Ruby Apple


Image apple.jpg
Description "Ruby" probably isn't really the right word for the material this is made out of, but it's some kind of brilliant red crystal. It really looks more like a blown glass sculpture than a fruit, but you can still pretend to be a particularly well-liked teacher or just soak in the strange energy it seems to put out.

Everything seems so bright, just like the apple. The colors seem more vibrant, the shadows deeper, and everyone's sins laid bare.
Type Offhand
Effects +4 Ranged Power
+4 Perception


Augments the Judgement technique.


Crystallize a Mislit Apple with Hound Eclipse
Hound Eclipse Mislit Apple
= Ruby Apple


Hammer25.jpg This item is not a component for any kind of crafting.
toolbox.jpg hound dust
GoldCoins.jpg .16 Goods


This item's enchantment used to be +5 to ranged power and perception when first released.

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