Sales Assistant


Image humanoid%20food%20cort%20drown.png
Type ??

Responses to Functions

Function Message U Result
Offense The software stands up surprisingly well to your attack. ?
3? Offense The assistant crashes and you hear some grumbling of annoyance from the other cubicles. ? Remove routine
Gain 10 duration of Call Center Alarm
1 Command You enter some false calls for your own amusement.

A warning about punishment pops up after a while, but it's not like you actually work here.
1 Command You enter some false calls for your own amusement.

An automated message covers the screen, ordering you to report to the manager's office. It even comes with a little map directing you to an unmarked door in the corner of the floor.

That said, it also displays the manager's schedule with the entire day off, so its advice may be of limited utility if you actually want to talk to someone.
? Unlocks Call Center Director's Office
3-4? Command You create a script entering a deluge of fake calls for your own amusement.

An automated message covers the screen, ordering you to report to the manager's office. It even comes with a little map directing you to an unmarked door in the corner of the floor.

That said, it also displays the manager's schedule with the entire day off, so it's advice may be of limited utility if you actually want to talk to someone.
? Unlocks Call Center Director's Office
View The more you look, the more it's obvious the system is more about monitoring the workers than helping the customers… or even keeping an eye on the customers. Whoever wrote this was definitely worried what the workers might do. ?
The assistant watches impassively as you submit your batch. ?

Active Responses

Using Attack

The assistant carefully logs your interactions.

Or, while Etheric?

The assistant turns to face you through the screen, raising one hand as though to test the surface from its side.

Or, with Hound Mark:

The assistant focuses its attention on you. (+2 Unsubtle)


Call Center Computer

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