Recipes By ID

The recipe number can be found by viewing the page source of the crafting pages. Next to each recipe is a radio button with a value. Eg. Heavy Baton recipe number is 117:

<input type='radio' name='recipe' value='117' /> <B>Heavy Baton</B> …

† This column indicates the crafting type:

WeldingTorch25.jpg - armory
ChemKit25.jpg - chemistry
computerchip.jpg - coding
oven25.jpg - cooking
toolbelt.jpg - electronics
themirrorshard.jpg - simple
ButcherKnife25.jpg - sushi

Superscripts indicate recipe type:

Q - Quest recipe: you can only create this if you know the recipe (lost on resets)
L - Learnable Quest recipe: this is a recipe that you learn by finding it through experimtation and also elsewhere in the world (lost on resets)
R - Required recipe: you need to learn this recipe to create it (kept through resets)

ID Output    †     Ingredients
1 Liquified Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Create a more potent, liquid form of Eclipse with two Eclipse tablets.
2 Slags Antidote ChemKit25.jpg Q Boil down two clumps of withered tendrils with liquified Eclipse to create an antidote to Slags poisoning.
3 Caffeine Powder ChemKit25.jpg Q Reduce a cup of horrible black coffee into pure caffeine. You need the strong stuff, not just any coffee will do.
4 Nitro ChemKit25.jpg L Process two sticks of dynamite into one vial of pure Nitro.
5 Powerful Acid ChemKit25.jpg Q Convert a pile of sulfur into a flask of dangerous, but effective, acid.
6 Sheet of Scales ChemKit25.jpg Reconstruct a scaly hide from loose scales and tendril ointment.
7 Tendril Ointment ChemKit25.jpg Make a healing ointment by dissolving the withered tendrils of a sea creature in grain alcohol.
8 Powerful Acid ChemKit25.jpg Q Refine a flask of powerful acid from the remains of three partially digested fish.
9 Agar Powder ChemKit25.jpg Q Reduce a clump of damp seaweed into agar powder.
10 Nitro ChemKit25.jpg L Dissolve a lake serpent sample in powerful acid to get some Nitro. Just don't drop it.
11 Powerful Acid ChemKit25.jpg Distill two flasks of larval acid into one flask of a more powerful acid.
12 Caffeine Powder ChemKit25.jpg Crush and refine two pep pills into pure caffeine powder.
13 Caffeine IV ChemKit25.jpg Mix some pure caffeine in an IV bag for a constant drip, drip, drip of energy.
14 Numbing IV ChemKit25.jpg Get some potent painkillers in an IV bag to cut all that pain down.
15 Potent Painkiller ChemKit25.jpg Distill two painkillers into their pure liquid form.
16 Slags IV ChemKit25.jpg Dilute some Slags antidote into an IV bag for a constant supply.
17 Soaked Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg If you carefully soak an Eclipse in more liquified Eclipse, it retains itself while somehow soaking up all the liquid. Strange.
18 Slimy Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some withered tendrils in some liquified Eclipse to get… slimy Eclipse.
19 NitroX ChemKit25.jpg Kick a vial of Nitro up a notch with some of these white flakes.
20 Nightmare Fuel ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve ghoul teeth in larval acid to create something closely resembling the essence of nightmares.
21 Necrotic Vial ChemKit25.jpg Mix nightmare fuel with Nitro to create an etheric explosive.
22 Ghoul Maw ChemKit25.jpg Heal a ghoul's teeth back into a semblance of life with a tendril ointment.
23 Signal Analysis Circuit toolbelt.jpg Q Reconstruct four circuit fragments into a simple circuit.
24 Biomonitor Circuit toolbelt.jpg Q Connect two frayed cables to a signal analysis circuit for a basic life-monitoring system.
25 Thick Cabling toolbelt.jpg Q Twine two frayed cables into one thick functional cable.
26 Capacitor Array toolbelt.jpg Q Set up four microcapacitors to hold far more charge.
27 Targeting Circuit toolbelt.jpg Q Combine two optical sensors and a signal analysis circuit into a primitive targeting system.
28 Refined Petrol ChemKit25.jpg Distill two units of petrol sludge down into a vial of refined petrol.
29 Petrol Sludge ChemKit25.jpg Break down a sludge heart with powerful acid to get a bunch of petrol sludge
30 Refined Petrol ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a lump of coal down with powerful acid to get this flammable mix.
31 Hound Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Buffer some hound dust with liquified Eclipse.
32 Artificial Hound Crystal ChemKit25.jpg Add more hound dust to hound Eclipse, solidifying it into an artificial gem.
33 Gritty Ointment ChemKit25.jpg Mix hound dust with a tendril ointment to create a defensive ointment.
34 Frag Grenades ChemKit25.jpg Juice up a gas grenade with some dynamite. (NO LONGER EXISTS)
35 Eclipse Slammer ChemKit25.jpg Liquified Eclipse and a border slammer mixed into something more terrifying than either.
36 Slimy Bandage ChemKit25.jpg Slather an Omnitech trauma bandage with tendril ointment for a stronger healer
37 Black Bandage ChemKit25.jpg Use an Omnitech trauma bandage to bond Nightmare Fuel to your skin
38 Crystalline Mushroom ChemKit25.jpg Petrify a Shaman Staff mushroom with some Hound Eclipse
39 Toadstool Oil ChemKit25.jpg Boil two warty toadstools down to their active ingredient
40 Mushrooms ChemKit25.jpg Black spores in agar powder instantly sprout into mushrooms
41 Toxic Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Poison some liquified Eclipse with a destroying angel mushroom
42 Toxic Spear ChemKit25.jpg Use Toxic Eclipse to alter the nature of a Fungus Spear
43 Nightmare Fuel ChemKit25.jpg Toxic Eclipse and Black Spores create this nightmarish cocktail
44 Toxic Crystal ChemKit25.jpg Grow a crystal out of Hound Dust around some Toxic Eclipse
45 Toxic Tears ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Destroying Angel mushroom in a Flask of Tears
46 Molotov Cocktail ChemKit25.jpg Q Rig some Refined Petrol up into a simple Molotov cocktail
47 Targeting Scope toolbelt.jpg Upgrade a Basic Scope with a Targeting Circuit
48 Descrambled TV toolbelt.jpg Add a Signal Analysis Circuit to improve an Antique Plasma TV
49 Monitoring Vest toolbelt.jpg Tag a Light Armored Vest with a Biomonitor Circuit for first aid feedback
50 Shorted Cable toolbelt.jpg Charge a Thick Cable with a Capacitor Array to shock your foes
51 Live Cable toolbelt.jpg Permanently charge some Thick Cable with two Capacitor Arrays (2 Energy)
52 Improved Visor toolbelt.jpg Update a Security Visor with a Targeting Circuit
53 Biomonitor Kit toolbelt.jpg Improve any First Aid Kit with a Biomonitor Circuit
54 Lashing Golem Heart toolbelt.jpg Fuse a Trash Golem Heart with a Thick Cable
55 Crawling Golem Heart toolbelt.jpg Expand a Trash Golem Heart with two spools of Thick Cable (2 Energy)
56 Writhing Golem Heart toolbelt.jpg Allow a Trash Golem Heart to fuse with three spools of Thick Cable (3 Energy)
57 Cabling Nest toolbelt.jpg Give your Trash Golem Heart four lengths of Thick Cable to build a nest (4 Energy)
58 Living Sludge Heart toolbelt.jpg Add a Biomonitor Circuit to a Sludge Heart to confirm disquieting information
59 Beating Sludge Heart toolbelt.jpg Give a Sludge Heart some semblance of life with a Biomonitor Circuit and a Capacitor Array
60 Shock Shield toolbelt.jpg Line a Midgard Riot Shield with a Capacitor Array
61 Smart Clip toolbelt.jpg Modernize a Long Clip with a Targeting Circuit
62 Retromodern Scope toolbelt.jpg Bring an Antique Scope into the modern age with a Targeting Circuit
63 Filtered HUD toolbelt.jpg Make a Blacks Ops HUD more user friendly by filtering it with a Signal Analysis Circuit
64 Advanced Rangefinder toolbelt.jpg Improve the power of a Rangefinder with a Targeting Circuit
65 Rangefinder Bracelet toolbelt.jpg Improve the usability of a Rangefinder by attaching some Thick Cabling
66 Targeting Bracelet toolbelt.jpg Optimize a Rangefinder by adding a Thick Cable and a Targeting Circuit (2 Energy)
67 Steady Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Upgrade an Executive Sidearm with a Biomonitor Circuit
68 Uplinked Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Integrate an Executive Sidearm with the help of a Signal Analysis Circuit
69 Autotargeting Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Simplify an Executive Sidearm by adding a Targeting Circuit
70 Wired Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Leverage an Executive Sidearm with a Targeting Circuit and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy)
71 Autolock Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Idiot-proof the Executive Sidearm with a Biomonitor Circuit and Targeting Circuit (2 Energy)
72 Buzzing TZR toolbelt.jpg Short out a Zaibatsu TZR by adding a Capacitor Array
73 Long Range Scanner toolbelt.jpg Improve a Police Scanner's range with a Thick Cabling antenna
74 Updated Scanner toolbelt.jpg Replace outdated parts in a Police Scanner with a Signal Analysis Circuit
75 Retrofitted Scanner toolbelt.jpg Overhaul a Police Scanner with some Thick Cabling and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy)
76 Sushi Nori ButcherKnife25.jpg Q Process a clump of damp seaweed
77 Raw Bluegill ButcherKnife25.jpg Slice a Lake Bluegill
78 Pike Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Delicately cut a Dock Pike
79 Acrid Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare a Partially Digested Fish
80 Dried Fish Strip ButcherKnife25.jpg Practice sashimi cutting on a Dried Fish
81 Tiny Squid Eyes ButcherKnife25.jpg De-eye a lake squid
82 Unagi ButcherKnife25.jpg Slice a freshwater eel
83 Perch Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Finely cut a lake perch
84 Ika Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare an Endangered Squid
85 Bluegill Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Drape some Lake Bluegill over some Sushi Rice
86 Pike Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Lay some Dock Pike over Sushi Rice
87 Acidic Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Place some Partially Digested Fish over Sushi Rice
88 Dried Fish Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Lay a cut of Dried Fish over some Sushi Rice
89 Unagi Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare some Freshwater Eel with Sushi Rice
90 Perch Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Rest a cut of Lake Perch over Sushi rice
91 Ika Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare some Endangered Squid with Sushi Rice
92 Bluegill Maki ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll some Lake Bluegill in Sushi Nori
93 Dock Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Present some Dock Pike in Sushi Nori
94 Slags Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Carefully roll Partially Digested Fish with Sushi Nori
95 Dried Fish Maki ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap Dried Fish in Sushi Nori
96 Eye Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Hide the staring eyes of a Lake Squid with some Sushi Nori
97 Staring Maki ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap Tiny Squid Eyes in Sushi Nori
98 Eel Maki ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll some Freshwater Eel with Sushi Nori
99 Perch Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll some Lake Perch with Sushi Nori
100 Smuggler Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll up some Endangered Squid in Sushi Nori
101 Frosty Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll a Carrot Nose with some Sushi Nori
102 Crying Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll some Rinsed Squid Eyes in Sushi Nori
103 Rinsed Squid Eyes ChemKit25.jpg Clean some Tiny Squid Eyes with a Flask of Tears
104 Toxic Squid Eyes ChemKit25.jpg Infuse tiny squid eyes with toxic tears
105 Pulsating Eye ChemKit25.jpg Fuse tiny squid eyes together using nightmare fuel
106 Powered Injector toolbelt.jpg Recharge a Broken Injector with a Capacitor Array
107 Uncharged Injector toolbelt.jpg Repair a Broken Injector with a Biomonitor Circuit
108 Empty Injector toolbelt.jpg Replace the Biomonitor Circuit and Capacitor Array in a Broken Injector (2 Energy)
109 Eclipse Injector ChemKit25.jpg Fill an Empty Injector with some Liquified Eclipse
110 Ointment Injector ChemKit25.jpg Fill an Empty Injector with Tendril Ointment
111 Antidote Injector ChemKit25.jpg Fill an Empty Injector with Slags Antidote
112 Serpent Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Wrap some brass knuckles in a sheet of scales.
113 Silver Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Adorn some brass knuckles with a silver ingot
114 Steel Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Reforge some brass knuckles with a steel ingot
115 Silver Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a Silver Ingot core to a Riot Baton
116 Steel Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce a riot baton with a steel ingot
117 Heavy Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill a riot baton with metallic powder
118 Thick Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a layer of polysteel to a light armored vest
119 Traditional Armored Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Upgrade a light armored vest with a steel ingot
120 Dual Armored Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Strengthen a light armored vest with some hardened plastic
121 Bulletproof Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Modernize a light armored vest with some ballistic plastic
122 Retooled Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Refit a suspicious rifle with material from a steel ingot
123 Modernized Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Update a suspicious rifle with some hardened plastic
124 Heavy Riot Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce a Midgard riot shield with some hardened plastic
125 Ballistic Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Add another layer of ballistic plastic to a Midgard riot shield
126 Clip of Silver Bullets WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an empty clip with a silver ingot
127 Shotgun Rounds WeldingTorch25.jpg Jury-rig an empty clip with some polysteel
128 Metallic Powder Rounds WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an empty clip with some metallic powder
129 Handmade Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Shape some polysteel around assault rifle fittings
130 Retro Assault Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Make an new rifle using some assault rifle fittings and a steel ingot
131 Modern Assault Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill out some assault rifle fittings with ballistic plastic
132 Handmade Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Combine a lump of polysteel with pistol fittings
133 Classic Handgun WeldingTorch25.jpg Rework some pistol fittings with a steel ingot
134 Vicious Holdout WeldingTorch25.jpg Mold some ballistic plastic with some pistol fittings
135 Silver Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fashion a silver ingot to fit with a sword hilt
136 Knockoff Katana WeldingTorch25.jpg Shape some polysteel to go along with a sword hilt
137 Replica Katana WeldingTorch25.jpg Rebuild a sword hilt using a steel ingot
138 Hardened Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Refit a sword hilt with some hardened plastic
139 Silver Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill a switchblade handle with a silver ingot
140 Refitted Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Apply a bit of polysteel to a switchblade handle
141 Steel Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Refit a switchblade handle using a steel ingot
142 Hardened Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a switchblade handle with hardened plastic
143 Light Armored Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Add some polysteel to an unlined vest
144 Lined Coat WeldingTorch25.jpg Slip some hardened plastic into an unlined vest
145 Armored Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce an unlined vest with ballistic plastic
146 Containment Suit Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an unlined vest with metallic powder (NO LONGER EXISTS)
147 Reinforced Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Upgrade some unlined pants with polysteel
148 Lined Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Complete some unlined pants with hardened plastic
149 Armored Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce some unlined pants with ballistic plastic
150 Containment Suit Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill some unlined pants with metallic powder (NO LONGER EXISTS)
151 Scaled Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Back an unlined vest with a sheet of scales
152 Scaled Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce some unlined pants with a sheet of scales
153 Hand of Glory ChemKit25.jpg Steep a shriveled hand in an ectoplasmic sample
154 Bloody Hand ChemKit25.jpg Slather a shriveled hand with some tendril ointment.
155 Crystal Hand ChemKit25.jpg Soak a shriveled hand in hound Eclipse.
156 Refined Petrol ChemKit25.jpg Boil down some Petrol Sludge and a Putrid Mass
157 Putrid Sapphire ChemKit25.jpg Heat and mix a Putrid Mass and a Water Sapphire
158 Eclipse Sapphire ChemKit25.jpg Steep a Water Sapphire in Liquified Eclipse
159 Disgusting Slug ChemKit25.jpg Perhaps unwisely, mix some Nightmare Fuel with a Putrid Mass
160 Petrol Gem ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Water Sapphire in some Refined Petrol
161 Skullfish Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Dissect a skullfish
162 Skullfish Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Add some Skullfish to a bed of Sushi Rice
163 Death's Head Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Arrange some Skullfish with Sushi Nori to leave the skull markings showing
164 Windfall Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Put an Eager Fish to its volunteered use
165 Windfall Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Top some Sushi Rice with Eager Fish
166 Friendly Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap some Eager Fish in Sushi Nori
167 Shining Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat some Brass Knuckles with a Shining Ingot.
168 Reflective Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Spread a Shining Ingot over a Riot Baton
169 Shining Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Weave some Shining Ingot strips into a Light Armored Vest
170 Blackened Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat a Light Armored Vest with a Black Silver Ingot
171 Black Bayonet Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Add some Black Silver Ingot to a Suspicious Rifle
172 Black Silver Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Black Silver Ingot to a Sword Hilt
173 Shining Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Shining Ingot to a Sword Hilt
174 Black Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Switchblade Handle with a blade made from a Black Silver Ingot
175 Shining Ingot ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Silver Ingot with an Ectoplasmic Sample (Special Requirement)
176 Black Silver Ingot ChemKit25.jpg Bathe a Silver Ingot in Nightmare Fuel (Special Requirement)
177 Misty Pill ChemKit25.jpg Soak some Anxiety Medication in an Ectoplasmic Sample
178 Tranquilizing Cocktail ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some Anxiety Medication in a vial of Potent Painkiller
179 Shaman's Dust ChemKit25.jpg Mix some Shaman Staff spores with crushed Anxiety Medication
180 Medical Tears ChemKit25.jpg Mix some Dehydrated Eyedrops with a Flask of Tears
181 Mutant Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Culture a Mutant Cell Sample in Agar Powder
182 Twisted Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Warp a Mutant Cell Culture with Nightmare Fuel
183 Preserved Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Store a Mutant Cell Culture in Grain Alcohol
184 Soaked Cell Sample ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Mutant Cell Sample with Liquified Eclipse
185 Filmy Bandage ChemKit25.jpg Coat an Omnitech Trauma Bandage with a Soaked Cell Sample
186 Inert Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Treat a Mutant Cell Culture with Slags Antidote
187 Repaired Vigilante Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Replace the body of the Cracked Pistol with a Steel Ingot
188 Show Vigilante Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Spruce up the Cracked Pistol with some silver detail work
189 Patched Audio Chip toolbelt.jpg Jury rig a Cracked Audio Chip with a Signal Analysis Circuit
190 Entertainment Visor toolbelt.jpg Override up a Security Visor with a Neural Bridge for your viewing pleasure
191 Chip Junkie Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Retrofit your boring old Executive Sidearm into a chipdeck with a Neural Bridge
192 Entertainment Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Repurpose your old Executive Sidearm with a new Signal Analysis Circuit and Neural Bridge for the whole entertainment package (2 energy)
193 TZR Chipdeck toolbelt.jpg Give your Zaibatsu TZR that illegal zing with a Neural Bridge
194 Reactive Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an unlined vest with reactive gel
195 Gel Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat a Midgard Riot Shield with reactive gel
196 Reactive Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill some unlined pants with reactive gel
197 Gel Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat a riot baton with reactive gel
198 Eclipse Syringe ChemKit25.jpg Boost the effectiveness of Liquified Eclipse with a syringe of Ease
199 Anxiety Killer ChemKit25.jpg Upgrade some old Anxiety Medication with Ease
200 Shaman's Brew ChemKit25.jpg Use Ease to help Shaman Staff become more effective
201 Cut Nova ChemKit25.jpg Step on some Nova with Caffeine Powder
202 Smooth Nova ChemKit25.jpg Round the rough edges off of Nova with some Ease
203 Nova Slammer ChemKit25.jpg Upgrade your apparently-not-toxic-enough Border Slammer with some Nova
204 Powerful Acid ChemKit25.jpg Watch the reaction between a Reused Syringe from the subway denizens and some Liquified Eclipse
205 Treated Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Cure a Mutant Cell Culture with one of the subway denizens' Reused Syringes
207 Scaled Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Reline your Gang Jacket with a Sheet of Scales
208 Studded Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Use a Steel Ingot to stud a Gang Jacket
209 Hardened Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Insert Hardened Plastic into your Gang Jacket
210 Ballistic Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce your Gang Jacket with some Ballistic Plastic
211 Nightmarish Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Fuse your Gang Jacket with a Black Silver Ingot
212 Shining Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Melt a Shining Ingot on to your Gang Jacket
213 Reactive Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Line your Gang Jacket with Reactive Gel
214 Shielded Jumpjet WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce an unshielded jumpjet with a steel ingot for safety's sake
215 Reflexive Jumpjet toolbelt.jpg Make your shielded jumpjet more responsive by adding a biomonitor circuit.
216 Targeted Jumpjet toolbelt.jpg Make your shielded jumpjet more dangerous by adding a targeting circuit
217 Pike Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Cut multiple pieces from a Giant Pike
218 Pike Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare a Giant Pike and some sushi rice into a few pieces of nigiri
219 Dock Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Craft your Giant Pike into a few rolls
220 Mud Eel Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Delicately cut a Mud Eel
221 Mud Eel Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Carefully cut a Mud Eel to top some Sushi Rice. Delicious!
222 Mud Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap some Mud Eel in Sushi Nori
223 Lab Visor WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill in a Visor Frame with some Polysteel
224 Blast Visor WeldingTorch25.jpg Create an opaque visor with a Steel Ingot and a Visor Frame
225 Blindshot Visor toolbelt.jpg Wire a Blast Visor with a Targeting Circuit
226 Immersive Visor toolbelt.jpg Implant a Neural Bridge in a Blast Visor
227 Black Silver Visor WeldingTorch25.jpg Squeeze a Black Silver Ingot into a Visor Frame
228 Silver Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Use a Paper Mask as a mold for a Silver Ingot
229 Polysteel Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Gently mold some Polysteel into a Paper Mask's shape
230 Steel Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Incinerate a Paper Mask to provide a Steel Ingot form
231 Shining Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Overlay a Paper Mask with a Shining Ingot
232 Reactive Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Line a Paper Mask with Reactive Gel
233 Black Stone Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce an Unlined Vest with some Stone Spider Chitin
234 Black Stone Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Accent some Unlined Pants with Stone Spider Chitin
235 Black Stone Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat some Brass Knuckles with Stone Spider Chitin
236 Black Spider Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Hide some Spider Eggs with Sushi Nori
237 Concentrated Venom ChemKit25.jpg Distill two Spider Venom Samples
238 Venomous Angel ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Destroying Angel with Concentrated Venom
239 Spider Nest ChemKit25.jpg Grow a colony of unnatural Spider Eggs in a Sludge Heart
240 Refurbished Baseball Bat WeldingTorch25.jpg Seal over the damage on a Cracked Baseball Bat with some Polysteel
241 Thick Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Surround a Riot Baton with another layer of Polysteel
242 Steel Clad Bat WeldingTorch25.jpg Upgrade a Refurbished Baseball Bat with a Steel Ingot
243 Party Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a festive touch to your Paper Mask with some Gold Foil.
244 Gold Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a bit of Gold Foil to your Brass Knuckles.
245 Ostentatious Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Highlight a Silver Blade with Gold Foil.
246 Gilt Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Trace over your Gang Jacket with Gold Foil.
247 Gilt Chocolate Coins ChemKit25.jpg Cover some Chocolate Gelt with actual Gold Foil.
248 Gilt Truffle ChemKit25.jpg Chemically fuse a layer of Gold Foil onto a Truffle.
249 Chocolate Components ChemKit25.jpg Process down two piles of Chocolate Gelt.
251 Network Interpreter computerchip.jpg Expand a Language Interpreter with Networking Code
252 File Scan computerchip.jpg Update a File Interface with an Automation Routine
253 Software Firewall computerchip.jpg Implement some Security Patches with Networking Code
254 Target Search computerchip.jpg Create a basic search with two sections of Networking Code
255 Vulnerability Database computerchip.jpg Correlate the data from two sets of Security Patches
256 Security Updater computerchip.jpg Run a set of Security Patches through an Automation Routine
257 Optimizing Code computerchip.jpg Supplement an Automation Routine with a Math Subroutine
258 Thorough Decompiler computerchip.jpg Improve your Decompiler by adding a File Scan
259 Fast D computerchip.jpg Soup up your Decompiler with some Optimizing Code
260 Network Jammer computerchip.jpg Restrict traffic with a Network Interpreter and a Software Firewall
261 Eavesdropping Tools computerchip.jpg Connect your Network Interpreter with a Vulnerability Database
262 Code Injector computerchip.jpg Implement your Vulnerability Database with a File Interface
263 Vulnerability Tester computerchip.jpg Implement your Vulnerability Database with some Networking Code
264 Deep File Scan computerchip.jpg Expand your File Scan to use a Vulnerability Database
265 The Tar Pit computerchip.jpg Q Tune a Software Firewall with a Vulnerability Database
266 Intrusive Search computerchip.jpg Create a Target Search utilizing a Vulnerability Database
267 Quick Scan computerchip.jpg Punch up a File Scan with some Optimizing Code
268 Updating Firewall computerchip.jpg Automate your Software Firewall with a Security Updater
269 Advanced Interpreter computerchip.jpg Upgrade a normal Language Interpreter with Optimizing Code to handle more advanced programs
270 Dumb PDA toolbelt.jpg Start building your PDA off with a Processor Chip and a PDA Chassis
271 Functioning PDA toolbelt.jpg Take a PDA Chassis to basic functionality with a Processor Chip and a Memory Stick. (2 Energy)
272 Fast PDA toolbelt.jpg Rig up a PDA Chassis with two Processor Chips and a Memory Stick (3 energy)
273 Expanded PDA toolbelt.jpg Build a PDA from scratch with a PDA Chassis, a Processor Chip, and two Memory Sticks. (3 Energy)
274 Hardened PDA toolbelt.jpg Create a secure PDA with a PDA Chassis, a Processor Chip, a Memory Stick, and a Safety Loop (3 Energy)
275 Processor Chip toolbelt.jpg Q Cobble a chip together from four Circuit Fragments and a Polysteel base.
276 Gold Processor toolbelt.jpg Q Coat a Processor Chip's connections with Gold Foil
277 Memory Stick toolbelt.jpg Q Piece a usable stick together from six Circuit Fragments
278 Safety Loop toolbelt.jpg Q Set a Signal Analysis Circuit to watch the signals on a Frayed Cable
279 Twitch Controller toolbelt.jpg Q Rig up two Optical Sensors with a Biomonitor Circuit for lightning fast control
280 Signal Buffer toolbelt.jpg Q Pair a Signal Analysis Circuit with a Capacitor Array
281 Unbootable PDA toolbelt.jpg Slap a Memory Stick in a PDA Chassis
282 Linked Handheld toolbelt.jpg Create a secondary storage device with a PDA Chassis, Memory Stick, and Thick Cabling (2 Energy)
283 Expanded Handheld toolbelt.jpg Repurpose a PDA Chassis with two Memory Sticks and some Thick Cabling (3 Energy)
284 Dysfunctional PDA toolbelt.jpg Experiment with two Memory Sticks in a PDA Chassis (2 Energy)
285 Gold PDA toolbelt.jpg Drop a Gold Processor into a PDA Chassis
286 Retro PDA toolbelt.jpg Reconstruct a PDA Chassis with a Gold Processor and Memory Stick (2 Energy)
287 Blazing PDA toolbelt.jpg Trick out a PDA Chassis with two Gold Processors and a Memory Stick (3 Energy)
288 Handcrafted PDA toolbelt.jpg Work up a PDA from a PDA Chassis, two Memory Sticks, and the central Gold Processor (3 Energy)
289 Twitch PDA toolbelt.jpg Construct a responsive PDA from a Memory Stick, a Gold Processor, a PDA Chassis, and a Twitch Controller (3 Energy)
290 Buffered PDA toolbelt.jpg Create a defended PDA from a PDA Chassis, a Memory Stick, a Gold Processor, and a Signal Buffer (3 Energy)
291 Dual Learntop toolbelt.jpg Slip a second Processor Chip into an OmniTech Learntop.
292 Expanded Learntop toolbelt.jpg Slot a Memory Stick into an OmniTech Learntop.
293 Safety Learntop toolbelt.jpg Equip an OmniTech Learntop with a Safety Loop
294 Gold Learntop toolbelt.jpg Juryrig an OmniTech Learntop to use a Gold Processor
295 Gold Dual Learntop toolbelt.jpg Override an OmniTech Learntop with two Gold Processors (2 Energy)
296 Expanded Gold Learntop toolbelt.jpg Improve on an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Memory Stick (2 Energy)
297 Rebuilt Learntop toolbelt.jpg Rebuild an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Formatted Memory Core (2 Energy)
298 Twitch Learntop toolbelt.jpg Repurpose an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Twitch Controller (2 Energy)
299 Buffered Learntop toolbelt.jpg Build up an OmniTech Learntop with a Gold Processor and a Signal Buffer (2 Energy)
300 Gold TZR toolbelt.jpg Upgrade a Zaibatsu TZR with a Gold Processor
301 Highmem TZR toolbelt.jpg Expand a Zaibatsu TZR using their Formatted Memory Core
302 Buffered TZR toolbelt.jpg Rewire a Zaibatsu TZR to include an Signal Buffer
303 Memory Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Link your Executive Sidearm to Formatted Memory Core using a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy)
304 Trick Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Kick an Executive Sidearm up a notch with a Targeting Circuit and a Twitch Controller (2 Energy)
305 Twitch Visor toolbelt.jpg Create a new control device from a Blast Visor and a Twitch Controller
306 Caffeine and Sugar ChemKit25.jpg Q Process two Pep Pills down with some Powerful Acid.
307 Defensive Jammer computerchip.jpg Turn a Network Jammer to defensive purposes with an Updating Firewall. (Special Requirement)
308 Intrusive Jammer computerchip.jpg Extend the reach of your Network Jammer within systems with a Code Injector (Special Requirement)
309 Network Scan computerchip.jpg Improve your Eavesdropping Tools with some Quick Scan software (Special Requirement)
310 Depth Charge computerchip.jpg Grant your Code Injector further access with a Deep File Scan. (Special Requirement)
311 Daily Tester computerchip.jpg Continually update your Vulnerability Tester with a Security Updater (Special Requirement)
312 Jagged Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Make some Brass Knuckles more vicious with Scorched Glass Shards
313 Jagged Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Prepare a Riot Baton for street warfare with some Scorched Glass Shards
314 Black Glass Heart ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Sludge Heart with some Powdered Glass
315 Blown Glass Trinket ChemKit25.jpg Melt two piles of Powdered Glass into a bauble
316 Sugary Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Q Carefully filter an Eclipse through two Over/Unders from the Happy Hour
317 Eclipse Whiskey ChemKit25.jpg Q Heat a Bottle of Whiskey and dissolve three Eclipse in it
318 Core Formatter toolbelt.jpg Q Build your own Core Formatter using a mesh of four Signal Analysis Circuits and four Thick Cablings around the central unit, made from a Gold Processor and two Unformatted Memory Cores (3 Energy)
319 Juryrigged Bridge toolbelt.jpg Q Construct a temporary neural bridge from a Safety Loop, two Frayed Cables, and some Circuit Fragments.
320 Biofeedback Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Q Rig an Unlined Vest for realistic biofeedback with two Capacitor Arrays and two Biomonitor Circuits.
321 Data Scrubber computerchip.jpg Q Widen the scope of a Code Injector with a Quick Scan and a Deep File Scan
322 Mimetic Sheet toolbelt.jpg Q Create a flexible circuit board with two Polysteel, two Gold Foils, and four Formatted Memory Cores
323 Mimetic Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Complete an Unlined Vest with a Mimetic Sheet
324 Mimetic Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill some Unlined Pants with a Mimetic Sheet
325 Mimetic Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Blend circuit and leather by adding a Mimetic Sheet to your Gang Jacket
326 Enhanced Firework ChemKit25.jpg Add a bit of Nitro to your Legal Firework
327 Twin Firework ChemKit25.jpg Fuse two Enhanced Fireworks together
328 Gold Firework ChemKit25.jpg Make an Enhanced Firework even more festive with some Gold Foil
329 Dangerous Firework ChemKit25.jpg Push an Enhanced Firework over the top with some White Flakes
330 Tendril Drops ChemKit25.jpg Q Process down some Withered Tendrils into soothing drops
331 Mollusk Strip ButcherKnife25.jpg Deshell and divide a Fresh Mollusk
332 Mollusk Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Cut and drape a Fresh Mollusk over Sushi Rice
333 Mollusk Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Cut and wrap a Fresh Mollusk in some Sushi Nori
334 Darter Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Slice up a Silver Darter
335 Darter Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Arrange some Silver Darter on Sushi Rice
336 Silver Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap some Silver Darter in Sushi Nori
337 Cut of Tentacle ButcherKnife25.jpg Slice out the tenderest parts of a Massive Tentacle
338 Tentacle Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Find some edible parts of a Massive Tentacle to arrange with Sushi Rice
339 Kraken Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap the edible parts of a Massive Tentacle in Sushi Nori
340 Kraken's Heart ChemKit25.jpg Imprint a Sludge Heart with Kraken Ink
341 Industrial Heart ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Kraken's Heart with a Border Slammer
342 Weeping Heart ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Kraken's Heart in a Flask of Tears
343 Gilt Heart ChemKit25.jpg Crush some Gold Foil into a Kraken's Heart
344 Argent Heart ChemKit25.jpg Coat a Silver Ingot with a Kraken's Heart
345 Hidden Heart WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a Shining Ingot core to an Argent Heart
346 Shadowy Heart WeldingTorch25.jpg Fuse a Black Silver Ingot to an Argent Heart
347 Squirming Heart ChemKit25.jpg Give Withered Tendrils new life in a Kraken's Heart
348 Inky Sapphire ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Water Sapphire in Kraken Ink
349 Inky Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Mix some Kraken Ink into Liquified Eclipse
350 Fused Breastplate WeldingTorch25.jpg Shape Fused Polysteel around an Unlined Vest
351 Fused Plates WeldingTorch25.jpg Piece together armor from Fused Polysteel and some Unlined Pants
352 Fused Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a blade of Fused Polysteel to a Sword Hilt
353 Fused Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Shape some Fused Polysteel and add Pistol Fittings
354 Sloppy Decompiler computerchip.jpg Corrupt a Decompiler with some Fractal Code
355 Chaotic Firewall computerchip.jpg Add the element of chance to a Software Firewall using some Fractal Code
356 Chaotic Tester computerchip.jpg Add chaos to a Vulnerability Tester using some Fractal Code
357 Fractal Loop computerchip.jpg Run some Fractal Code through an Automation Routine
358 Unsettling Loop computerchip.jpg Twist a Fractal Loop with another layer of Fractal Code
359 Fractal Cheat computerchip.jpg Inject some Fractal Code into Optimizing Code
360 Brilliant Spark ChemKit25.jpg Force two Flickering Sparks together
361 Tamed Fire ChemKit25.jpg Join two Brilliant Sparks
362 Fractal Tester computerchip.jpg Join a Fractal Loop to a Chaotic Tester (Special Requirement)
363 Channeled Emitter toolbelt.jpg Focus an Unstable Emitter with a Magnetic Coil
364 Shielded Emitter WeldingTorch25.jpg Contain a Channeled Emitter with a Steel Ingot
365 Stable Emitter WeldingTorch25.jpg Line a Shielded Emitter with some Metallic Powder
366 Wired Chamber toolbelt.jpg Prepare an Incomplete Chamber with a bit of Thick Cabling
367 Protein Analyzer toolbelt.jpg Put the finishing touches on an Inactive Analyzer with a Processor Chip
368 Mock Y5 toolbelt.jpg Slot another Memory Stick into an Unused Y4, just like Midgard
369 Refitted Y4 toolbelt.jpg Remake an Unused Y4 with a Twitch Controller
370 Petrol Sludge ChemKit25.jpg Melt down an Oily Spear with some Powerful Acid
371 Sparkling Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Spike some Liquified Eclipse with potent Eclipse Residue
372 Smoking Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Mix some Fine Hound Dust into your Sparkling Eclipse
373 Ghoul Elixir ChemKit25.jpg Infuse some Ghoul Protein with Sparkling Eclipse
374 Fleshy Coins ChemKit25.jpg Corrupt some Chocolate Gelt with Ghoul Protein
375 Charged Golem Heart toolbelt.jpg Energize a Trash Golem Heart with Shivering Capacitors
376 Charged Sludge Heart toolbelt.jpg Attach Shivering Capacitors to a Sludge Heart
377 Shorted TV toolbelt.jpg Overload a Antique Plasma TV with Shivering Capacitors
378 Crackling Injector toolbelt.jpg Complete an Uncharged Injector with Shivering Capacitors
379 Shivering Cable toolbelt.jpg Charge some Thick Cabling with Shivering Capacitors
380 Writhing Cable toolbelt.jpg Invigorate some Thick Cabling with two sets of Shivering Capacitors (2 Energy)
381 Polar Cable toolbelt.jpg Charge one end of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array and the other with Shivering Capacitors (2 Energy)
382 Burning Ectoplasm ChemKit25.jpg Start an unstable reaction between an Ectoplasmic Sample and Fine Hound Dust
383 Plasmic Acid ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some Burning Ectoplasm in Fuming Acid
384 Poltergeist Solution ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Trash Golem Heart in Plasmic Acid
385 Poltergeist Solution ChemKit25.jpg Infuse some Plasmic Acid with the essence of a Sludge Heart
386 Poltergeist Solution ChemKit25.jpg Extract the charge from Shivering Capacitors with Plasmic Acid
387 Quivering Steel ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Steel Ingot with Poltergeist Solution
388 Writhing Spear ChemKit25.jpg Animate a Fungus Spear with Poltergeist Solution
389 Smoking Blob ChemKit25.jpg Set off a Charred Blob with some Fine Hound Dust
390 Fiery Blob ChemKit25.jpg Add some Burning Ectoplasm to a Smoking Blob
391 Putrid Blob ChemKit25.jpg Mix a Mass of Guano into a Smoking Blob for some reason
392 Crystal Syringe ChemKit25.jpg Smooth out some Fine Hound Dust with Ease
393 Mass of Squid Eyes ChemKit25.jpg Encase some Squid Eyes in Ink Extract
394 Sea Sapphire ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Water Sapphire with some Ink Extract
395 Porous Crystal ChemKit25.jpg Crystallize a Charred Blob with some Hound Eclipse
396 Oily Balm ChemKit25.jpg Add a drop of Toxic Oil to some Tendril Ointment
397 Toxic Bandage ChemKit25.jpg Coat an Omnitech Trauma Bandage in Toxic Oil
398 Virulent Cell Sample ChemKit25.jpg Add more Toxic Oil to a Mutant Cell Sample
399 Writhing Cell Sample ChemKit25.jpg Create an abomination with Eclipse Residue and a Virulent Cell Sample
400 Virulent Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Feed your Virulent Cell Sample some Agar Powder
401 Warring Samples ChemKit25.jpg Brew violence in a jar with a Virulent Cell Culture and Nightmare Fuel
402 Ghoul Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Temper your Warring Samples with some Ghoul Protein
403 Spider Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Twist your Warring Samples with some Spider Ash
404 Tendril Culture ChemKit25.jpg Just one more drop of Toxic Oil in your Warring Samples
405 Shivering Cell Culture ChemKit25.jpg Drop some Shivering Capacitors into your Warring Samples
406 Protein Loop computerchip.jpg Set an Automation Routine to examine the Protein Database
407 Protein Reader computerchip.jpg Expand a Protein Loop with a File Interface
408 Protein Hijacker computerchip.jpg Feed a Protein Reader through a Code Injector
409 Protein Receiver computerchip.jpg Set a Protein Loop to search with a Network Interpreter
410 Concentrated Venom ChemKit25.jpg Liven up a Spider Venom Sample with some Spider Ash
411 Fuming Acid ChemKit25.jpg Add some Bat Guano to Powerful Acid
412 Mushrooms ChemKit25.jpg Fertilize some Black Spores with Bat Guano
413 Mass of Guano ChemKit25.jpg Mix a Putrid Mass and some Bat Guano
414 Fuming Acid ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Mass of Guano in Powerful Acid (gives 2-3)
415 Quivering Sword WeldingTorch25.jpg Affix a Quivering Steel blade to a Sword Hilt
416 Quivering Switchblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fix a Switchblade Handle with a Quivering Steel blade
417 Haunted Bat WeldingTorch25.jpg Encase a Refurbished Baseball Bat in Quivering Steel
418 Quivering Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Forge some Quivering Steel with Assault Rifle Fittings
419 Dancing Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Add some Quivering Steel to a Silver Blade
420 Squid Nest Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Hide a Mass of Squid Eyes in some Sushi Nori
421 Serpent's Staff ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Shaman Staff with a Serpent Venom Gland
422 Concentrated Venom ChemKit25.jpg Boil down two Serpent Venom Glands
423 Concentrated Venom ChemKit25.jpg Mix a Serpent Venom Gland and a Spider Venom Sample for a more potent toxin
424 Crisped Bat Wing toolbelt.jpg Perform some impromptu cooking with a Bat Wing and a Capacitor Array
425 Twitching Bat Wing toolbelt.jpg Reanimate a Bat Wing with some Shivering Capacitors
426 Shining Barrier computerchip.jpg Reinforce a Software Firewall with Orderly Code
427 Crystal Tester computerchip.jpg Feed a Vulnerability Tester through some Orderly Code
428 Blackthorn v6 computerchip.jpg Let a Security Updater do its job on Blackthorn v5 (Special Requirement)
429 Blackthorn Alpha computerchip.jpg Integrate an Updating Firewall with Blackthorn v6 (Special Requirement)
430 Crystal Blackthorn computerchip.jpg Weave Crystal Tester software into Blackthorn v6 (Special Requirement)
431 Reinforced Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Back Tough Cloth with some Polysteel
432 Steel Scrap WeldingTorch25.jpg Fuse a Steel Ingot onto some Tough Cloth
433 Hardened Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Upgrade some Tough Cloth with Hardened Plastic
434 Improvised Ballistic Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Do your best with Tough Cloth and Ballistic Plastic
435 Black Silver Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Infuse a Black Cloth Scrap with a Black Silver Ingot
436 Shining Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat Tough Cloth with a Shining Ingot
437 Slimy Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Drench Tough Cloth in Reactive Gel
438 Spiked Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Back Stone Spider Chitin with a Black Cloth Scrap
439 Spiked Cloth WeldingTorch25.jpg Stud a Black Cloth Scrap with Scorched Glass Shards
440 Midgard Protector computerchip.jpg Complete a Midgard Protection Suite with Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement)
441 Midgard Shrieker computerchip.jpg Twist a Network Jammer with some Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement)
442 Midgard Tester computerchip.jpg Affix some Midgard Internal Code to a Vulnerability Tester (Special Requirement)
443 Midgard Blackthorn computerchip.jpg Further expand a Blackthorn v6 using Midgard Internal Code (Special Requirement)
444 Black Silver Chain WeldingTorch25.jpg Repair and decorate a Pitted Chain with a Black Silver Ingot
445 Reinforced Chain WeldingTorch25.jpg Resurface a Pitted Chain with a Steel Ingot
446 Vicious Chain WeldingTorch25.jpg Stud a Pitted Chain with some Scorched Glass Shards
447 Sulfur ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve Mottled Crystals in Grain Alcohol
448 Bone Edged Chain WeldingTorch25.jpg Line a Pitted Chain with some Bone Flakes
449 Bone Gang Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Show everyone who's boss by adding Bone Flakes to your Gang Jacket
450 Bone Rounds WeldingTorch25.jpg Load some Bone Flakes into an Empty Clip
451 Fake Skull Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Add some Bone Flakes to a Paper Mask
452 Purple Tea ChemKit25.jpg Steep two sets of Black Petals
453 Infused Petals ChemKit25.jpg Steep some Black Petals in Liquified Eclipse
454 Sparkling Petals ChemKit25.jpg Coat Black Petals in Sparkling Eclipse
455 Rose Balm ChemKit25.jpg Soak Black Petals in some Tendril Ointment
459 Improbable Gun ChemKit25.jpg Service a Rusted Gun with some Refined Petrol
460 Oily Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Open up an Eyeless Eel
461 Oily Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prop up some Eyeless Eel with Sushi Rice
462 Oily Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll an Eyeless Eel with Sushi Nori
472 Wetsuit Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit some Wetsuit Fabric around an Unlined Vest
473 Wetsuit Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Stretch some Wetsuit Fabric into the frame of Unlined Pants
474 Gang Scuba WeldingTorch25.jpg Stretch some Wetsuit Fabric over a Gang Jacket
475 Aquatic Jumpjet WeldingTorch25.jpg Seal an Unshielded Jumpjet with Wetsuit Fabric
476 Layered Aquatic Fabric WeldingTorch25.jpg Melt Wetsuit Fabric onto Tough Cloth
477 Staring Octopus Eye ChemKit25.jpg Inject Nightmare Fuel into an Octopus Eye
478 Crystallized Octopus Eye ChemKit25.jpg Soak an Octopus Eye in Hound Eclipse
479 Toxic Octopus Eye ChemKit25.jpg Wash an Octopus Eye with Toxic Tears
480 Shark Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Cut pieces from a Shark Fillet
481 Shark Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Prepare a Shark Fillet and Sushi Rice into delicious sushi
482 Shark Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Roll your Shark Fillet in Sushi Nori
483 Focused Needler toolbelt.jpg Tighten a Needler Rifle's arc with another Magnetic Coil
484 crackling coil toolbelt.jpg Feed a Shorted Cable through a Magnetic Coil
485 magnetic sidearm toolbelt.jpg Add a Targeting Circuit and Magnetic Coil to an Executive Sidearm (2 Energy)
486 Retrofitted Needler toolbelt.jpg Update an Antique Needler with a new Magnetic Coil
487 Quivering Needler toolbelt.jpg Refit a Quivering Rifle with a Magnetic Coil
488 Optical Visor toolbelt.jpg Fit a Security Visor with an Optical Array
489 optical HUD toolbelt.jpg Upgrade a Black Ops HUD with a new Optical Array
490 Optical Rangefinder toolbelt.jpg Expand your Rangefinder with an Optical Array
491 Optical Bracelet toolbelt.jpg Complete a Rangefinder with an Optical Array and some Thick Cabling for stability (2 Energy)
492 Passthrough Visor toolbelt.jpg Pierce the darkness of a Blast Visor with an Optical Array
493 Optical Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Link an Executive Sidearm with an Optical Array and a Signal Analysis Circuit (2 Energy)
494 Magnetic Coil toolbelt.jpg Q Charge two coils of Thick Cabling with a Capacitor Array
495 Optical Array toolbelt.jpg Q Interface four Optical Sensors through a Signal Analysis Circuit and a Targeting Circuit for control
496 Arrayed Scope toolbelt.jpg Pack a Basic Scope with an Optical Array
497 Optical Clip toolbelt.jpg Overload a Long Clip with an Optical Array
498 Optical Needler toolbelt.jpg Expand a Needler Rifle with an Optical Array
499 Optical Vest toolbelt.jpg Stud a Light Armored Vest with an Optical Array
500 Optimized Targeter computerchip.jpg Do your best to apply some Optimizing Code to a Targeting Algorithm (Special Requirement)
501 cracked spores ChemKit25.jpg Free some Rocky Spores with Aqua Regia
502 gold Midgard Player toolbelt.jpg Upgrade an Unlocked Midgard Player with a Gold Processor
503 unlocked Midgard Player toolbelt.jpg Unlock a Midgard Player by replacing its locked processor with a normal Processor Chip
504 monitored Midgard Player toolbelt.jpg Replace an Unlocked Midgard Player's sensors with a Biomonitor Circuit
505 pearl liquor ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Lake Pearl in Grain Alcohol
506 dissolved pearl ChemKit25.jpg Let a Massive Pearl set in Grain Alcohol
507 gold pearl ChemKit25.jpg Wrap a Lake Pearl in Gold Foil
508 Tooth and Liquor ChemKit25.jpg Submerge a Pearled Shark Tooth in Grain Alcohol
509 black liquor ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some Tiny Black Pearls in Grain Alcohol
510 Tooth and Liquor ChemKit25.jpg Strip a Black Shark Tooth in Grain Alcohol
511 Black Pearl Sludge ChemKit25.jpg Submerge a Black Pearl in Grain Alcohol
512 Cultured Pearl ChemKit25.jpg Expand a Black Pearl with Black Pearl Sludge
513 Black Crystal Orb ChemKit25.jpg Imprint some Black Pearl Sludge with Fine Hound Dust
514 Petrol Sludge ChemKit25.jpg Destroy a Sludge Heart with a Pearled Shark Tooth
515 Hunter's Heart ChemKit25.jpg Fuse a Black Shark Tooth with a Sludge Heart
516 Clam Cut ButcherKnife25.jpg Divvy up a hunk of Clam Meat
517 Clam Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Arrange Clam Meat cuts over some Sushi Rice
518 Giant Clam Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap a hunk of Clam Meat in Sushi Nori
519 Draught of Breath ChemKit25.jpg Q Condense two Fragile Puffballs using some Powerful Acid
521 Aqua Regia ChemKit25.jpg Combine Powerful Acid and Fuming Acid in a time-honored rite
522 Chloroauric Acid ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some Gold Foil in Aqua Regia
523 Chloroauric Acid ChemKit25.jpg Suspend Gold Powder in Aqua Regia
524 Achromatic Metal Powder ChemKit25.jpg Purify an Achromatic Mass in Aqua Regia
525 Achromatic Ingot ChemKit25.jpg Melt two samples of Achromatic Metal Powder into an ingot
526 Achromatic Metal Powder ChemKit25.jpg Use Aqua Regia to break down an Achromatic Ingot
527 Achromatic Heart ChemKit25.jpg Infuse a Sludge Heart with Achromatic Metal Powder
528 Achromatic Mask WeldingTorch25.jpg Overlay a Paper Mask with an Achromatic Ingot
529 Achromatic Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Form an Achromatic Ingot around Assault Rifle Fittings
530 Achromatic Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Affix an Achromatic Ingot to a Sword Hilt
531 Achromatic Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Complete an Unlined Vest with an Achromatic Ingot
532 Achromatic Slacks WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill out some Unlined Pants with an Achromatic Ingot
533 Shark Hide Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Stiffen an Unlined Vest with Cured Shark Hide
534 Shark Hide Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Wrap Unlined Pants in Cured Shark Hide
535 Shark Hide Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Make your Gang Jacket even more hardcore with some Cured Shark Hide
536 Shark Hide Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Wrap a Riot Baton in Cured Shark Hide
537 Gold Firework ChemKit25.jpg Spice up an Enhanced Firework with Gold Powder
538 Grain Alcohol ChemKit25.jpg Q Distill out the alcohol of one Whiskey Bottle
539 Polysteel ChemKit25.jpg Q Break down an old surplus Riot Baton with some Powerful Acid
541 Doll Head themirrorshard.jpg Roll some Paper Mache
542 Paper Boat themirrorshard.jpg Fold two piles of Paper Mache
543 Paper Mask themirrorshard.jpg Spread three piles of Paper Mache on your face
544 Pinata themirrorshard.jpg Forge together five piles of Paper Mache
545 Paper Cast themirrorshard.jpg Prepare six piles of Paper Mache
546 Giant Paper Mache Head themirrorshard.jpg Sculpt ten piles of Paper Mache
547 Megapinata themirrorshard.jpg Sculpt a giant pile of Paper Mache
548 Polysteel Support WeldingTorch25.jpg R Melt together eight handfuls of Polysteel into a support pole
549 Summer and Winter Coins ChemKit25.jpg Break down a Solstice Coin with Plasmic Acid
550 Autumn and Spring Coins ChemKit25.jpg Break down an Equinox Coin with Plasmic Acid
551 Four Coins ChemKit25.jpg Break down a Coin of the Seasons with Plasmic Acid
552 Viral Interpreter computerchip.jpg Tune a Network Interpreter with Viral Code
553 Viral Search computerchip.jpg Let some Viral Code coopt your Target Search
554 Antiviral Patch computerchip.jpg Arm some Security Patches against Viral Code
555 Protein Seeder computerchip.jpg Adapt a Protein Loop to feed through some Viral Code
556 Viral Injector computerchip.jpg Add a Viral Code payload to a Code Injector
558 Cleaned Data computerchip.jpg Disinfect a Viral Mass with an Antiviral Patch
559 Viral Formatter computerchip.jpg Expand your Viral Injector with a Viral Mass (Special Requirement)
560 Viral Code computerchip.jpg Homogenize a Viral Mass with basic Viral Data
561 Viral Filter computerchip.jpg Rebuild a Decompiler around a Viral Mass
562 Maddening Search computerchip.jpg Replace the basic seed in Viral Search with a Viral Mass
563 Dish Segment WeldingTorch25.jpg Resurface a Battered Dish Segment with a Steel Ingot
564 Comm Dish toolbelt.jpg R Construct a comm dish for your gang from forty Dish Segments, four Polysteel Supports, four Magnetic Coils, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (10 Energy)
565 Personal Comm Dish toolbelt.jpg R Construct it from four Dish Segments, a Magnetic Coil, a Buffered PDA running Signal Finder, and a Comm Dish Core (5 Energy)
566 Sculpted Glass Virus WeldingTorch25.jpg R Melt and shape six piles of Powdered Glass into an artistic representation
567 Shining Mirror Shard themirrorshard.jpg Fuse two empty shards
568 Mislit Apple themirrorshard.jpg Release a Reflected Apple with an Empty Shard
569 Mislit Snake Skin themirrorshard.jpg Open the way for some Reflected Scales using an Empty Shard
570 Mislit Fish themirrorshard.jpg Trap a Reflected Fish with an Empty Shard
571 Mislit Wolf Tooth themirrorshard.jpg Extract a Reflected Wolf Tooth with an Empty Shard
572 Mislit Torch themirrorshard.jpg Free the Reflected Torch with an Empty Shard
573 Mislit Flower themirrorshard.jpg Let a Reflected Flower fall through an Empty Shard
574 Mislit Rusted Sword themirrorshard.jpg Pull the Reflected Sword from the Empty Shard
575 Mislit Mushroom themirrorshard.jpg Pluck a Reflected Mushroom through an Empty Shard
576 Mislit Mask themirrorshard.jpg Unveil a Reflected Mask with an Empty Shard
577 Mislit Strands themirrorshard.jpg Pull a Reflected Strand through an Empty Shard
578 Loose Eyeball themirrorshard.jpg Pluck out a Staring Shard's eye through an Empty Shard
579 Restored Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Clean up a Filthy Pistol and replace the Polysteel
580 Reforged Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Overhaul a Restored Pistol with a Steel Ingot
581 Assisted Pistol toolbelt.jpg Update a Restored Pistol with a Targeting Circuit
582 Tinker's Pistol toolbelt.jpg Hybridize an old Reforged Pistol with a new Targeting Circuit
583 Mirror-Handled Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit your Restored Pistol with a Shining Mirror Shard
584 Postapocalyptic Spear WeldingTorch25.jpg Make your Riot Baton into a primitive weapon with a Shining Mirror Shard
585 Mirror Heart Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Shining Mirror Shard to your Unlined Vest
586 Staring Eyeball ChemKit25.jpg Dunk a Loose Eyeball in Nightmare Fuel
587 Toxic Eyeball ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Loose Eyeball in Toxic Tears
588 Rolling Eyeball ChemKit25.jpg Animate a Loose Eyeball with Poltergeist Solution
589 Apple Rotgut ChemKit25.jpg Flavor some Grain Alcohol with a Mislit Apple
590 Ruby Apple ChemKit25.jpg Crystallize a Mislit Apple with Hound Eclipse
591 Poison Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Mislit Apple with Concentrated Venom
592 Bleeding Wolf Tooth ChemKit25.jpg Slather a Mislit Wolf Tooth with Nightmare Fuel
594 Crystal Hound's Tooth ChemKit25.jpg Steep a Mislit Wolf Tooth in Hound Eclipse
595 Mislit Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg See if a Mislit Fish is strange all the way through
596 Mislit Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Drape some strange Mislit Fish over Sushi Rice
597 Mirror Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Use some Sushi Nori to conceal Mislit Fish
598 Interlocked Scales ChemKit25.jpg Fuse Loose Scales onto Mislit Snake Skin
599 Serpent Powder ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Mislit Snake Skin in Aqua Regia
601 Flower Distillate ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve some Black Petals togther with a Mislit Flower
602 Flower Ointment ChemKit25.jpg Add a Mislit Flower to some Tendril Ointment
603 Mislit Hand ChemKit25.jpg Paint a Shriveled Hand with crushed Mislit Mushroom
604 Shaman's Oil ChemKit25.jpg Boil down a Shaman Staff and a Mislit Mushroom
605 Crawling Strands ChemKit25.jpg Stir Nightmare Fuel into your Mislit Strands
606 Serpent's Strand ChemKit25.jpg Infuse Serpent's Powder into your Mislit Strands
607 Black Strands ChemKit25.jpg Cover your Mislit Strands with Ink Extract
609 silvered shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Melt a Silver Ingot over a Midgard Riot Shield
610 mirror gang jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Add a Shining Mirror Shard to the inside of a Gang Jacket
611 Arrayed Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Install an Optical Array into an Empty Cybereye
612 Analyzing Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Focus an Empty Cybereye with a Signal Analysis Circuit
613 Targeting Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Drop a Targeting Circuit into an Empty Cybereye
614 Shivering Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Load up an Empty Cybereye with Shivering Capacitors
615 Selective Mesh toolbelt.jpg Route a Neural Mesh through a Signal Analysis Circuit
616 Bridging Mesh toolbelt.jpg Integrate a Neural Bridge into a Neural Mesh
617 Memory Mesh toolbelt.jpg Slot a Formatted Memory Core into a Neural Mesh
618 Twitch Mesh toolbelt.jpg Expand a Twitch Controller through a Neural Mesh
619 Neural Mesh toolbelt.jpg Q Arrange two Biomonitor Circuits, two Signal Buffers, and five Artificial Neural Fibers
620 Search Integrator computerchip.jpg See what your Network Integrator makes of a Viral Search (Special Requirement)
621 Recursive Integrator computerchip.jpg Twist a Network Integrator onto another and see what happens (Special Requirement)
622 Integrated File Scan computerchip.jpg Take a Deep File Scan to the next level with a Recursive Integrator
623 Signal Triangulator computerchip.jpg Adjust a Network Interpreter to understand a Recursive Integrator
624 Unstable Integrator computerchip.jpg What's more recursive than integrating a Recursive Integrator with another Recursive Integrator?
625 Decompiling Integrator computerchip.jpg Turn an Unstable Integrator into a plug-in for your Decompiler
626 Integrated Injector computerchip.jpg Load an Unstable Integrator into a Viral Injector
627 Integrated GangFinder computerchip.jpg Expand a GangFinder with an Unstable Integrator
628 Collapsed Integrator computerchip.jpg Collapse an Unstable Integrator at the heart of another Unstable Integrator
629 Handheld Core toolbelt.jpg R Build hardware from a Expanded Handheld, a Comm Dish Core, a magnetic coil, and eight signal buffers around a Collapsed Integrator (5 Energy)
630 Knuckle Charm themirrorshard.jpg Thread three Knuckle Bones
631 Knuckle Necklace themirrorshard.jpg Collect nine Knuckle Bones
632 Knuckle Strands themirrorshard.jpg String up twenty seven Knuckle Bones
633 Nightmare Fuel x 2-4? ChemKit25.jpg Dip a Paper Mache Horn in Aqua Regia
634 Nightmare Fuel x 2-4 ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Scorched Gem in Aqua Regia
635 Reconstructed Doll themirrorshard.jpg Match a Headless Doll with a Doll Head
636 Festival Doll themirrorshard.jpg Attach your Festival Doll Head to a Doll Body
637 Hungry Doll themirrorshard.jpg Affix a Twisted Doll Head to a Headless Doll
638 Twisted Voodoo Doll themirrorshard.jpg Give a Headless Voodoo Doll a Twisted Doll Head
639 Devil Mask themirrorshard.jpg Shape three piles of Paper Mache as a canvas for your Nightmarish Paint Set (1 Energy)
640 Monstrous Pinata themirrorshard.jpg Create a monstrosity from fifty Paper Mache and a Nightmarish Paint Set (1 Energy)
641 Festival Mask themirrorshard.jpg Three parts Paper Mache, one part Glittering Paint Set (1 Energy)
642 Festive Doll Head themirrorshard.jpg Apply a Glittering Paint Set to some Paper Mache (1 Energy)
643 Twisted Doll Head themirrorshard.jpg Imbed Ghoul Teeth in some Paper Mache
644 Nightmarish Paint Set ChemKit25.jpg Taint a Children's Paint Set with Nightmare Fuel
645 Glittering Paint Set ChemKit25.jpg Spice up a Children's Paint Set with Gold Powder
646 Homemade Laser toolbelt.jpg R Charge an Artificial Hound Crystal with a Capacitor Array, then reflect it between a Shining Ingot and a Black Silver Ingot backed with some Powdered Glass. Then encase the works in Polysteel. (5 Energy)
647 Dual Laser toolbelt.jpg Remount one Homemade Laser in another's case
648 Laser Projector toolbelt.jpg Rebuild three Homemade Lasers into one stationary unit (2 Energy)
649 Holographic Projector toolbelt.jpg Focus three Homemade Lasers through a Double Crystal (3 Energy)
650 Laser Projector toolbelt.jpg Repair a Charred Projector by replacing a Homemade Laser
651 Crocodile Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Line a Midgard Riot Shield with an Albino Crocodile Hide
652 Crocodile Hide Jacket WeldingTorch25.jpg Rework a Gang Jacket's leather with an Albino Crocodile Hide
653 Crocodile Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce some Unlined Pants with an Albino Crocodile Hide
654 Glimmering Crystal Solitaire ChemKit25.jpg Unite a Glimmering Crystal Half with a Glimmering Crystal Hunk
655 Glimmering Crystal Slab ChemKit25.jpg Return a Glimmering Crystal Point to the rest of the Glimmering Crystal Piece
656 Glimmering Crystals ChemKit25.jpg Fuse a Glimmering Crystal Solitaire to a Glimmering Crystal Slab
657 Glimmering Crystal Fragment themirrorshard.jpg Assemble 10 Glimmering Crystal Chips
658 Glimmering Crystal Hunk ChemKit25.jpg Drizzle Fuming Acid on an Albino Crocodile Hide
659 Glimmering Crystal Chip ChemKit25.jpg Carefully dissolve an Albino Crocodile Hide with Aqua Regia
660 Glimmering Crystal Half ChemKit25.jpg Etch a Shocking Organ with Fuming Acid
661 Glimmering Crystal Chip ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Shocking Organ in Aqua Regia
662 Glimmering Crystal Piece ChemKit25.jpg Submerge an Ancient Timepiece in Fuming Acid
663 Glimmering Crystal Chip ChemKit25.jpg Lower an Ancient Timepiece into Aqua Regia
664 Glimmering Crystal Point ChemKit25.jpg Pour some Fuming Acid over a Gauzy Parasol
665 Glimmering Crystal Chip ChemKit25.jpg Feed a Gauzy Parasol to Aqua Regia
666 Shocking Syringe ChemKit25.jpg Charge some Ease with a Shocking Organ
667 Sparking Staff ChemKit25.jpg Charge a Shaman Staff with a Shocking Organ
668 Shaky Manhole Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Fuse some Polysteel handles to a Manhole Cover
669 Manhole Cover Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Add handles forged from a Steel Ingot to a Manhole Cover
670 Glimmering Crystal Eye toolbelt.jpg Fit an Empty Cybereye with Glimmering Crystals
671 Glimmering HUD toolbelt.jpg Fit Glimmering Crystals into a Black Ops HUD
672 Sparkling Ink ChemKit25.jpg Mix some Octopus Ink into Sparkling Eclipse
673 Brick Apple themirrorshard.jpg Cover a core of Toy Bricks with a Toy Brick skin
674 Brick Knuckles themirrorshard.jpg Piece together five sets of Toy Bricks
675 Brick Figure themirrorshard.jpg Model a human with twenty-five sets of Toy Bricks
676 Brick House themirrorshard.jpg Construct your dream home with ten sets of Toy Bricks
677 Eye of the Earth Serpent toolbelt.jpg Integrate a Tear of the Earth into an Empty Cybereye
678 Heart of the Earth Serpent toolbelt.jpg Bury a Tear of the Earth inside a Living Sludge Heart
679 Glass Salamander ChemKit25.jpg Imprint Hound Dust in a Cave Salamander
680 Cleaned Cavefish ButcherKnife25.jpg Dissect an Eyeless Fish
681 Glass Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Tuck an Eyeless Fish in some Sushi Nori
682 Containment Helmet WeldingTorch25.jpg Expand a Gas Mask with Sealant Patches
683 Containment Helmet WeldingTorch25.jpg Patch a Cracked Containment Helmet with Sealant Patches
684 Containment Suit Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Refurbish a Ripped Containment Top with Sealant Patches
685 Containment Suit Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Use an Unlined Vest as the base for Sealant Patches
686 Containment Suit Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Reseal an Unsealed Top with Sealant Patches
687 Containment Suit Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Repair your Ripped Containment Pants with Sealant Patches
688 Containment Suit Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Upgrade Unlined Pants with Sealant Patches
689 Containment Suit Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Restore Unsealed Pants with Sealant Patches
690 Heavy Containment Helmet WeldingTorch25.jpg Line your Containment Helmet with Metallic Powder
691 Heavy Containment Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill your Containment Suit Pants with Metallic Powder
692 Heavy Containment Top WeldingTorch25.jpg Line your Containment Suit Top with Metallic Powder
693 Rag Man Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Seperate a Solid Rag Man Hologram with Glimmering Crystals
694 Shark Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Filter a Solid Shark Hologram through Glimmering Crystals
695 Mummy Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Unravel a Solid Mummy Hologram with Glimmering Crystals
696 Skull Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Break a Solid Skull Hologram with Glimmering Crystals
697 Spider Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Reflect a Solid Spider Hologram in Glimmering Crystals
698 Writhing Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Divide a Solid Writhing Hologram with Glimmering Crystals
700 Paint Injector ChemKit25.jpg Slip a Painted Star into an Empty Injector
701 Gunman Hologram [gain 2] toolbelt.jpg Crack a Solid Gunman Hologram with Dual Crystals
702 Personal Ointment ChemKit25.jpg Add some Personal Serum to Tendril Ointment
703 Personal Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Spike your Personal Serum with Liquified Eclipse
704 Serum Mushroom ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Shaman Staff with Personal Serum
705 Living Hand ChemKit25.jpg Revive a Shriveled Hand with Personal Serum
706 Serum Eyedrops ChemKit25.jpg Reconstitute Dehydrated Eyedrops with Personal Serum
707 Snowman Head Ornament ChemKit25.jpg Preserve a Snowman Head with Powdered Glass
709 Remote Crash Script computerchip.jpg Extend a Crash Script with Networking Functions
710 Network Defender computerchip.jpg Complete a Filtering Script with Networking Functions
711 Remote Command Script computerchip.jpg Implement a Command Script with Networking Functions
712 Remote Indexer computerchip.jpg Run a Search Script through Networking Functions
713 Crash Script computerchip.jpg Q Write four Snippets of Code into a Crash Script
714 Filtering Script computerchip.jpg Q Create a Filtering Script from four Snippets of Code
715 Command Script computerchip.jpg Q Write four Snippets of Code into a Command Script
716 Search Script computerchip.jpg Q Combine four Snippets of Code into a Search Script
717 Updated Crash Script computerchip.jpg Integrate Novos System Updates into a Remote Crash Script
718 Updated Defender computerchip.jpg Reinforce a Network Defender with Novos System Updates
719 Experimental Command Script computerchip.jpg Rework a Remote Command Script with Novos Functionality Updates
720 Experimental Indexer computerchip.jpg Improve a Remote Indexer with Novos Functionality Updates
721 Security Interface computerchip.jpg Explore Novos System Updates with Networking Functions
722 Functionality Interface computerchip.jpg Implement Novos Functionality Updates over Networking Functions
723 Sprouting Slime ChemKit25.jpg Let a Brick Slime feast on some Vine Sprout
724 Sprouting Slime ChemKit25.jpg Feed a Brick Slime some Sea Vine
725 Vitalized Fungus ChemKit25.jpg Feed Sprouting Slime, in turn, to Vine Fungus
726 Vine Spear ChemKit25.jpg Grow a Vine Sprout up a Fungus Spear
727 Mold Heart ChemKit25.jpg Imprint a Trash Golem Heart with Brick Slime
728 Mold Heart ChemKit25.jpg Pump Brick Slime through your Sludge Heart
729 Mold Culture ChemKit25.jpg Introduce a Mold Heart to your Warring Samples
731 Sargasso Vine ChemKit25.jpg Drench a length of Sea Vine in an Ectoplasmic Sample
732 Soaked Vine Fungus ChemKit25.jpg Soak some Vine Fungus in Liquified Eclipse
733 Fractal Interface computerchip.jpg Twist Networking Functions through Fractal Code
734 Fractal Templates computerchip.jpg Expand a Fractal Interface with further Fractal Code
735 Fractal Crash Script computerchip.jpg Complicate a Remote Crash Script with Fractal Code
736 Fractal Defender computerchip.jpg Warp a Network Defender with Fractal Code
737 Fractal Commander computerchip.jpg Expand a Remote Command Script with Fractal Code
738 Fractal Indexer computerchip.jpg Revamp a Remote Indexer with Fractal Code
739 Secured Transmission Functions computerchip.jpg Q Combine six Snippets of Code into Secured Transmission Functions
740 Spectrum Command Script computerchip.jpg Spread a Command Script with Spectrum Transmission Functions
741 Spectrum Downloader computerchip.jpg Feed data from Spectrum Transmission Functions through a Search Script
742 Spectrum Crash Script computerchip.jpg Shout a Crash Script through Spectrum Transmission Functions
743 Secure Command Script computerchip.jpg Protect your Command Script with Secured Transmission Functions
744 Secured Indexer computerchip.jpg Wrap your Search Script in Secured Transmission Functions
745 Secured Filter computerchip.jpg Reinforce your Filtering Script with Secured Transmission Functions
746 Spectrum Transmission Functions computerchip.jpg Q Create Spectrum Transmission Functions from six Snippets of Code
747 Frag Grenades WeldingTorch25.jpg Attach some Scorched Glass Shards to an Unmarked Grenades very carefully
748 Frag Grenades WeldingTorch25.jpg Add Polysteel shrapnel to your Unmarked Grenades
749 Steel Clad Rocket WeldingTorch25.jpg Wrap a Steel Ingot around a Microrocket
750 Juryrigged Rocket WeldingTorch25.jpg Add Scorched Glass Shards to your Microrocket
751 Incendiary Grenades ChemKit25.jpg Q Top off your Unmarked Grenades with two piles of White Flakes
752 Unmarked Grenades ChemKit25.jpg Liven up your Gas Grenades with a stick of Dynamite
753 Unmarked Grenades ChemKit25.jpg Arm your Gas Grenades with Nitro
754 Nitro ChemKit25.jpg Q Extract the Nitro from four Gas Grenades
755 Smoky Firework ChemKit25.jpg Attach a Gas Grenade to your Enhanced Firework
756 Juryrigged Antenna toolbelt.jpg Wire a Signal Analysis Circuit into Thick Cabling
758 Staring Blade Program computerchip.jpg Affix Staring Code to a Remote Crash Script
759 Staring Shield Program computerchip.jpg Reformat your Network Defender with Staring Code
760 Staring Gauntlet Program computerchip.jpg Fuse your Staring Code to a Remote Command Script
761 Staring Eye Program computerchip.jpg Run your Remote Indexer through Staring Code
762 Reinforced Kitchen Knife WeldingTorch25.jpg Layer an Old Kitchen Knife with some new Polysteel
763 Steel Knife WeldingTorch25.jpg Replace an Old Kitchen Knife's blade using a Steel Ingot
765 Protein Manipulator computerchip.jpg Repurpose a Remote Command Script with a Protein Database
766 Protein Examiner computerchip.jpg Use a Remote Indexer to gain data for your Protein Database
767 Crash Avoidance Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily tune into drones' crash avoidance with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
768 Alliance Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily filter out non-Alliance drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
769 Midgard Shipping Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily tune out drones other than Midgard Shipping with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
770 OmniLunch Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily tune into OmniLunch drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
771 Silver Courier Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily select for Silver Courier drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
772 NickOTime Filtering computerchip.jpg Q Temporarily catch NickOTime drones with a Filtering Script (0 Energy)
773 Hologame Tome themirrorshard.jpg Reformat four sets of Page Models
774 Rendered Bullet WeldingTorch25.jpg Melt Rendered Stone into an Empty Clip
775 Animatronic Snake toolbelt.jpg Animate your Articulated Snake with an Animatronic Motor
776 Foam Brick Wall themirrorshard.jpg Q Mortar together ten Foam Bricks with a Foam Tube
777 Courier Data toolbelt.jpg Crack a Locked Courier Chip with a simple Signal Analysis Circuit
779 Stable Emitter WeldingTorch25.jpg Coat a Shielded Emitter with Lead
780 Metallic Powder ChemKit25.jpg Grind Lead with Fine Hound Dust
781 Leaden Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Weight some Brass Knuckles down with Lead
782 Leaded Baton WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill a Riot Baton with Lead
783 Lead Bullets WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an Empty Clip with old-fashioned Lead
784 Lead Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Insert Lead into an Unlined Vest
785 Oldtown Retinal Map toolbelt.jpg Extract data from Midgard Records id to a Signal Processing Circuit
786 Midgard Records Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Load Oldtown retinal data into an Empty Cybereye
787 Midgard Records visor toolbelt.jpg Load Oldtown Retinal Data into an Security Visor
788 Inhuman Security Patch computerchip.jpg Obfuscate Novos System Updates with Inhuman Code
789 Inhuman Defender computerchip.jpg Try a different tack on Network Defenders with an Inhuman Security Patch
790 Chipped Tracers WeldingTorch25.jpgQ Trace your bullets with an Empty Clip and Targeting Circuit
791 Tactical Neural Mesh toolbelt.jpgQ Link your tactical goggles with two Targeting Circuits and three Artificial Neural Fibers
792 Fuming Acid ChemKit25.jpg Sprinkle some Plant Residue in Powerful Acid
793 Ashen Balm ChemKit25.jpg Mix Plant Residue into Tendril Ointment
794 Boar Pinata themirrorshard.jpg Artistically craft a pile of paper mache
795 Harvest Command Script computerchip.jpg Redecorate a Remote Command Script with the Harvester Library
796 Harvest Crash Script computerchip.jpg Brand a Remote Crash Script with the Harvester Library
797 Harvest Defender computerchip.jpg Layer the Harvester Library into a Network Defender
798 Vault Bypass toolbelt.jpgQ Use Thick Cabling to wire a Signal Analysis Circuit and two Circuit Fragments for this task.
799 Cup of Joe themirrorshard.jpg Make up some Coffee Crystals (Special Requirement)
800 Fair Coffee themirrorshard.jpg Brew up some Fair Trade Grounds (Special Requirement)
801 Fortified Coffee themirrorshard.jpg Mix up some Fortified Coffee Grounds (Special Requirement)
802 Fortified Coffee Grounds ChemKit25.jpg Spike Fair Trade Grounds with Caffeine Powder
803 Lattes! Instant Latte themirrorshard.jpg Hydrate some Lattes! Latte Powder (Special Requirement)
804 Stolen Coffee Pot toolbelt.jpg Repair a Cordless Coffee Pot with some Thick Cabling
805 Medicinal Draught ChemKit25.jpg Crush a Maze Fang into the Clear Draught
806 Glowing Draught ChemKit25.jpg Solidify your Medicinal Draught with Fine Hound Dust
807 Unstable Draught ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve White Flakes in the Clear Draught
808 Unstable Draught ChemKit25.jpg Mix Nitro into the Clear Draught
809 Survivors' Eclipse Sheet ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Survivors' Origami Sheet with Liquified Eclipse
810 Survivors' Origami Shirt WeldingTorch25.jpg Expand your Unlined Vest with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet
811 Survivors' Origami Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Cover your Unlined Pants with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet
812 Survivors' Origami Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Build a blade for your Sword Hilt with an Interlocking Survivors' Sheet
813 Survivors' Origami Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Fold your Interlocking Survivors' Sheet around Pistol Fittings
814 Survivors' Origami Shield WeldingTorch25.jpg Plate a Midgard Riot Shield with your Interlocking Survivors' Sheet
815 Survivors' Origami Coin themirrorshard.jpg Fold two Survivors' Origami Sheets
816 Interlocking Survivors' Sheet themirrorshard.jpg Interlock a pair of Survivors' Origami Sheets
817 Survivors' Origami Vortex themirrorshard.jpg Twist two Survivors' Origami Sheets
818 Survivors' Origami Box themirrorshard.jpg Hide a treasure with two Survivors' Origami Sheets
819 Survivors' Origami Crown themirrorshard.jpg Coronate yourself with four Survivors' Origami Sheets
820 Survivors' Origami Crane themirrorshard.jpg Stick to the basics with a Survivors' Origami Sheet
821 Spun Decahedron ChemKit25.jpg Fuse your Spun Tetrahedron and Spun Cube
822 Spun Isocahedron ChemKit25.jpg Merge your Spun Octahedron and Spun Dodecahedron
823 Spun Lattice ChemKit25.jpg Overlay your Spun Decahedron and Spun Isocahedron
824 Optimized Targeter computerchip.jpg Interlock your Targeting Algorithm with a HUD Manager
826 NovOS HUD Manager computerchip.jpg Specialize your HUD Manager with a Functionality Interface
827 Inhuman HUD Manager computerchip.jpg Rebuild your HUD Manager around Inhuman Code
828 filtered HUD Manager computerchip.jpg Affix a Secured Filter to your NovOS HUD Manager
829 Integrated Vision computerchip.jpg Integrate your HUD Manager with Backend Code
830 Integrated Targeting computerchip.jpg Feed your Targeting Algorithm data from Backend Code
831 Integrated Vigilance computerchip.jpg Let EyesAround gaze through Backend Code
832 Integrated Hunt computerchip.jpg Enhance your Targeting Algorithm data with Integrated Vision
833 Integrated Choreography computerchip.jpg Follow the instructions of Inhuman Code through your Integrated Vision
834 Fractal Loop computerchip.jpg Let some Fractal Code endlessly rewrite itself with a Command Script
835 Cacophony Producer computerchip.jpg Seed White Noise Produce with Backend Code
836 Integrated Verification computerchip.jpg Rewire your Inhuman HUD Manager with Backend Code
837 Zipgun WeldingTorch25.jpgQ Weaponize an Empty Clip with Pistol Fittings
838 Personal Nailbat WeldingTorch25.jpgQ Make some Polysteel nails to stud your Enforcement Bat
839 Animatronic Raven toolbelt.jpg Animate your Stuffed Raven with an Animatronic Motor
840 Puddle Meat ButcherKnife25.jpg Fillet a Puddle Fish
841 Puddle Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Class up a Puddle Fish with some Sushi Rice
842 Puddle Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap a Puddle Fish in Sushi Nori
843 Stringy Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Mix Silk Strands into Liquified Eclipse
844 Silk Fishing Line ChemKit25.jpg Untangle two clumps of Silk Strands
847 Cyberlimb Blanks toolbelt.jpg Solder some Artificial Muscle Fibers to equally Artificial Bone
848 Protocyberlimbs toolbelt.jpg Assemble Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a Cybernetic Interface (2 Energy)
849 Basic Cyberarms toolbelt.jpg Piece together Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and two Cybernetic Interfaces (3 Energy)
850 Basic Cyberlegs toolbelt.jpg Build up Artificial Bone with twice the Artificial Muscle Fibers and Cybernetic Interfaces (3 Energy)
851 Wired Cyberarms toolbelt.jpg Fire up Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and three Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy)
852 Wired Cyberlegs toolbelt.jpg Wrap Artificial Bone with twice the Artificial Muscle Fibers and double Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy)
853 Powerful Cyberarms toolbelt.jpg Mobilize Artificial Bone with double Artificial Muscle Fibers and a pair of Cybernetic Interfaces (4 Energy)
854 Powerful Cyberlegs toolbelt.jpg Beef up Artificial Bone with triple Artificial Muscle Fibers and a Cybernetic Interface (4 Energy)
855 Targeting Cyberarms toolbelt.jpg Focus Artificial Bone, Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a pair of Cybernetic Interfaces with a Targeting Circuit (4 Energy)
856 Rhythmic Cyberlegs toolbelt.jpg Synchronize Artificial Bones, two Artificial Muscle Fibers, and a Cybernetic Interface with a Signal Analysis Circuit (4 Energy)
857 Sealed Cyberblade toolbelt.jpg Apply a Cybersafety Seal to an Unsealed Cyberblade
858 Trash Cyberheart toolbelt.jpg Install a Cybernetic Interface into a Trash Golem Heart
859 Sludge Cyberheart toolbelt.jpg Fit a Sludge Heart with a Cybernetic Interface
860 Secret Cyberheart toolbelt.jpg Hide a Cybernetic Interface inside a Secret Heart
861 Crack the Stone ChemKit25.jpg Melt open a Philosopher Stone with Dragon Blood
862 Crack the Stone ChemKit25.jpg Melt open a Philosopher Stone with Aqua Regia
863 Chattering Skull toolbelt.jpg Enliven your Foam Skull with an Animatronic Motor
864 Injured Gargoyle toolbelt.jpg Motivate your Plastic Gargoyle with an Animatronic Motor
865 Animatronic Gargoyle toolbelt.jpg Animate your Plastic Gargoyle with two Animatronic Motors
866 Skull Pile themirrorshard.jpgQ Mortar together six Foam Skulls with a Foam Tube
867 Moving Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Crisp Apple with Liquified Eclipse
868 Moving Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject an Heirloom Apple with Liquified Eclipse
869 Moving Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Waxed Apple with Liquified Eclipse
870 Water Pump WeldingTorch25.jpg Use an Animatronic Motor to force water through a Gas Mask closed up with Sealant Patches
871 Moving Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject a Mislit Apple with Liquified Eclipse
872 Silver Ingot ChemKit25.jpg Extract it from two Mirror Tiles
873 Ghost Functionality computerchip.jpg Wrap a Functionality Interface with Ghost Code
874 Ghost Security computerchip.jpg Encapsulate a Security Interface with Ghost Code
875 Ghost Code computerchip.jpg Q Create Ghost Code from six Snippets of Code
876 Moving Apple ChemKit25.jpg Inject an Apple with Liquified Eclipse
878 Eclipsemelon ChemKit25.jpg Soak a Watermelon Slice in Liquified Eclipse
879 Scattering Firework ChemKit25.jpg Set Twin Fireworks up to shatter with some White Flakes
880 Designed Firework toolbelt.jpg Aim a Scattering Firework with a Targeting Circuit
881 Bug Cage themirrorshard.jpg L Laboriously shape some Frayed Cabling (1 Energy)
882 Sliced Bread oven25.jpg Bake up a little loaf from 2 cups of Flour
883 Cake Batter oven25.jpg Whip up 2 Eggs and Flour (0 Energy)
884 Cookie Dough oven25.jpg Mix Egg, Flour, and Butter (0 Energy)
885 Egg Noodles oven25.jpg Roll out two cups of Flour and an Egg
886 Pizza Dough oven25.jpg Make a simple dough out of Flour (0 Energy)
887 Pie Dough oven25.jpg Cut Butter into two cups of Flour
888 Grilled Cheese oven25.jpg Grill a Cheese Slice between Sliced Bread
889 Piece Of Cake oven25.jpg Layer a cake from 2 bowls of Cake Batter
890 Caramel Chip Cookie oven25.jpg Break a Caramel Bar into some Cookie Dough
891 Buttery Noodles oven25.jpg Drizzle some Egg Noodles with Butter
892 Cheese Fries oven25.jpg Top some Pizza Dough with a Cheese Slice
893 Slice Of Apple Pie oven25.jpg Contain five Apples in two layers of Pie Dough
894 Animatronic Doll toolbelt.jpg Breathe life into your Giant Doll with an Animatronic Motor
895 Wooden Stake themirrorshard.jpg Q Whittle down a Sharp Stick (1 Energy)
896 Paper Bat themirrorshard.jpg Flatten and cut four Paper Mache (1 Energy)
897 Swirling Blood ChemKit25.jpg Hydrate Bloody Punch Mix with Liquified Eclipse
898 Bloody Sludge ChemKit25.jpg Thicken Bloody Punch Mix with Slags Antidote
899 Skull Fountain WeldingTorch25.jpg Assemble four Polysteel Supports, a Foam Skull, an Animatronic Motor, and a Skull Pile
900 Tamago Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Lay some Tamago on Sushi Rice
901 Biscotti oven25.jpg Double bake two Cookie Doughs
902 Tamago oven25.jpg Roll some Eggs with Processed Sugar
903 Spicy Noodles oven25.jpg Add some Phoenix Sauce to your Egg Noodles
904 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fry a Large Mushroom in some Dry Rice
905 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fry up an Edible Mushroom with Dry Rice
906 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Inter a Grave Mushroom in Dry Rice
907 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fry Dry Rice with Twin Mushrooms
908 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Build a Construction Mushroom in Dry Rice
909 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Lake Bluegill cooked in Dry Rice
910 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Dock Pike fried with Dry Rice
911 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Dry Rice and Partially Digested Fish fried into a safe dish
912 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Dry Rice fried with some Dried Fish
913 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Dry Rice fried up with Lake Perch
914 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Eager Fish hopping into Dry Rice
915 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Skullfish made less creepy with some Dry Rice
916 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Dry Rice joined with a Silver Darter
917 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Eyeless Fish swimming in Dry Rice
918 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Puddle Fish moved to Dry Rice
919 Fried Rice oven25.jpg Dry Rice mixed with an Egg
920 Mushroom Skewer oven25.jpg Skewer two Edible Mushrooms
921 Mushroom Sandwich oven25.jpg A Large Mushroom on Sliced Bread
922 Breakfast Sandwich oven25.jpg A fried Egg on some Sliced Bread
923 Mushroom Stroganoff oven25.jpg An Edible Mushroom with Egg Noodles
924 Mushroom Stroganoff oven25.jpg Some Twin Mushrooms with Egg Noodles
925 Mushroom Stroganoff oven25.jpg Egg Noodles with Construction Mushroom and a little sauce
926 Fried Fish oven25.jpg Batter and fry a Lake Bluegill with Flour
927 Fried Fish oven25.jpg Flour and fry a Lake Perch
928 Chocolate oven25.jpg Melt two Ancient Candybars
929 Chocolate oven25.jpg Melt a Caramel Bar into an Ancient Candybar
930 Chocolate Chunk Cookie oven25.jpg Add some Chocolate to Cookie Dough
931 Melted Chocolate oven25.jpg Mix some Butter and Chocolate
932 Dipped Cookie oven25.jpg Bake Cookie Dough and dip in Melted Chocolate
933 Chocolate Apple oven25.jpg Dip a Mislit Apple in Melted Chocolate
934 Chocolate Apple oven25.jpg Cover a Heirloom Apple in Melted Chocolate<
935 Chocolate Apple oven25.jpg Smother a Crisp Apple in Melted Chocolate
936 Chocolate Cake oven25.jpg Mix some Cake Batter with Melted Chocolate and bake
937 Matcha Cake oven25.jpg Add a bit of Matcha to some Cake Batter
938 Chocolate Apple oven25.jpg Spread Melted Chocolate over an Apple
939 Bone Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit Bone Flakes around Pistol Fittings
940 Bone Automatic WeldingTorch25.jpg Gather Bone Flakes over Rifle Fittings
941 Chitinous Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Assemble Stone Spider Chitin with Rifle Fittings
942 Ghoulish Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg String Ghoulish Sinew over Pistol Fittings
943 Regrowing Tendrils ChemKit25.jpg Rehydrate Withered Tendrils and feed with Agar Powder
944 Living Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Drape Regrowing Tendrils over Pistol Fittings
945 Toothy Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Living Pistol with Ghoul Teeth
946 Clip of Teeth WeldingTorch25.jpg Fill an Empty Clip with Ghoul Teeth
947 Bloodthirsty Sidearm toolbelt.jpg Haunt an Executive Sidearm with Shivering Capacitors and a Targeting Circuit (2 Energy)
948 Writhing Gun WeldingTorch25.jpg Further warp a Living Pistol with Regrowing Tendrils
949 Chitinous Bullets WeldingTorch25.jpg Break down Stone Spider Chitin to fit in an Empty Clip
950 Killer Pistol ChemKit25.jpg Q Anoint a Handmade Pistol with an Ectoplasmic Sample
951 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fry up a Delicious Puffball with Dry Rice
952 Sauteed Puffball oven25.jpg Saute up some Delicious Puffball in Butter
953 Apple Dumpling oven25.jpg Wrap an Apple in Pie Dough
954 Apple Dumpling oven25.jpg Conceal a Mislit Apple in Pie Dough
955 Apple Dumpling oven25.jpg Cover a Heirloom Apple in Pie Dough
956 Apple Dumpling oven25.jpg Secure a Crisp Apple in Pie Dough
957 Unformed Chocolate oven25.jpg Simmer some Liquified Eclipse and Melted Chocolate
958 Chocolate Strawberry oven25.jpg Dip a Strawberry in Melted Chocolate
961 Plain Omelette oven25.jpg Break two Eggs
962 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Fold an Egg over an Edible Mushroom
963 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Dice a Large Mushroom and mix with an Egg
964 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Shred a Delicious Puffball into an Egg
965 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Bury a Grave Mushroom in Egg
966 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Add a Twin Mushroom to a cooking Egg
967 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Build an Egg dish around a Construction Mushroom
968 Omurice oven25.jpg Drape a Plain Omelette over cooked Dry Rice
969 Gelatin Dessert oven25.jpg Add some Processed Sugar to Agar Powder gelatin
970 Unsettling Gelatin oven25.jpg Whip some Agar Powder with Liquified Eclipse
971 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Dice up a Watermelon Slice into Agar Powder gelatin
972 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Chop an Apple into Agar Powder gelatin
973 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Add a Strawberry to Agar Powder gelatin
974 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Build Agar Powder gelatin around a Mislit Apple
975 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Secure an Heirloom Apple in Agar Powder
976 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Preserve a Crisp Apple in Agar Powder
979 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Debone a Meaty Haunch and cover in Pie Dough
980 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Dismantle a Giant Bat Wing and conceal it in Pie Dough
981 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Get some meat from a Crocodile Tail and fold it in Pie Dough
982 Spicy Bat Wing oven25.jpg Smother a Bat Wing in Phoenix Sauce
983 Bat Skewer oven25.jpg Pierce and bake two Bat Wings
984 Bat Skewer oven25.jpg Piece together a Giant Bat Wing and a normal Bat Wing
985 Bat Skewer oven25.jpg Shred two Giant Bat Wings for meat
986 Mystery Meat Skewer oven25.jpg Shave bits from two Meaty Haunches
987 Crocodile Skewer oven25.jpg Dismantle and cook two Crocodile Tails
988 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Add a diced Pear into some Agar Powder gelatin
995 Cheese Omelette oven25.jpg Shred Sliced Cheese into an Egg and cook carefully
996 Integrated Jumpjet toolbelt.jpg Equip a Shielded Jumpjet with a Cybernetic Interface
997 Reinforced Drone Leg WeldingTorch25.jpg Strengthen a Spider Drone Leg with a Steel Ingot
998 Jagged Drone Leg WeldingTorch25.jpg Stud a Spider Drone Leg with a Stone Spider Chitin
999 Spider Leg Rifle WeldingTorch25.jpg Convert a Stone Spider Leg with Assault Rifle Fittings
1000 Arachnid Blade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Stone Spider Leg in a Sword Hilt
1001 Extended Spider Leg WeldingTorch25.jpg Affix a Stone Spider Leg to a Riot Baton
1003 Silk Whip WeldingTorch25.jpg Stretch a Spider Skein from a Sword Hilt
1005 Silk Vest WeldingTorch25.jpg Melt a Spider Skein into an Unlined Vest
1006 Silk Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Finish Unlined Pants with a Spider Skein
1007 Silk Fishing Line (gives ?-3-?) ChemKit25.jpg Mix Silk Strands with a Spider Skein
1008 Silk Fishing Line (gives ?-3-4?) ChemKit25.jpg Process two Spider Skeins
1009 Stringy Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Dissolve a Spider Skein in Liquified Eclipse
1010 Silk Injector ChemKit25.jpg Melt a Spider Skein into an Empty Injector
1011 Venomous Paste ChemKit25.jpg Mix Hound Dust in a Spider Venom Sample
1012 Fried Spider Eggs oven25.jpg Fry some Spider Eggs in Butter
1013 Charred Spider Eggs oven25.jpg Bake two pinches of Spider Eggs
1014 Cybernetic Cat Ears toolbelt.jpg Upgrade a Cat Ear Headband with a Cybernetic Interface
1015 Cancelled Firework toolbelt.jpg Inform a Scattering Firework with a Cancelled Circuit
1016 Glittering Paint Set ChemKit25.jpg Sparkle up a Children's Paint Set with Craft Glitter
1017 Gold Powder ChemKit25.jpg Purify Craft Glitter with Aqua Regia
1018 3 Decorative Webbing ChemKit25.jpg Bulk out your Decorative Webbing with an actual Spider Skein
1019 2 Decorative Webbing ChemKit25.jpg Spin Silk Strands with Decorative Webbing
1020 Bypassed Datareader toolbelt.jpg Rewire the Locked Datareader with a Biomonitor Circuit
1021 Unmelting Ice Brick ChemKit25.jpg R Compress and fuse four handfuls of Unmelting Snowflakes
1022 Ink Pasta oven25.jpg Dress some Egg Noodles with Kraken Ink.
1023 Ink Pasta oven25.jpg Color some Egg Noodles with Octopus Ink.
1024 Black Risotto oven25.jpg Cook some Dry Rice with Kraken Ink.
1025 Black Risotto oven25.jpg Darken Dry Rice with Octopus Ink.
1027 Tentacle Risotto oven25.jpg Mix shreds of Massive Tentacle with Black Risotto
1028 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Fold shredded Massive Tentacle in Pie Dough
1029 Cyberblade Hinge WeldingTorch25.jpg Hinge some Artificial Bone with a Switchblade Handle
1030 Basic Cyberblade toolbelt.jpg Hide a Cyberblade Hinge in Basic Cyberarms
1031 Steel Cyberblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Fit a Basic Cyberblade with a Steel Ingot blade
1032 Hardened Cyberblade WeldingTorch25.jpg Reinforce a Basic Cyberblade with Hardened Plastic
1033 Sealed Cyberblade toolbelt.jpg Apply a Cybersafety Seal to a Basic Cyberblade
1034 Reflexive Cyberblade toolbelt.jpg Trigger a Basic Cyberblade from a Biomonitor Circuit
1035 Cybergun Attachment WeldingTorch25.jpg Set some Pistol Fittings in Artificial Bone
1036 Exposed Cybergun toolbelt.jpg Fix a Cybergun Attachment to Basic Cyberarms
1037 Decorative Cybergun WeldingTorch25.jpg Play up an Exposed Cybergun with Gold Foil
1038 Ballistic Cybergun WeldingTorch25.jpg Refit an Exposed Cybergun with Ballistic Plastic
1039 Bony Sword WeldingTorch25.jpg Slot an Artificial Bone blade into a Sword Hilt
1040 Bone Spiked Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Line Bone Flakes along some Brass Knuckles
1041 Artificial Bone Knuckles WeldingTorch25.jpg Plate Brass Knuckles with an Artificial Bone
1042 Bone Plated Cyberarms WeldingTorch25.jpg Case Basic Cyberarms with more Artificial Bone
1043 Bone Plated Cyberlegs WeldingTorch25.jpg Reskin Basic Cyberlegs with more Artificial Bone
1044 Posturing Pistol WeldingTorch25.jpg Apply Artificial Bone fronts to a Filthy Pistol
1045 Posturing Pauldrons WeldingTorch25.jpg Decorate a Light Armored Vest with Artificial Bone
1047 Matcha Cake oven25.jpg Mix Soothing Tea into some Cake Batter
1048 Combat Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Drop a Combat Stimulant in Liquified Eclipse.
1049 Skeletal Cyberleg toolbelt.jpg Wire a Cybernetic Interface through two Artificial Bones (2 Energy)
1050 Skeletal Cyberarm toolbelt.jpg Articulate two Artificial Bones with two Cybernetic Interfaces (2 Energy)
1051 Exposed Skull toolbelt.jpg Seal together two Artifical Bones (2 Energy)
1052 Recording Bone Leg toolbelt.jpg Fit a Biomonitoring Circuit and two Formatted Memory Cores into a Skeletal Cyberleg (2 Energy)
1053 Gesturing Bone Arm toolbelt.jpg Wire a Skeletal Cyberarm with a Twitch Controller and a Neural Bridge (2 Energy)
1054 Crystal Focus Skull toolbelt.jpg Attach two Artificial Hound Crystals and two natural Hound Crystals to an Exposed Skull (2 Energy)
1055 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Pull the meat from a Lizard Tail and fold it in Pie Dough
1056 Mystery Meat Skewer oven25.jpg Skewer bits from two Lizard Tails
1057 Cybereye Blank toolbelt.jpg Fit a Blown Glass Trinket with a Cybernetic Interface
1058 Empty Cybereye toolbelt.jpg Attach an Optical Array and Cybernetic Interface to a Blown Glass Trinket (2 Energy)
1059 Garish Cybereye ChemKit25.jpg Plate a Cybereye Blank with Gold Foil
1060 Silver Cybereye ChemKit25.jpg Fill a Cybereye Blank with a Silver Ingot
1061 Rippling Cybereye ChemKit25.jpg Pour Liquified Eclipse into a Cybereye Blank
1062 Weeping Cybereye ChemKit25.jpg Hide a Flask of Tears in a Cybereye Blank
1063 Nightmarish Cybereye ChemKit25.jpg Twist a Cybereye Blank with Nightmare Fuel
1064 Stimulant Injector ChemKit25.jpg Feed a Combat Stimulant into an Empty Injector.
1065 Lake Pearl Necklace themirrorshard.jpg Q String together 14 Lake Pearls
1066 Cultured Pearl Necklace themirrorshard.jpg Q Bracket a Cultured Pearl with two sets of Tiny Black Pearls
1067 Clay Fairy oven25.jpg Q Bake some carefully formed PolyClay
1068 Clay Mushroom oven25.jpg Q Cook an inedible mushroom from PolyClay
1069 Clay Worm oven25.jpg Q Roll and bake some PolyClay
1070 Clay Horse oven25.jpg Q Fix your PolyClay art in place
1072 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Empty some Large Spider Legs into Pie Dough
1073 Buttery Spider Legs oven25.jpg Boil some Large Spider Legs and serve with a side of Butter
1074 Fruit Gelatin oven25.jpg Drop Grapes into Agar Powder gelatin
1075 Elevator Controls toolbelt.jpg Q Cobble together a control system out of two Signal Analysis Circuits, some Thick Cabling, and a Large Motor.
1076 Mushroom Cap Nigiri ButcherKnife25.jpg Cover some Sushi Rice with a Burger Cap
1077 Mushroom Skewer oven25.jpg Skewer a Burger Cap and another Edible Mushroom
1078 Mushroom Skewer oven25.jpg Skewer an Edible Mushroom and some Yellow Shelf Fungus
1079 Mushroom Sandwich oven25.jpg A grilled Burger Cap between Sliced Bread
1080 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fry a sliced Burger Cap with Dry Rice
1080 Mushroom Stir Fry oven25.jpg Season some Dry Rice with a Yellow Shelf Fungus
1082 Mushroom Stroganoff oven25.jpg Yellow Shelf Fungus with sauce over Egg Noodles
1083 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Mix Burger Cap chunks with an Egg
1084 Mushroom Omelette oven25.jpg Flecks of Yellow Shelf Fungus cooked with an Egg
1085 Trout Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Slice a Fountain Trout
1086 Trout Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Lay Fountain Trout over Sushi Rice
1087 Fountain Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Wrap a Fountain Trout in Sushi Nori
1088 Fish Stir Fry oven25.jpg Fountain Trout fried with Dry Rice
1089 Worm Scale Shirt WeldingTorch25.jpg Fuse a Pale Worm Hide to an Unlined Vest
1090 Worm Scale Pants WeldingTorch25.jpg Wrap Unlined Pants with a Pale Worm Hide
1091 Worm Liquor ChemKit25.jpg Preserve a Water Worm in Grain Alcohol
1092 Wormslayer WeldingTorch25.jpg Reforge Blade Fragments and attach a Sword Hilt
1093 Meat Pie oven25.jpg Present the meat from a Rat Haunch in Pie Dough
1094 Taser toolbelt.jpg Refurbish a Broken Taser with a Capacitor Array
1097 Frozen Eclipse ChemKit25.jpg Cool Liquified Eclipse with Dry Ice
1098 Dry Ice Slurry ChemKit25.jpg Finely mix Dry Ice with Grain Alcohol
1099 Pineapple Flavored Cake oven25.jpg Bake a little Cake Batter with Pineapple Powder
1100 Pineapple Hard Candy oven25.jpg Melt Pineapple Powder into Processed Sugar
1101 Christmas Cake Slice oven25.jpg Cook up a bowl of Cake Batter. Decorate with a Strawberry and freshly fallen snow. (Special Requirement)
1102 Unmelting Ice Brick ChemKit25.jpg R Fuse two handfuls of Unmelting Snowflakes with a lump of Dry Ice
1104 Braised Meat oven25.jpg Cook a Meaty Haunch in a Glass of Red.
1105 Braised Meat oven25.jpg Braise a Rat Haunch in a Glass of Red.
1106 Braised Meat oven25.jpg Break down a Giant Bat Wing with a Glass of Red.
1107 Purple Wine ChemKit25.jpg Mull a Cup of Red with some Black Petals.
1108 Leaded Wine ChemKit25.jpg Sweeten a Cup of Red with Lead.
1112 Gulper Sashimi ButcherKnife25.jpg Dissect a Giant Gulper
1113 Gulper Sushi ButcherKnife25.jpg Fix the edible parts of a Giant Gulper with Sushi Rice
1114 Gulping Roll ButcherKnife25.jpg Make a couple Giant Gulper rolls with Sushi Nori
1115 Gulper Solution ChemKit25.jpg Add Lake Gulper organs to Slags Antidote
1119 Flotsam ChemKit25.jpg Reveal the contents of a Worm Gastrolith with Fuming Acid
1120 Slice Of Pumpkin Pie oven25.jpg Fill some Pie Dough with Pumpkin

Additionally, the following combinations are also valid, which not listed above directly, but are made of several parts assembled as intermediate steps:


August 26th, 2012 - containment suits were updated, adding a ~dozen new recipes, and recipes #146 and #150 were removed.

July 3rd, 2012 - grenades were updated, adding a few new recipes and recipe #34 removed.

Dec 6th, 2014 - various grenades recipes were pluralized.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License