a Grave Mushroom in Egg | |
966 | Mushroom Omelette | Add a Twin Mushroom to a cooking Egg | |
967 | Mushroom Omelette | Build an Egg dish around a Construction Mushroom | |
968 | Omurice | Drape a Plain Omelette over cooked Dry Rice | |
969 | Gelatin Dessert | Add some Processed Sugar to Agar Powder gelatin | |
970 | Unsettling Gelatin | Whip some Agar Powder with Liquified Eclipse | |
971 | Fruit Gelatin | Dice up a Watermelon Slice into Agar Powder gelatin | |
972 | Fruit Gelatin | Chop an Apple into Agar Powder gelatin | |
973 | Fruit Gelatin | Add a Strawberry to Agar Powder gelatin | |
974 | Fruit Gelatin | Build Agar Powder gelatin around a Mislit Apple | |
975 | Fruit Gelatin | Secure an Heirloom Apple in Agar Powder | |
976 | Fruit Gelatin | Preserve a Crisp Apple in Agar Powder | |
977 | |||
978 | |||
979 | Meat Pie | Debone a Meaty Haunch and cover in Pie Dough | |
980 | Meat Pie | Dismantle a Giant Bat Wing and conceal it in Pie Dough | |
981 | Meat Pie | Get some meat from a Crocodile Tail and fold it in Pie Dough | |
982 | Spicy Bat Wing | Smother a Bat Wing in Phoenix Sauce | |
983 | Bat Skewer | Pierce and bake two Bat Wings | |
984 | Bat Skewer | Piece together a Giant Bat Wing and a normal Bat Wing | |
985 | Bat Skewer | Shred two Giant Bat Wings for meat | |
986 | Mystery Meat Skewer | Shave bits from two Meaty Haunches | |
987 | Crocodile Skewer | Dismantle and cook two Crocodile Tails | |
988 | Fruit Gelatin | Add a diced Pear into some Agar Powder gelatin | |
989 | |||
990 | |||
991 | |||
992 | |||
993 | |||
994 | |||
995 | Cheese Omelette | Shred Sliced Cheese into an Egg and cook carefully | |
996 | Integrated Jumpjet | Equip a Shielded Jumpjet with a Cybernetic Interface | |
997 | Reinforced Drone Leg | Strengthen a Spider Drone Leg with a Steel Ingot | |
998 | Jagged Drone Leg | Stud a Spider Drone Leg with a Stone Spider Chitin | |
999 | Spider Leg Rifle | Convert a Stone Spider Leg with Assault Rifle Fittings | |
1000 | Arachnid Blade | Fit a Stone Spider Leg in a Sword Hilt | |
1001 | Extended Spider Leg | Affix a Stone Spider Leg to a Riot Baton | |
1002 | |||
1003 | Silk Whip | Stretch a Spider Skein from a Sword Hilt | |
1004 | |||
1005 | Silk Vest | Melt a Spider Skein into an Unlined Vest | |
1006 | Silk Pants | Finish Unlined Pants with a Spider Skein | |
1007 | Silk Fishing Line (gives ?-3-?) | Mix Silk Strands with a Spider Skein | |
1008 | Silk Fishing Line (gives ?-3-4?) | Process two Spider Skeins | |
1009 | Stringy Eclipse | Dissolve a Spider Skein in Liquified Eclipse | |
1010 | Silk Injector | Melt a Spider Skein into an Empty Injector | |
1011 | Venomous Paste | Mix Hound Dust in a Spider Venom Sample | |
1012 | Fried Spider Eggs | Fry some Spider Eggs in Butter | |
1013 | Charred Spider Eggs | Bake two pinches of Spider Eggs | |
1014 | Cybernetic Cat Ears | Upgrade a Cat Ear Headband with a Cybernetic Interface | |
1015 | Cancelled Firework | Inform a Scattering Firework with a Cancelled Circuit | |
1016 | Glittering Paint Set | Sparkle up a Children's Paint Set with Craft Glitter | |
1017 | Gold Powder | Purify Craft Glitter with Aqua Regia | |
1018 | 3 Decorative Webbing | Bulk out your Decorative Webbing with an actual Spider Skein | |
1019 | 2 Decorative Webbing | Spin Silk Strands with Decorative Webbing | |
1020 | Bypassed Datareader | Rewire the Locked Datareader with a Biomonitor Circuit | |
1021 | Unmelting Ice Brick | R | Compress and fuse four handfuls of Unmelting Snowflakes |
1022 | Ink Pasta | Dress some Egg Noodles with Kraken Ink. | |
1023 | Ink Pasta | Color some Egg Noodles with Octopus Ink. | |
1024 | Black Risotto | Cook some Dry Rice with Kraken Ink. | |
1025 | Black Risotto | Darken Dry Rice with Octopus Ink. | |
1026 | |||
1027 | Tentacle Risotto | Mix shreds of Massive Tentacle with Black Risotto | |
1028 | Meat Pie | Fold shredded Massive Tentacle in Pie Dough | |
1029 | Cyberblade Hinge | Hinge some Artificial Bone with a Switchblade Handle | |
1030 | Basic Cyberblade | Hide a Cyberblade Hinge in Basic Cyberarms | |
1031 | Steel Cyberblade | Fit a Basic Cyberblade with a Steel Ingot blade | |
1032 | Hardened Cyberblade | Reinforce a Basic Cyberblade with Hardened Plastic | |
1033 | Sealed Cyberblade | Apply a Cybersafety Seal to a Basic Cyberblade | |
1034 | Reflexive Cyberblade | Trigger a Basic Cyberblade from a Biomonitor Circuit | |
1035 | Cybergun Attachment | Set some Pistol Fittings in Artificial Bone | |
1036 | Exposed Cybergun | Fix a Cybergun Attachment to Basic Cyberarms | |
1037 | Decorative Cybergun | Play up an Exposed Cybergun with Gold Foil | |
1038 | Ballistic Cybergun | Refit an Exposed Cybergun with Ballistic Plastic | |
1039 | Bony Sword | Slot an Artificial Bone blade into a Sword Hilt | |
1040 | Bone Spiked Knuckles | Line Bone Flakes along some Brass Knuckles | |
1041 | Artificial Bone Knuckles | Plate Brass Knuckles with an Artificial Bone | |
1042 | Bone Plated Cyberarms | Case Basic Cyberarms with more Artificial Bone | |
1043 | Bone Plated Cyberlegs | Reskin Basic Cyberlegs with more Artificial Bone | |
1044 | Posturing Pistol | Apply Artificial Bone fronts to a Filthy Pistol | |
1045 | Posturing Pauldrons | Decorate a Light Armored Vest with Artificial Bone | |
1046 | |||
1047 | Matcha Cake | Mix Soothing Tea into some Cake Batter | |
1048 | Combat Eclipse | Drop a Combat Stimulant in Liquified Eclipse. | |
1049 | Skeletal Cyberleg | Wire a Cybernetic Interface through two Artificial Bones (2 Energy) | |
1050 | Skeletal Cyberarm | Articulate two Artificial Bones with two Cybernetic Interfaces (2 Energy) | |
1051 | Exposed Skull | Seal together two Artifical Bones (2 Energy) | |
1052 | Recording Bone Leg | Fit a Biomonitoring Circuit and two Formatted Memory Cores into a Skeletal Cyberleg (2 Energy) | |
1053 | Gesturing Bone Arm | Wire a Skeletal Cyberarm with a Twitch Controller and a Neural Bridge (2 Energy) | |
1054 | Crystal Focus Skull | Attach two Artificial Hound Crystals and two natural Hound Crystals to an Exposed Skull (2 Energy) | |
1055 | Meat Pie | Pull the meat from a Lizard Tail and fold it in Pie Dough | |
1056 | Mystery Meat Skewer | Skewer bits from two Lizard Tails | |
1057 | Cybereye Blank | Fit a Blown Glass Trinket with a Cybernetic Interface | |
1058 | Empty Cybereye | Attach an Optical Array and Cybernetic Interface to a Blown Glass Trinket (2 Energy) | |
1059 | Garish Cybereye | Plate a Cybereye Blank with Gold Foil | |
1060 | Silver Cybereye | Fill a Cybereye Blank with a Silver Ingot | |
1061 | Rippling Cybereye | Pour Liquified Eclipse into a Cybereye Blank | |
1062 | Weeping Cybereye | Hide a Flask of Tears in a Cybereye Blank | |
1063 | Nightmarish Cybereye | Twist a Cybereye Blank with Nightmare Fuel | |
1064 | Stimulant Injector | Feed a Combat Stimulant into an Empty Injector. | |
1065 | Lake Pearl Necklace | Q | String together 14 Lake Pearls |
1066 | Cultured Pearl Necklace | Q | Bracket a Cultured Pearl with two sets of Tiny Black Pearls |
1067 | Clay Fairy | Q | Bake some carefully formed PolyClay |
1068 | Clay Mushroom | Q | Cook an inedible mushroom from PolyClay |
1069 | Clay Worm | Q | Roll and bake some PolyClay |
1070 | Clay Horse | Q | Fix your PolyClay art in place |
1071 | |||
1072 | Meat Pie | Empty some Large Spider Legs into Pie Dough | |
1073 | Buttery Spider Legs | Boil some Large Spider Legs and serve with a side of Butter | |
1074 | Fruit Gelatin | Drop Grapes into Agar Powder gelatin | |
1075 | Elevator Controls | Q | Cobble together a control system out of two Signal Analysis Circuits, some Thick Cabling, and a Large Motor. |
1076 | Mushroom Cap Nigiri | Cover some Sushi Rice with a Burger Cap | |
1077 | Mushroom Skewer | Skewer a Burger Cap and another Edible Mushroom | |
1078 | Mushroom Skewer | Skewer an Edible Mushroom and some Yellow Shelf Fungus | |
1079 | Mushroom Sandwich | A grilled Burger Cap between Sliced Bread | |
1080 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Fry a sliced Burger Cap with Dry Rice | |
1080 | Mushroom Stir Fry | Season some Dry Rice with a Yellow Shelf Fungus | |
1082 | Mushroom Stroganoff | Yellow Shelf Fungus with sauce over Egg Noodles | |
1083 | Mushroom Omelette | Mix Burger Cap chunks with an Egg | |
1084 | Mushroom Omelette | Flecks of Yellow Shelf Fungus cooked with an Egg | |
1085 | Trout Sashimi | Slice a Fountain Trout | |
1086 | Trout Sushi | Lay Fountain Trout over Sushi Rice | |
1087 | Fountain Roll | Wrap a Fountain Trout in Sushi Nori | |
1088 | Fish Stir Fry | Fountain Trout fried with Dry Rice | |
1089 | Worm Scale Shirt | Fuse a Pale Worm Hide to an Unlined Vest | |
1090 | Worm Scale Pants | Wrap Unlined Pants with a Pale Worm Hide | |
1091 | Worm Liquor | Preserve a Water Worm in Grain Alcohol | |
1092 | Wormslayer | Reforge Blade Fragments and attach a Sword Hilt | |
1093 | Meat Pie | Present the meat from a Rat Haunch in Pie Dough | |
1094 | Taser | Refurbish a Broken Taser with a Capacitor Array | |
1095 | |||
1096 | |||
1097 | Frozen Eclipse | Cool Liquified Eclipse with Dry Ice | |
1098 | Dry Ice Slurry | Finely mix Dry Ice with Grain Alcohol | |
1099 | Pineapple Flavored Cake | Bake a little Cake Batter with Pineapple Powder | |
1100 | Pineapple Hard Candy | Melt Pineapple Powder into Processed Sugar | |
1101 | Christmas Cake Slice | Cook up a bowl of Cake Batter. Decorate with a Strawberry and freshly fallen snow. (Special Requirement) | |
1102 | Unmelting Ice Brick | R | Fuse two handfuls of Unmelting Snowflakes with a lump of Dry Ice |
1103 | |||
1104 | Braised Meat | Cook a Meaty Haunch in a Glass of Red. | |
1105 | Braised Meat | Braise a Rat Haunch in a Glass of Red. | |
1106 | Braised Meat | Break down a Giant Bat Wing with a Glass of Red. | |
1107 | Purple Wine | Mull a Cup of Red with some Black Petals. | |
1108 | Leaded Wine | Sweeten a Cup of Red with Lead. | |
1109 | |||
1110 | |||
1111 | |||
1112 | Gulper Sashimi | Dissect a Giant Gulper | |
1113 | Gulper Sushi | Fix the edible parts of a Giant Gulper with Sushi Rice | |
1114 | Gulping Roll | Make a couple Giant Gulper rolls with Sushi Nori | |
1115 | Gulper Solution | Add Lake Gulper organs to Slags Antidote | |
1116 | |||
1117 | |||
1118 | |||
1119 | Flotsam | Reveal the contents of a Worm Gastrolith with Fuming Acid | |
1120 | Slice Of Pumpkin Pie | Fill some Pie Dough with Pumpkin |
Additionally, the following combinations are also valid, which not listed above directly, but are made of several parts assembled as intermediate steps:
- Autolock Sidearm = steady sidearm + targeting circuit
- Autolock Sidearm = autotargeting sidearm + biomonitor circuit
- Blazing PDA = retro PDA + gold processor
- Buffered Learntop = gold learntop + signal buffer
- Buffered PDA = retro PDA + signal buffer
- Cabling Nest = writhing golem heart + thick cabling
- Crawling Golem Heart = lashing golem heart + thick cabling
- Dysfunctional PDA = unbootable PDA + memory stick
- Empty Injector = uncharged injector + capacitor array
- Empty Injector = powered injector + biomonitor circuit
- Entertainment Sidearm = uplinked sidearm + neural bridge
- Entertainment Sidearm = chip junkie sidearm + signal analysis circuit
- Expanded Gold Learntop = gold learntop + memory stick
- Expanded Handheld = linked handheld + memory stick
- Expanded Handheld = dysfunctional PDA + thick cabling
- Expanded PDA = functioning PDA + memory stick
- Expanded PDA = dysfunctional PDA + processor chip
- Fast PDA = functioning PDA + processor chip
- Functioning PDA = unbootable PDA + processor chip
- Functioning PDA = dumb PDA + memory stick
- Gold Dual Learntop = gold learntop + gold processor
- Handcrafted PDA = retro PDA + memory stick
- Handcrafted PDA = dysfunctional PDA + gold processor
- Hardened PDA = functioning PDA + safety loop
- Holographic Projector = laser projector + glimmering crystals
- Laser Projector = dual laser + homemade laser
- Linked Handheld = unbootable PDA + thick cabling
- Live Cable = shorted cable + capacitor array
- magnetic sidearm = autotargeting sidearm + magnetic coil
- Memory Sidearm = uplinked sidearm + formatted memory core
- Optical Bracelet = rangefinder bracelet + optical array
- Optical Bracelet = optical rangefinder + thick cabling
- Optical Sidearm = uplinked sidearm + optical array
- Polar Cable = shorted cable + shivering capacitors
- Polar Cable = shivering cable + capacitor array
- Rebuilt Learntop = gold learntop + formatted memory core
- Retro PDA = unbootable PDA + gold processor
- Retro PDA = gold PDA + memory stick
- Retrofitted Scanner = updated scanner + thick cabling
- Retrofitted Scanner = long range scanner + signal analysis circuit
- Targeting Bracelet = rangefinder bracelet + targeting circuit
- Targeting Bracelet = advanced rangefinder + thick cabling
- Trick Sidearm = autotargeting sidearm + twitch controller
- Twitch Learntop = gold learntop + twitch controller
- Twitch PDA = retro PDA + twitch controller
- Wired Sidearm = uplinked sidearm + targeting circuit
- Wired Sidearm = autotargeting sidearm + signal analysis circuit
- Writhing Cable = shivering cable + shivering capacitors
- Writhing Golem Heart = crawling golem heart + thick cabling
August 26th, 2012 - containment suits were updated, adding a ~dozen new recipes, and recipes #146 and #150 were removed.
July 3rd, 2012 - grenades were updated, adding a few new recipes and recipe #34 removed.
Dec 6th, 2014 - various grenades recipes were pluralized.