Records Vault


This is in the Oldtown area, accessed via The Vault.

This area counts as hard to enter, etc.

Resting here gives:

You do your best to hide yourself among the stacks, but the patrols are a constant feature.
You regain 10 hit points!

or, after the Records Office Evacuation:

You find a place among the stacks to crash out until the sounds of a patrol jolt you awake. Thank goodness their armor doesn't make them particularly stealthy.

You regain 10 hit points!

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters Eclipse.jpg Etheric only
Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters coffee.jpg Non-Etheric only
defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters fishingpole.jpg Requires Fishing pole
LeatherJacket.jpg Gang Warfare Encounters PDA.jpg Can lead to a Hacking Encounter

BrassKnuckles25.jpg Combat Encounters

                          Opponent                           Encounter Text Notes
MidgardHeavy.jpg Wandering the tight confines of the records vault, you find yourself at a dead end. As you begin to backtrack, you find your way blocked by a heavily-armored figure.

He wastes no time trying to verify your identity, instead immediately laying into you with his fists.
No panic?
MidgardHeavy.jpg A heavily armored figure ambushes you from between two stacks of records, leaping at you with surprising grace. Med panic?
MidgardHeavy.jpg MidgardHeavy.jpg In the depths of the records vault, two guards manage to corner you down one of the small walkways. Med panic?
coffee.jpg MidgardHeavy.jpg RobotHound.jpg You hear heavy footsteps through the stacks, growing increasingly close to you. Despite their plodding, they seem to have a better idea of where you're going than you do.

Eventually you meet the footsteps' source and the hound drone that was probably responsible for tracking you down.
Low panic?
Eclipse.jpg MidgardHeavy.jpg RabidWolf.jpg You hear heavy footsteps through the stacks, growing increasingly close to you. Despite their plodding, they seem to have a better idea of where you're going than you do.

Eventually you meet the footsteps' source and the twisted thing that was probably responsible for tracking you down.
Low panic?
MidgardHeavyGatling.jpg You hear an electronic whirr and, a moment later, the sound of hundreds of bullets tearing through documents. The first blind barrage went largely over your head, but opened your view to a heavily armored guard leveling a massive gun at you. Higher panic?
MidgardHeavy.jpgMidgardHeavyGatling.jpgMidgardHeavy.jpg The vault is swarming with guards. It's a small blessing that you found three who are far enough from the others to not signal the main group.

Unfortunately, the two on the flanks of the group are protecting the one in the middle while its gun spins up.
Higher panic?
4x MidgardHeavy.jpg Guards swarm over you like flies on Southside garbage bins. Although they're heavily armored, they seem a little overly cautious about damaging the archives.

Hopefully you can use that to your advantage.
This seems new - NOT highest panic (break room was skill occupied)

Peace-Patch.jpg Noncombat Encounters

Encounter Result Notes
Eclipse.jpg Fae Illumination Unlock Skull in the Niche/Floating Skull in the Niche encounters, 20 duration of Fae Blessing Only with Fae Sight while on David's quest?

Note: various encounters in this area can be unlocked in various ways. See the chart below for a summary:
Encounter Soothing Stacks - explore quietly Heart Rate Monitor Malfunction - join patrol in disguise Other
Sleeping Vault Terminal possible chance possible chance Ask Unfazed Records Lady
Skull in the Niche/Floating Skull in the Niche possible chance possible chance Fae Illumination
Cold Storage possible chance possible chance Ask Unfazed Records Lady if she is drunk
Hidden Break Room possible chance possible chance Ask Unfazed Records Lady if she is drunk

defaultitem.jpg Choice Encounters

Unfazed Records Lady - only if you haven't killed her

  1. Ask about terminals - Unlocks Sleeping Vault Terminal
  2. Ask about seed samples (With Lo as your contact)- Unlocks Cold Storage if drunk
  3. Ask about toxin levels (With Hel as your contact) - Unlocks Hidden Break Room if drunk
  4. Just chat - Information
  5. Offer an office flask (Only after just chatting, with office flask in inventory) - changes various results
  6. Murder her - gain Midgard records ID, permanently removes this encounter
  7. Leave her be - Walk away

Soothing Stacks

  1. Look for trouble - fight 2 Midgard Heavy Guards (Unarmed)
  2. Explore quietly - fight 1 Midgard Heavy Guard (Unarmed) or with enough Stealth Power unlock encounters
  3. Do some reading - gain 3 XP in Perception
  4. Take a rest - gain ?-34-? HP

Sleeping Vault Terminal - after successfully unlocking

  1. Jack in (With a computer) - Hack Vault Records
  2. Harvest its parts (With salvaging tools) - Gain 5? of frayed cable, microcapacitor, memory stick, capacitor array
  3. Pull up files - Gain 2 XP in Perception
  4. Surf the Net - Gain 3 XP in Will if disabled Line Out
  5. Play a game - Gain 2-3 XP in Perception if you know Chess, disable Line Out if you win
  6. Leave it be - Walk away

Cold Storage - after successfully unlocking

  1. Check it out (After applying a vault bypass) - Get a generation zero sample
  2. Grab something/Grab something else - Get a random seed sample and 2 XP in Perception
  3. Climb in one - Regain 20 HP or more in warm weather gear (see discussion)
  4. Check for Special Projects (With Lo as your contact) - Unlocks 'Pry open the controls' and 'Apply powerful acid', removes this option
  5. Pry open the controls - Information
  6. Apply powerful acid (With powerful acid) - Unlocks 'Check the wires' and 'Use a signal analysis circuit', removes this option and 'Pry open the controls'
  7. Check the wires - Information
  8. Use a signal analysis circuit (With a signal analysis circuit) - Learn Vault Bypass recipe
  9. Add the bypass (With a vault bypass) - Unlocks 'Check it out', removes this option, 'Check the wires' and 'Use a signal analysis circuit'
  10. Leave them be - Walk Away

coffee.jpg Skull in the Niche - after successfully unlocking
  1. Talk to it - Gain 23? HP, 2 XP in Will
  2. Stare into it - Gain 3 XP in Perception
  3. Pry it out - Gain 3 XP in Strength
  4. Leave it be - Walk away

Eclipse.jpg Floating Skull in the Niche - after successfully unlocking
  1. Talk to it
    1. Midgard - Information
    2. Special Projects - Unlocks 'Wotan'
    3. Wotan (after asking about Special Projects) - Information
    4. Dr. Amundsen (if you have Dr. A contact) - Information
    5. Sif (if you have Dr. A contact) - Information
    6. Lo (if you have Lo contact) - Information
    7. David (if you have David contact) - Information
    8. Baldur (if you have David contact) - Unlocks Mim in the Niche
    9. Noone - Information
    10. Nevermind - Walk away
  2. Stare back - 3 XP in Will
  3. Pry it out - 3 XP in Strength
  4. Leave it be - Walk away

Eclipse.jpg Mim in the Niche - After asking the floating skull about Baldur
  1. Who are you? - Information
  2. What about Eclipse? - Completes David's Oldtown quest?
  3. Who was Wotan? - Information
  4. What is happening now? (Only after asking about Eclipse) - Information
  5. Just stare back - 3 XP in Will
  6. Pry it out - 3 XP in Strength
  7. Leave it be - Walk away

Heart Rate Monitor Malfunction - (in Heavy Midgard Security outfit (3 parts?) and when the vault is not at high alert)

  1. Ask about the vault - Fight 2 Midgard Heavy Guard (Unarmed)
  2. Ask what monitor - Raises alert
  3. Ask about differentiation (After starting Cellular Questions quest) - unlock papers in the Hidden Break Room
  4. Join his patrol - 2 XP in Perception, unlock various other areas in the vault
  5. Jump him - Fight Midgard Heavy Guard (Unarmed)
  6. Make excuses - Walk Away, raises alert

Hidden Break Room - after successfully unlocking

  1. Charge in (At low alert) - Fight 1-2 Midgard Heavy Guard (Unarmed), Evil (1)
  2. Stroll in (At low alert) - Fight 2 Midgard Heavy Guards (Unarmed) or gain cup of joe if in Heavy Midgard Security outfit
  3. Grab some stuff (At high alert) - gain 2-3 of egg salad sandwich, Lattes! breakfast sandwich, 2-3 cups of Joe
  4. Grab a nap (At high alert) - gain 25 HP
  5. Check out the files - Information
  6. Grab differentiation papers After talking to the Heart Rate Monitor Malfunction guards - fight 2 Midgard Heavy Guards (Unarmed) and gain cellular differentiation papers, or at high alert, just take the papers
  7. Pull Slags documents (After checking out the files, on Hel's quest) - Fight 2 Midgard Heavy Guards (Unarmed), or at high alert gain Slags chemical study
  8. Back away - Walk Away

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